Chapter 4~

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All three of us are sitting in the living room, with a laptop each in front of us. I don't know about them but what I know is, I'm transferring the pictures from the fan signing events into my laptop. But knowing them, they're probably doing the same thing I'm doing. Without helping it, the flashback of Luhan winking at me played back in my mind, which causes me to let out a giggle.

Lily stands up and makes her way towards the fridge, then a sigh,"should we go to the nearest grocery store?"

She purses her lips at the sight of the empty refrigerator. It's good living here, all of the furniture are already there, so we don't need to buy anything like beds and things like that. But of course, we need to buy the groceries ourselves.

"Oh, I know a nearby store," Abi offers, standing up from her seating position "I went there this morning."

"Then let's go!" Lily enthuses, and then looks at me. "Are you coming with us?"

I scrunch up my nose and shake my head, in a way of saying 'no'.

"Alright then. Take care of the house!" Lily calls out before shutting the door behind her.

I stare at my laptop, not knowing what to do. Then a loud laughter erupts. I slowly look up from my laptop and walk towards the sound. I stand on the balcony and the laughter can be heard—louder, this time. Scrunching my eyebrows, I lean a bit towards the balcony across from ours.

Definitely from there! I decide before walking back inside and close the sliding door. A sigh escape from my mouth as I take a seat in front of my laptop. I really need to sharpen my Korean speaking skill. And with that, I study Korean—more like revising, until Lily and Abi comes back.

"What did you guys buy?" I ask, bolting straight up.

"Uh... groceries?" Abi jokes sarcastically. I roll my eyes and make my way towards the kitchen counter where they set the heaps of plastic bags.

"I know that." I state, helping them put away the groceries.

"So... what did you do while we were away?" Lily asks as she opens the fridge.

"Oh!" I exclaims, remembering "Remember the laughter we heard this morning and yesterday?" Both of them nod in unison.

"I know where it comes from." I announce, lifting my chin up. Proud. Lily raises her brows.

"If you're gonna say they're ghosts I'm moving out," Abi sighs, shaking her head.

"Seriously? No! It's from the apartment across from ours." I say, taking a seat at one of the stools in front of the counter.

"Oh! They must be rich!" Lily states, supporting her head with her hand underneath her chin on the counter. Me and Abi display our perplexed faces.

"I mean that's true, look at their apartment! It's freaking huge." Abi points out. I shrug my shoulder.

"Oh well. What's for dinner?" I ask.

After dinner, I go to my room, deciding to get my stuff ready for tomorrow. Yes, tomorrow is the first day of university for Lily, Abi and I. Well, us and the other transfer students. I open the blinds of the window in my room and open the window. Fresh air is just what I need. At the same time when I rest my chin on the windowsill, a person from across the window does the same thing.

A bit taken aback by that silhouette, I accidentally hit the side of my face on the unopened window. The person across laughs and speaks something in Korean.

"I don't speak Korean very well." I confess to the person.

"Oh, I said, why were you so shocked? I don't bite." By the hoarseness of the voice, it's a guy.

"Well, you popped out of nowhere." I retort, rolling my eyes. Well, it's not like he can see it, since it's a bit dark. But who cares.

"Yes, that's true." He admits "You're new here?"

"Yes." I reply while nodding. I don't know why, but for some reason, I have a feeling that the guy is cute. Probably because of his accent.

"Do you like living here?" He asks.

"This is my second day here, so I don't know yet." I reply, shrugging.

"You'll love it here." he says and from the tone of his voice, I know that he's smiling.

"I know I will." I agree, smiling as well.

"Well, it's nice talking to you, but I have to go," he says "hoping to talk to you soon, goodnight!"

"You too." I response and wave a little.

He closes his window and without thinking, a smile spread across my face. well, that was nice...


Yayayaya!! I'm happy with this chapter :D but it's a bit short... Anyway, the next chapter, my friend, Lily will write it!!

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