Chapter Four

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Mitch then blinked, his blue eyes turning back into the brown eyes he owned.




Kirstin looked at him, her mouth wide open. He found out that she was the one who said those words. He sighed to himself as he went to get his stuff, but Avi stopped him.

"Where are you going?" Avi asked, his deep voice making Mitch freeze. "You're not leaving, are you?"

"Yeah," Mitch answered quietly, making the pack look at each other. "I was told to get out so that's what I'm doing."

"That's an expression," Kirstin quickly defended quickly, standing up. Mitch looked confused. Who would ever use that as an expression? "Get out usually means finding out something that is too good to be true. We thought that we will never have an Omega, but we do! That surprised all of us.

"Oh, dinner is ready," Scott spoke up, nodding at everyone in the pack. He then looked to Mitch, a smile growing on his face. "Are you hungry?"

Mitch nodded hesitantly as Kevin stood up and went into the kitchen to grab something. The Omega went into the dining room to see five bowls of macaroni and cheese on the table. He sat on the one that was farthest from the kitchen. He then noticed a hand put a candle onto his food and looked up to see the entire pack smiling happily at him. Avi lit the candle and backed off, throwing the match away. He then looked back at the youngest member of the pack, his smile coming back.

"Happy birthday, Mitch."

That was the first time that he ever heard the words happy birthday. He could've sworn he felt a couple pieces of his fragile heart come back together.

"Thank you."


Morning came quickly and Mitch woke up, stretching to crack his back. It was still raining, but he didn't really mind. He found himself in a room that he was not used to. He then got out of the bed, looking towards the door when Scott came in. The Alpha smiled at him, looking him up and down.

"That shirt is bigger than I thought," Scott commented quietly as he went to his closet. He got a shirt that no longer fit him and handed it gently to the Omega. "We're having inspections today. They will do an Omega inspection on you so prepare for that. Have you ever had an inspection?"

Mitch shook his head then scolded himself mentally.

You're supposed to give a verbal response, you worthless piece of trash. No wonder why your parents left you.

"Oh, okay," Scott commented, not pointing out Mitch's non-verbal answer. The Omega then raised an eyebrow in a confused matter. Why didn't I get punished? "Why do you look confused?"

"I didn't give you a verbal answer," Mitch replied as he stuck out his arm. He then closed his eyes, preparing himself did the punishment. "I accept your punishment."

"Punishment?" Scott asked, confusion clouding his own features. Mitch opened his eyes, his arm still out. "You just shook your head. That's all I needed to know."

"But you're supposed to punish Omegas when they give non-verbal answers," Mitch replied quietly, still expecting a belt to leave a red mark on his arm. His dad used to do this when he nodded or shook his head.

"No?" Scott answered back, shaking his head gently. Confusion was the only aura that was in the room. "We don't punish Omegas for that. In fact, Avi and I both agreed that if an Omega ever came in our pack, we will only punish them if they do something really bad, like talk back in a snarky tone or we find out that they did something they knew they were forbidden to do. Other than that, try not to interrupt us. That will result in a simple scolding. Our mothers were Omegas and our fathers, who are both Alphas, taught us to treat Omegas like how they did. Our mothers rarely got punished. Who told you that?"

Mitch was about to answer when the door was knocked on. Scott went to answer it and saw Kirstin, her blond hair in a bun and wearing some sundress she loved. Her hazel eyes are the yellow that every Beta has whenever they have to answer a complex question, required to do a chore, or deliver a message.

"The inspector is here," Kirstin reported, her yellow eyes turning back to their normal hazel. Scott nodded as Kirstin walked off. "Oh, by the way Mitch! You look nice!"

Mitch blushed as he looked down at himself. He did look nice. Scott's shirt looked big on him, but it fit his body nicely. His confidence suddenly skyrocketed, making himself feel good.

You look fat. Don't give yourself fake confidence. It makes you look unreasonable. You're also ugly so I'm surprised they took you in.

So much for that confidence. Mitch fought off the tears that were about to escape then felt Scott touch his shoulder. He looked up and saw the beautiful pair of blue eyes Scott owned.

"You're ready for your first inspection?"

And Mitch nodded.


"Well, the Alphas and Betas are doing excellent," the inspector observed from his notes, making the Alphas give each other high fives and Betas nod humbly. "Now onto the Omega. When did you let him in?"

"Last night," Scott answered, making the inspector nod. Mitch stood there shyly, feeling the inspector's hard eyes observe his body. "He's a bit shy."

"I see that," the inspector commented quietly, reaching for the shirt Mitch is wearing and almost took it off. Mitch then flinched, making the inspector shake his head. "Not following simple procedures. I know that he just came here last night, but he is the worst Omega I have ever dealt with. I'm leaving now. You better fix his attitude. I won't be surprised if you mess up though. Male Omegas are worthless, but if you were to look up worthless in the dictionary, you'll see his picture."

Mitch tried his best to not show his emotions, but the last words released the tears escape. He covered his eyes, refusing to see anyone else. He could hear footsteps and felt Kevin's arms wrap around protectively.

"Get...out," Kirstin hissed, only this time not using the expression she used last night. The inspector scoffed and left, shaking his head. Kirstin then sighed sadly and rubbed Mitch's back. "Don't listen to him. He's dumb."

Mitch nodded as he saw the Alphas look at him sadly, feeling like he just ruined this pack's reputation.

Why did I do this? The inspectors's right; I am useless. Why did they let me into this pack?

"Kevin, Kirstin," Avi spoke up, making the Betas nod. "I need you two to give Mitch his space. We're all going to the store."

The Betas nodded and Kevin grabbed the car okeys. He smiled and gave Mitch a soft hand to the shoulder.

"You did good today," Kevin replied in an honest tone. Mitch shrugged his shoulders, not accepting the truth. "A Beta never lies."

Kirstin nodded as her, Kevin, and Avi walked out of the apartment. Scott then looked at Mitch, his dominant posture taking over. His eyes turned red and Mitch suddenly went in his submissive posture, his eyes blue.

"Let's lay down some rules, okay? They will benefit us all."

Worthless. You're worthless. You'll never stay in this pack for long. They'll find a new Omega then kick you out. Admit it, you're worthless.

I'm worthless.

Good to see that you agree. My work here is done.

And Mitch felt a piece of his heart break again.

A/N: I hope you don't hate me, lol. This chapter was kind of hard to write, but I hope you guys enjoyed it! I love all of you!!!:)


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