Louis' POV

I'm exhausted. What I hate the most about planes is that you're stuck in there for many hours and you can't sleep. There is always someone rushing to the toilet or a baby crying. It's horrible. At least I'll get to see Harry in a few minutes.

As I walk out the exit door I try to find a green-eyed boy in the middle of a huge crowd. Soon enough, I notice Harry. It wasn't hard, giving the fact that he's a giant compared to the people surrounding him. He notices me too and his face lights up. He comes running towards me. I let my bags fall to the hard floor as I hug him tightly. Man, I missed him.

"Kids, don't look. These people are disgusting" A man says

I turn to the homophobic prick prepared to shout at him, but Harry has other plans. He kneels down.

"I love you so much. Will you marry me?"

"Of course Harry" I fake gasp

He then hugs me and pecks me on the lips.

We both turn around and smile at the man who turns his back and starts walking away, murmuring insults under his breath.

"Shall we go, future Mr Styles?" Harry nudges me on the shoulder playfully

"We shall" I laugh

This is why I love my best friend. We pretend to be gay even though we're not and he's okay with all of this. He just keeps playing along.

Anne's POV

I think I should go visit Louis. He's been in there for so long and I know nothing about him. He probably hasn't woken up yet.

I know nothing about Taylor too. She's probably there with him.

I arrive to the hospital within 15 minutes.

"Good morning. How can I help you?" The woman in the reception says

"I'm here to visit someone"

"What's the person's name?"

"Louis Tomlinson. He's been in here for a week?"

She types in her computer and looks at me with a weird face.

"Mr Tomlinson got out of here about 3 days ago"


She nods.

"And what about Taylor? A girl who was here everyday"

"She came in here crying about 5 days ago, she left something for Louis. And she never came back" She says pointing to a letter next to her

"Can I have that?"

"Sure" The woman shrugs and hands me the letter

I rush out of the hospital and sit in my car with the letter in my hands. I shouldn't be doing this. This is for Louis after all. But I have to.

'Louis, I'm so sorry for everything that I've done. I'm sorry that I destroyed your life including your friendship with Harry. I know how much he meant to you and I'll live with the regret of coming between you two. You were in a hospital bed because of me and there are some people that won't look at you the same way they did before and that's all my fault.

Even after everything I still hope that you know that I love you. I love you Louis William Tomlinson and I always will.

I understand if the feeling isn't mutual right now but I just wanted you to know before I go.

Before I go? What the hell is that supposed to mean? Where is she going? Reading this is so wrong but I can't stop now. I need to know.

You changed me, you really did. You made me a better person. When I was with you, you made my existence feel right. You made me feel like I mattered. And I have to give to the credit for that because you were the only one.

But I don't deserve you and your love. And that's why I have to let you go. I want you to be happy and find the person who you'll spend the rest of your life with. And that's not me. I don't belong here and never did and that's just crystal clear to me now that I've ruined everyone's life. But I won't bother anyone else with my shit any more. I've made my decision. 

Goodbye Louis. I'll always love you.


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