Chapter Two

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A/N: Since I do not want to have direct similarities from TAATO, there will be some differences.:) Look out for those.

Mitch's nineteenth birthday came slowly, ending his fourteen-year stay. During that time, he lived in the orphanage, closing himself off from everybody. Everybody was very kind even though there was the occasional bully, but they didn't pick on him that long. He didn't develop friendships with any kids because when he tried to, they left. They were adopted, leaving him to be by himself. He stopped trying to have friendships after his tenth friend got adopted. They were only friends for not even half an hour when his friend got adopted. She promised that she will talk to him and send him letters.

She never did.

Mitch sighed to himself as he looked around his room, everything he owned already packed. He has no idea were to go. He doesn't even have a Mate for crying out loud. He heard the door open and standing there was the owner of the orphanage, a Beta. She looked unemotional as she walked in and took some of Mitch's stuff. He followed her, his small and timid steps echoing throughout the hallway. He then made the sudden realization throughout the years living here.

Nobody told me that they love me. Nobody loves me.

They then came to the door and saw that it was raining. The orphanage owner threw his stuff and pushed him out, causing him to stumble and fall on his hands. He refused to show the tears that were gathering up in his eyes.

She doesn't love me. I'm nothing but a worthless Omega. No wonder why your parents left me. They didn't like the fact that I wasn't normal.

"Never come back," the orphanage owner commanded loudly, slamming the doors. Mitch sighed as he gathered his bags and stood up, getting soaked by the rain. He then walked going anyplace random.

He then looked around his surroundings, not liking the eerie aura it gave of. He then heard something by him and he squealed. He saw that it was a car and immediately calmed down.

Where am I?

An hour or so passed and his body was soaked and tired. He could feel his eyes get heavy and let a yawn leave his mouth. He then sat down on a random porch and closed his eyes, letting slumber take over his exhausted body.


"That test was hard," Kirstin spoke up, the exhausted Beta brushing her hand through her hair. Kevin, the other Beta, nodded his head. "I'm happy I studied for it though. I would've have failed terribly."

"Same," Kevin replied, waiting for the Alphas to come. They finally did after a minute or so. "Avi, do you want me to drive?"

"Yes, Kevin," Avi answered, nodding his head. He is the second in command in their small pack. He then kissed Kirstin's head, making her look up and kiss him on his cheek. "I'm sure Scott will okay with it, right Scott?"

"Uh?" the leader asked, his mind blanking for a moment. He then looked at his pack who looked at him expectantly. "Oh, yeah. Go ahead. I don't mind."

The pack was indeed a small one. Scott and Avi met through Alpha school when they were about eight and have been friends since then. Kirstin and Kevin met at a Beta convention and been friends since that too. Avi and Kirstin then met each other after their parents made them meet each other. They are now each other's Mates and love each other dearly. Kevin's Mate, a Beta called Alyssa, is in another pack, but they still have every chance to talk to each other. They then all came all together and made the pack.

And Scott?

Well, he didn't have a Mate. He felt like focusing on his pack was the most important. He secretly wants one though. He feels jealousy run through his veins whenever his pack members love on each other. He just wants someone to love.

"Let's leave," he commanded, looking around his surroundings. For some reason, he felt like someone was at their house. It's probably just me. "We got a long day tomorrow."

Kevin nodded as he got into the car and waited until everyone else was in it. Scott then hopped into the front, the anxious feeling growing in his chest.

It's just me...right?


After thirty minutes of driving and the rain getting worse, the pack then made it to their house. They all live in a small one, but it was a decent size. Kirstin then looked at Scott, tilting her head.

"Scott, why don't you have a Mate?" she asked suddenly, making him shrug his shoulders. She then nodded, looking at their house. After a few seconds, she widened her eyes. "Guys...someone is at our house.

I knew it.

"Great," Avi murmured, unbuckling his seatbelt. Kevin stopped the car and Avi got out immediately, glaring at the figure. "They have bags. They probably stole all our stuff. This dang rain."

"Why would they be stealing stuff?" Kevin questioned, him and Kirstin getting out of the car. "We have an excellent security system. We would be notified if something were to happen."

"He's right, babe," Kirstin backed up, smiling at her Alpha. He then sighed as he agreed, nodding his head. "Nothing to worry about."

"Let's check on them," Scott demanded, putting on his hoodie. They all nodded and repeated his previous action. They all walked up cautiously only to find a small male that was a little bit younger than Kirstin. He was shivering, his teeth chattering. "Uh, Kevin. Get him, please and try to wake him up. Kirstin, go inside and get a bath running. Make sure you find some warm clothes. Just get some of mine and lay a blanket out for him. Avi, get his stuff and see if anything needs to be dried. I'll try to make something for him. Poor thing."

Everybody did as they were told. The minute Kevin picked him up, the small male put his head onto the Beta's shoulder. Scot couldn't help but look at the rain soaked male and notice how tired he looked. His face was structured perfectly and if he was awake, he refused to open his eyes. Scott then stayed outside longer, feeling something he has never felt before in his chest. He then shook it off, not wanting to deal with it.

We'll get him better then send him home. Hopefully he'll know where to go.

If only Scott knew.

A/N: They're here!!! I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! Thank you for the votes, comments, and reads! I love you!


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