Chapter 12

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heya. well. november is over, and so is nano. so. yeah. finally i can go back through and find all my chapter breaks and stuff... BUT SERIOUSLY I'M SO SORRY ABOUT THE WAIT D:

ok so i'm taking out all chapter titles, because some of them don't fit, some are just weird, and they don't really help i don't think. eventually i'll add in real titles. but for now, just numbers will have to do... so don't freak out if you suddenly get tons of notifications. 

so i've been thinking about it and i think i'll have to stop updating soon. I KNOW I'M SO SORRY but i want to publish this someday... and... well... you know. i'll probably do one more chapter, and then once i get it on ebook (which i will! there's this thing called Pronoun... yeah. so. I'll get it on ebook eventually) then you can get that for free and finish reading it... 

But for now! Have fun reading your second-to-last chapter! Again, I'm so sorry for having to stop here, but if I'm gonna go through with this publishing thing then I don't want to put the whole thing up. SORRY!!!!!!

*starts crying*

ok go read now... *sniff*

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"Guys! Finally! Took you long enough," Joanna sighs as we open the door to Emely's room.

"Geez, calm down. We were coming. We just... hit some detours along the way. Just be glad we didn't totally get lost in the deep deep depths of this maze of hallways," I say wryly. I step into the room to make space for Charlotte, and she closes the door behind herself. The girls shut up when they see her red eyes.

"Yeah, let's just be glad that we're all here after that craziness. I mean, just think about it - what if we were out and about during that attack?" Alexandria says.

"That was scary... I mean, how did the Panthers get into the castle anyways?" Emely exclaims.

"Wait." I pull out my phone, open it up and hand it to them, showing them the note with the message from the Panthers. As they read, I explain where I got it from.

There's silence for a few seconds after I finish and Alexandria hands my phone back to me.

"This is harsh," Joanna comments, her eyes becoming wide. "Just think about all the people that could have gotten hurt! At least they killed the Panther."

"But why didn't the King do anything? He should have at least told us what it said so we could be prepared for an attack. At the very least!" exclaims Alexandria.

"Then my father wouldn't be hurt." The other girls turn to stare at Charlotte, and a lone tear runs down her cheek before she squares her shoulders and raises her chin. Trying to stay strong.

"He's hurt? Your father? Oh, I'm so sorry, Charlotte! Do you have any news on his condition?" asks Joanna, her eyes wide.


"All we know is that he's injured somewhere, he's not in the hospital, and we can't visit him even when he does get there," I explain. I then give them a brief run-through of what went on when when they were trying to contact us.

"That's horrible! They can't just keep that information away from us. It wouldn't be that hard to just say what happened and how he's injured." Alexandria places her hands on her hips indignantly.

"The man who told us obviously doesn't like children, though - especially not ones who go interrupting their work," Charlotte murmurs sorrowfully. "He looked at me like I was trash."

"Let's just be glad that he's alive - just perhaps not well." Because mine is probably dead and rotting somewhere. He probably didn't even get a decent burial.

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