Chapter 4

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- Harry's POV -

The next day when I wake up, my head is killing me and I can't remember a thing from yesterday except... my best friend with Taylor. I know that yesterday I just drank because I wanted to forget everything but deep down I knew that the pain I feel in my chest would never go away and could never be replaced.

I get out of bed and head to the bathroom to take a shower. My mind is just too clouded and I need to clarify my thoughts before I do anything.

I don't know what I will be doing for the rest of the day. I was supposed to go on my honeymoon to Istambul but maybe I still should go. Maybe what I need is to get away from everyone and have a fresh start. Maybe that's what I'll do.

I get all my things together and stumble out of the door.

- Louis's POV -

I can hear everyone laughing and talking in the other room. I wonder if anyone remembers that I'm still laying on the floor unable to move.

I try to scream but I just end up coughing and spitting blood on the carpet . I think it's better if I just stay still and wait. I don't want to get any worse.

''Louis.'' I hear Anne calling my name.

''Louis I called an ambulance and they are coming here to get you.'' She says kneeling beside me.

''Thanks.'' I say almost as a whisper.

4 men with a doolie appeared and quickly lay me there.

''I'm coming with him.'' Taylor says.

''No. You already caused too much trouble today, I think he will be better off alone. We're going to meet him at the hospital.

With this, the door closes and all I can see is the white ceiling and someone putting me an oxygen mask.

''He's loosing too much blood, he's going to need a blood transfusion.'' The younger one says.

I start to feel a little dizzy and the room is spinning.

''His heartbeat is low.''

Suddenly, everything turned black.

- Anne's POV -

''Des and I are going in a car and Taylor you are going in another one.''

''I don't want to go alone and you have room for me in your car.''

''You have to go in your own car because if you go with us you won't have a way back so I suggest you do as I say.'' I don't even know why I'm being so rude to her but by the look on her face she is going on her own.

When I enter the car Des is already on the driving seat.

''You shouldn't have talked to her like that, you know it isn't her fault so you had no reason to treat her the way you did. She is suffering because of Louis, even if you don't want to admit it, she loved him and he isn't in his best terms right now so I suggest you support her.''

''I won't support that bitch, not after what she did to our son. She cheated on him with his best friend and you are defending her... you never liked him because of who he is and you never treated him the way he deserved. He has always been a sweet boy and all you do is reject him. I think he is the way he is because he never had a father to show him how to be a man.''

''You're wrong! He is the way he is because you wouldn't let him be a man. I remember you taking him with you to meet your friends for tea, them giving him presents that were their grand-daughters's, the way you would always protect him from everything and everyone. That made him the way he is. That made him not grow up and that's why he still acts like a child all the time. It's all your fault so stop trying to put it on me so you don't feel guilty.''

''You know what? I'm done with you always trying to make me guilty. I'm a human okay? I make mistakes, but you make a bunch of them too.''

''At least I admit them.''

''You two! Stop it! Don't you think it's time for you to be united, that it's time for you to be on Harry's side and not to argue about who's fault it is that he is who he is. I would be happy to have a son like him because he is an excellent person and one of the sweetest people I have ever met. So just stop it and let's go to the hospital.'' Taylor says from her car's window.

''Let's go.'' Des says.

The rest of the ride is quiet and within minutes we're in front of the hospital. As we reach the door, I see Louis going to a room connected to a bunch of things.

''Oh God! I'm going to try to call Harry.'' I reach for my phone and dial his number. He answered on the fourth ring.


He hangs up the phone and I feel weak. I feel like a part of me has been ripped out after these words. I'm on my knees, crying in the middle of the hospital.

''What happened?'' Des approaches me with a worried expression.

''He's gone.''

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