Chapter 2

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Harry's POV

Everyone seems to be enjoying the party but no one as much as I am. My family has reunited for my wedding, even my mum and dad made small talk and they haven't talked for years. That literally means the world to me.

I'm currently sitting at my mother's table and she's talking about something that I really don't care so I'm just nodding here and there so she doesn't see that I actually don't give a fuck. While she was talking the only word I heard was Taylor and with that I realize I haven't seem her in a while.

"Just give me a minute" I tell my mum and quickly stand up. I can see by the corner of my eye that her smile has faded and I feel slightly guilty but I gotta find Taylor.

I'm really getting worried. It's almost time to cut the cake and Taylor is nowhere to be found.
When I give up searching on my own Taylor shows up. Her perfect red lipstick is smudged and her eyes are wild.

"Harry!" She says like she needs to escape quickly and almost afraid?

"Taylor, is something wrong?" I ask but I don't think I want to hear the answer.

"Time to cut the cake!" My mother says hitting a glass with a spoon.

"We need to talk about this later" I tell her just because I don't think I want to hear what is about to come and I'm so frickin' hungry.

Taylor lets out a breath like she's relieved and that only makes me more concerned about what is she hiding from me. She has always been a reliable person but I don't think I can trust her any more.

When she's out of sight I enter the room where she came from. In there I see my best-friend getting dressed and I'm completely gobsmacked as I can feel the anger boiling inside me and ready to explode any moment.

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