Chapter 8 (Dark Side)

Start from the beginning

"I did something horrible" he trembles shaking his head

"Harry.." I begin

"They're dead, because of me.." he whispered looking up at me

"Who's dead? Harry what did you do?"

"I don't know who they are, but I killed them and I didn't even care; in fact I enjoyed it They were innocent"

For a moment I just stared into his emerald green eyes that were trying not to make contact with mine. I began to walk closer but he stopped me before I could get closer.

"Don't come closer, I can smell your blood as it is"

"Harry, im confused, what is going on?"

I didn't listen to him, I began to take a step closer but I was stopped once again.

"STOP! Don't come any closer, or I will kill you!" he yelled

It didn't scare me because I knew harry cared about me and he couldn't bare to see me dead. I sat on the bed next to him, even breathing heavily so he would know I wasn't scared.

"How come you aren't scared?"  

"Because I know you wouldn't kill me, you wouldn't be able to live with yourself."

"That's the thing, I could kill you; im a emotionless vampire...."

"If you were a emotionless vampire, then why are you here telling me this? Huh, answer that because an emotionless vampire wouldn't come back to a girl who pushed him out of her life unless he felt something."

"That's the thing, I was hoping-"

"No, Harry..I'm done I can't live like this."

"Katie, just listen please"

"NO! maybe you should listen to me for once, for once care about my feelings, my life!" I said harshly

He began to clench his fists, his eyes changing colors. Until his eyes stopped at a pitch black color, all I could see was darkness nothing more; like something had taken over Harry. Maybe my words were too harsh, maybe I should just listen to him but I can't let my guard down, not this time. He just looked up at me, veins running down his eyes.

"I told you not to come to close, I can smell your blood" he mumbled

I leaped off the bed in fear, maybe he would kill me; maybe my nightmare was going to come true. He began to come closer to me, his nostrils flaring.

"Harry.. don't come closer!" I yelled

"Why Not you didn't seem to listen to me when I told you not to come close; I thought you weren't scared?"

He was right, I had to toughen up and be a women that's what my father taught me when I was training for boxing. I stood up off the ground, putting my face inches away from his.

"You know what I'm not scared of you! You know why because love is stronger then hate, and I know you love me and would never kill me! I have trust in you, that you would never hurt me but once you do you have lost that trust..forever and I honestly don't think you want to lose my trust" I yelled

His eyes began to lighten into a shade of blue, and then back to his normal green.

"That's where you're wrong, I don't love you and honestly I can't feel a bit of emotion right now!"

"Then kill me, kill me right now if your an emotionless blood sucking vampire! Don't come here crying being ashamed of killing innocent people when your going to supposibly end up killing the one that cares about you the most!!!" I scream, my pitch getting louder as I went on

"Fine I will kill you to prove to you that I am that vampire, obviously you didn't give two shits about me yesterday when you practically kicked me out of your life!" He inched closer. He opened his mouth exposing a bit of his fangs. He leaned into my neck, maybe he would actually do it. I didn't back away or anything, I didn't let the fear take over my body. His fangs were about an inch away from neck, I could feel his hot breath.

"Your right, I can't do it"

I put my hand on his chin turning his head towards my face. Now we were facing each other, looking into each others eyes.

"I told you, love is stronger then anything even though it may tare us apart it concurs anything!"

"I Love You Katie" they were the last words he said before he disappeared out of my room, no where to be seen.

"Harry..Harry" I yelled, I even opened my window yelling it outside but I heard no response. I paced back and forth in my room thinking of where he could be. I even tried calling him a couple times but no answer. What was going on with him? Suddenly I got a phone call, I answered on the first ring.

"Harry..?" I asked

"No, sorry to burst you bubble but it's Derek.."

"Uggh, what do you want I have more to deal with"

"So, im taking it as if you don't care about Harry, so I should hang up right?"

"Wait..don't, do you know where he is?"

"No, i told him to get some sleep but he must have ran off somewhere.."

"He was here, but then he just disappeared i have no clue where he is"

"Alright look, he isn't in a good state of mind; so lock all your windows and doors, get some sleep and i will be over there tomorrow morning."

"Wait.. whats going-"

"JUST DO IT!" he yelled before hanging up

Maybe Derek did have a heart, i mean he was going trying to keep me safe from Harry the one that was suppose to keep me safe right?

Ok, so i actually like this chapter for a couple reasons, one because i thought about it real hard and added to it all week. Second because i think it's just so emotional and sad, because that's my mood right now. (My Best friend is moving to North Carolina and today was the last day i will get to see her for a while) *BTW I CRIED LIKE CRAZY!* Anyway, thanks for over 400 reads all together, and keep voting and commenting what you think<333 :="">

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