Music of the Lost: Practice Practice Practice

Start from the beginning

"I'm Yukimura Daisuke from class 3-B. I play cello, trumpet, and piano."

'Ugh, he's so laid back with everyone else. Why does he pick on me all the time?' Kahoko grumbles mentally.

"Yo! I'm Hihara Kazuki from class 3-B like Yukimura-kun. I play trumpet. Nice to meet you!"

"Same class 3-B, I'm Yunoki Azuna. I play flute."

"Clas 2-A, Len Tsukimori. I play violin."

"Um, I'm Hino Kahoko." she says, smiling nervously. "Class 2-2, and I play violin."

Mizuki sighs. She didn't want to list what instruments she played, but she followed her siblings examples. "'Sup. I'm Yukimura Mizuki from the same class as Hino, 2-2. I play piano and violin as well as sing."

At the word sing, Kanazawa flinches. Kahoko blinks owlishly at her friend like everyone in the room. Since she was singing for the competition, everyone assumed that she couldn't play an instrument. This is a huge shocker.

"Anyways, uh, the competition is in four parts. Each part will have a separate themes, and the points from those competitions will be used to figure out the winner of Concours." Kanazawa says, rubbing the back of his head. "Just remember to enjoy yourselves while you play."

'As if!' Kahoko thinks panicking. 'I can't possibly play four songs!' She looks up to see Daisuke smirking at her, as if reading her thoughts. She blushes and glares angrily at the boy before Kanazawa dismisses them.


"La!" Mizuki finishes singing. She and Kahoko have been practicing for a little less than half of the lunch break. Kahoko had been a little late because she was talking to Ryotaro, but not much time was lost. Now, the duo sit down in an empty music classroom to quickly eat their lunches. "You're improving a lot, Kahoko-chan." Misuki says with a smile. "Even though your playing is good because of magic, I'm sure with more study and lessons, you'll play great without it."

Kahoko smiles at her friend. The lesson today was hard, but it was fun and interesting too. Kahoko could feel Mizuki's love for the violin with every word that she said, and it made her feel more determined to help Mizuki live her dream through her. They continue to chat for a bit when the door slides open.

"Well, I didn't except to see you here." Daisuke says, sighing quietly and sitting down at a chair across from the girls. He promptly puts his head in his hands and sighs again.

"Daisuke, are you ok?" Mizuki asks alarmed. It's rare for Daisuke to openly show tiredness. He's really good at hiding it till they got in the car if he was tired at all, which is also rare.

"Yeah, I'm fine." he mutters quietly, not looking at them. Kahoko sees a hint of something blue on his wrist. She quickly grabs a hold of the boy's left hand and pulls down the sleeve. There is a long string of bruises from his wrist to his elbow.

"Who did this?" Mizuki growls, seething with anger. Kahoko just gasps at the horrible sight and gently fingers each bruise.

"It's nothing." Daisuke says, pulling his arm away from Kahoko.

"It's not nothing!" both his sister and his sister's friend shout at him. He blinks at them shocked.

"You're hurt for no good reason!" Mizuki says.

"You won't be able to play your cello anymore!" Kahoko says at the same time.

"Well..." he mutters before the door swings open.

"Oi! Yukimura! I just realized that I forgot to hit the other arm." growls a tall boy, buff and hairy, in a black uniform.

"So you did this to my brother?" Mizuki hisses, her eyes flashing.

Music of the Lost: La Corda D'OroWhere stories live. Discover now