“I don’t think Voldemort’s stupid enough to leave two horcruxes in the same place. Maybe Merope took it with her when she left?” Fred questioned.

“That’s a really good point. We won’t know until we open this effing safe.” I muttered, kicking the God-for-saken piece of metal.

“If only they had a dictionary for translating ‘open’ into Parseltongue.” Fred mused.

“Oh shut it.” I joked, gently shoving his shoulder.

“So, who’s a Parseltongue that you know?” I asked.

“Well, there’s Voldemort, but I don’t think you’ll want to ask him to open it anytime soon. The only other person I could think of would be Harry.”

“Potter?” I double checked. He nodded, yes.

“He’d be at Hogwarts now, correct?”

“Yeah, and I can’t apparate into Hogwarts. Only Dumbledore can.” Fred said.

“Why don’t we apparate outside of it, and sneak our way in? Grandma would have a fit, but oh well.” I said, picturing Grandma’s face at the idea of sneaking into Hogwarts.

Fred shot me a sly grin.

“Miss Dumbledore, I do believe I have tainted your mind.” He proudly said. I giggled.

“Let’s pack up and go to Hogsmeade. We’ll walk from there.”

Fred nodded at my suggestion, and cast a spell, shrinking the tent, safe, and the rest of our luggage. I picked up the miniature supplies and placed it in my knapsack. Thank Merlin for undetectable extension charms!

Fred put out his arm, and I grabbed it with both hands. I closed my eyes as I felt that uneasy feeling of being forced through a rubber tube. How I even came up with that feeling, I have no idea. Both of my feet hit the ground and I opened one eye.

Before me was a small village of thatched cottages. I could see the names of the stores- Zonko’s joke shop,  Honeydukes, Splintwitches, The Three Broomsticks Inn, Dervish & Banges, and The Hog’s Head to name a few. There were people chatting idly amongst themselves, and others going into the warm buildings to escape the chill of the fall nights. What I thought was the most odd was that even though it was only a tad chilly, all of the cottages had snow atop their roofs. It must be magically placed there, I guess.

Fred stole a side glance at my face, and smugly said, “First time to Hogsmeade?”

I nodded yes, not wanting to look away from the sight yet.

I heard him chuckle and then say, “Well then let’s take a little detour before heading to Hogwarts.”

With that, he dragged me into the village. We laughed at the couples inside Madam Puddifoot’s Tea Shop, got foamy moustaches from butterbeer at the Hog’s Head, tried on ridiculous socks at Gladrags Wizardwear, looked at the latest in Quidditch sportswear at Splintwitches, bought Zonko’s products, and last but not least stopped in front of Honeydukes, the sweet shop.

“You see, there’s a secret passageway into Hogwarts from inside Honeydukes’ cellar.” Fred explained.

We entered the shop and I could practically feel my blood sugar rising, looking at all the sweets. There were acid pops, ice mice, pixie puffs, treacle fudge, sugar quills, cauldron cakes, blood-flavored lollipops, exploding bonbons, Droobles’ best blowing gun, Bertie Bott’s every flavor beans, and much, much more.

I immediately ran to my personal favorite- Salt Water Taffy. Muggles don’t make it quite as good. Fred loaded up on chocolate frogs and fizzing whizzbees. He protested that he would go crazy, living off of granola bars. I agreed.

After purchasing our candy, we hid behind a large shelf of liquorice wands. The elderly clerk shuffled away from the register, probably to use to restroom or something. Fred grabbed my hand- making me blush of course, and led me down a stairwell into the basement. Letting go of my hand, Fred grabbed his wand and said “Wingardium Leviosa.”  A floor tile was lifted off the floor, allowing Fred and I to crawl through it. After we successfully made it to the other side, Fred let the tile gently back down and led the way into Hogwarts.

We stepped out from behind a painting of a one-eyed crone with a hump. I would’ve hated to be them, no offense to any one-eyed, hunchbacked people.

“Tah-dah!” Fred whispered. I rolled my eyes.

“Now knowing Harry, he would probably be somewhere he’s not supposed to be.” Fred said.

I looked around and noticed it had now reached nighttime.

“Well I guess all students should be in their common rooms by this time.” I put in.

“So let’s walk around, he’ll be out and about somewhere.”

With that Fred and I snuck around the corner to find the famed Harry Potter. 


Loved it? Hated it?

I sort of rushed to have it up, I've been busy and didn't want some much time to go by without an update! I know it's not the best chapter....

Basketball news: (lol) We were kicked out of the playoffs in the first matchup. It was terrible, most of us were a) injured (like myself) or b) coming back from a tourny in Mass... Oh well. It was actually comical our playoff game. It's just summer league though, no biggie! :)

Thanks for all the feedback everyone! It makes me smile... and inspires me to write more!



The Ensconced (A Fred Weasley Love Story)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें