Done for you

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Allison's POV-
I've been thinking more about andy and me and I just want him to ask me out. I sound so desperate." I'm going for a walk. Do you wanna come with me." I look up and it's Andy." Of course." I smile and get up from where I am currently sitting. We step out of the your bus. I look around and suddenly I feel Andy grab my hand." Allison come this way." Andy orders. I obey and follow him to the back of the tour bus. There's a beautiful lake. It's absolutely breath taking. I feel Andy's arms wrap around my waist and his chin rest on top of my head.
Andy's POV-
I'm standing here looking at the lake with Allison and suddenly I get an idea. I pick her up and carry her to the water." Andy I swear if you throw me in I'm gonna punch you in the dick." She threatens." Eh that's only if you can catch me." I say challengingly. With one swift movement I jump off the doc and land in the water. Before we even hit the water Allison screamed. Haha, I might have scared her, I think to myself, all well. We break the surface and Allison smacks me. I grab her hand and smile." Admit it, it was fun." I say with a charming smile." Maybe.." She says sheepishly. My lips curl upward."Lets go get dry and continue walking." I help her outta the water and we start off toward the tour bus." Can I have a piggy back ride?" I hear Allison ask me. I squat down." Get on you lil goofball." I say with a chuckle at the end. I hear her hum in the end. Suddenly she softly sings." cause its the end and Im not afraid." I smile. " Im not afraid to die." I add on. I let her down so we can go into the tour bus. She turns to face me once were inside and I smile at her, and shes blushing.

Raylees POV- 
Im sitting in the livingroom when Allison and Andy come in dripping wet. What was they doing? Howd they  get wet? Its not even raining. Allison is blushing and Andy is smiling at her. Maybe she actually sung in front of him. Wow.. I guess Ill just see later.

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