Chapter 9

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This chapter is where the slight (very slight!) romance pops in a bit. I know it's a bit weird, but bear with me, I struggle with writing romance, especially since I haven't experienced it myself... but anyhoo, have fun reading it :P

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I wake up bright and early due to my early bedtime from the night before. The sun is somehow shining brightly through the false window. Today looks like it's going to be great.

Don't judge a book by its cover - or rather, don't judge a day by its weather. I have school today. I have school in a magical castle where everyone has wings. Ugh. My life sucks.

I don't have much to do other than use my phone, so I wander over to Charlotte's room to see if she's awake.

"Knock, knock," I say quietly outside her door.

"Mm... who's there?" a muffled voice replies.


"Boo who?" She sounds tired. Hopefully I didn't wake her up.

"Oh, it's alright, Charlotte, don't be sad, it was only a joke..."

"What? Oh. Wow, Ivy, that was kinda sad," she murmurs as she opens the door to reveal her tangled hair and drooping eyelids. "You need to work on that."

"Did I wake you up?" I ask, raising my eyebrows.

She shakes her head. "Naw, I just take a while to get up..." She yawns widely. "Mm... Ugh. Do we have to go to school today?"

"Same. Why don't we just say we don't and leave it at that?" I suggest.

"Oh, the teachers wouldn't be very happy with us. They will hunt us down personally if we don't show up." From Charlotte's genuinely terrified expression, I'm guessing she's not joking.

I sigh. "Fine. We'll go to school. I still don't see why we have to do this in a magical castle though."

"Same," says a voice behind me. I whip around to see who it is and find Emely rubbing the side of her face with a pained expression on her face. "Ouch, Ivy, be careful with that tail of yours!" she exclaims.

"Oops, sorry," I reply, reaching back and pulling my ponytail over my shoulder and smiling sweetly at her.

"Any-hoo, I came to see if you guys wanted to assist me in waking Joanna up," Emely tells us, dropping her hand and grinning at us.

"Ohmagosh yes wait for me Emely!" Charlotte says excitedly and hurries into her room to grab some clothes. I just roll my eyes.

"What do you plan to do?"

"We're going to wake her up by poking her in the stomach and then tickle her to death. But we have to muffle her so her screeches of laughter don't wake the entire castle." She holds up a bundle of cloth which I'm guessing we will stuff into her mouth.

"Don't you think it's just a tad cruel?" I ask as Charlotte joins us and we start walking down the hall.

Emely rolls her eyes. "She won't get up if she doesn't want to. So we have to get her up. This is just the most fun way to do it, that's all."

The process of waking Joanna up goes according to plan and it's a successful mission. The muffle doesn't work very well since she manages to spit it out as we tickle her, but overall it goes fine. We meet up with Alexandria then hurry to class with only a minute to spare.

In the classroom, already there, are two boys, a girl, and the teacher. As we push the door open, all four turn to look at us. I know Nathaniel, but the other girl and boy are unfamiliar to me. The girl has medium length straight blond hair with dyed ends, and bright purple butterfly wings. She looks friendly. The boy has short blond hair and bright blue eyes and dark brown, large, powerful-looking eagle wings. He looks at me uninterestedly and turns back to the front.

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