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Teacher comes in-

SIR: Hello students. I'm your Maths teacher. How many of you are acquainted with Quadratics. Ok, Let's start with that today.
You are doing it wrong Nidhi. Its like this, seems you are weak in Maths but don't worry, I will teach you.

Class ends.

SIYA: So the same problem with Maths, huh?

NIDHI: Yeah! And my parents wants me to do IIT, that too Computer Engineering.

SIYA: Why're you saying "that too" for Computer Engineering?
You don't like this stream?

NIDHI: Nope. I'm not able to cope up. My heart resides in acting and see where I ended up. My parents forced me to take this.

SIYA: Why don't you tell them?

NIDHI: I tried telling them, they won't listen. They say I'll be successful if I become an Engineer. Its there dream.


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