Chapter 21

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It's Saturday and Chanyeol was bored!

Knock knock

Chanyeol-Hmm?Come in
Mrs.Park-Hi son
Mrs.Park-No.I just wanna give you this
Chanyeol-Wow.Just like pandora box

Mrs.Park brought along a medium size box and gave it to Chanyeol

Mrs.Park-/nodded/This things were with you when I found you.Hopefuly it can help you to remember your past
Chanyeol-Thanks omma

When Mrs.Park left,Chanyeol opened the box.A cellphone.But he's not inrerested on it.He more interested on the picture there.There are three of them in the pic

Chanyeol-Is this me?My mom.Dad...

My head felt hurt!Really hurt!I tried to hold it on.I closed my eyes breath in and out.The memory came slowly

Minhwan-Nae.The doctor confirmed.He's not died.He just lost his memories and a family adopted him
Chanjoo-So that guy really my oppa?
Minhwan-/nodded/I think so
Minhwan-So.When he remember all about the past.Your mom need to say goodbye to her wealthy
Chanjoo-Ahh.You are right.Hmmm I need to tell Baekhyun oppa
Minhwan-Ah Baekhyun!I have told him

Kanghoon-Ya don't yell
Mrs.Park-Yes son?
Chanyeol-I remembered it now.Thanks omma!
Chanyeol-Omma I wanna see my lawyer
Mrs.Park-What for?
Chanyeol-Huh...I want what's mine

Yeah.I remebered.My evil step mother and the f*ck Yeena took all my money.I remebered they asked me to sign the will.Ahh they still like before.Evil!

Knock knock

Minhwan-Come in

Chanjoo got up and hugged Chanyeol tightly

Chanjoo-Oppa you remember me?
Chanyeol-My kiddo!I miss you
Chanjoo-He's really remember me!

Minhwan just nodding in happy

Minhwan-So you are coming for taking away yours?
Chanyeol-Of course.Give back mine
Minhwan-Well.I'm pleasure to do this
Chanyeol-Thanks.You helped me a lot

Chanyeol-Chanjoo.Let's hang out with oppa
Chanjoo-Kkaja!Thanks Mr.Lee

Minhwan felt happy looking at the siblings.Their dad really want to see they like this.But that Yeena and her mom just like...GREEDY!

Chanjoo-Oppa where are we going?
Chanyeol-Hmm...Send you home
Chanjoo-Huh?But I'm not satiesfied yet!I wanna spend more time...
Chanyeol-Ahaa arasseo.Let's continue it tomorrow kay
Chanjoo-Oppa!Have you met Bomi unnie
Chanyeol-Bomi?What for?
Chanjoo-Oppa.She's your girlfriend you know?
Chanyeol-???I don't remember about her?
Chanjoo-o_O.This is bad oppa.You don't remember him?

Poor you.You don't remember Bomi unnie TnT

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