Chapter 1

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Hey I'm Isabella but you can call me Bella I'm 18 and. I have long blond hair and my friend Mackenzie said that I have the most beautiful brown eyes. I just graduated high school so me and my best friend Mackenzie are going to LA to start our dreams. My dream is to be a singer and Mackenzie's big dream is to act on Teen Wolf, our fav of all time TV show. And I kind of have a dream to meet Dylan O'Brien so yea and since Mackenzie is going to act on teen wolf at some point I will have a chance to meet him.

My best friend of all time Mackenzie she is a year older than me  just by a year tho she is 19. And she has natural red long hair and she has hazel eyes and is really pretty and she is nerdy most of the time but that's okay I'm nerdy when I'm with her so. But she graduated about a year ago so she is a high school graduate which is surprising to her but I knew she was going to graduate and that I would be there when she walked across that stage which I was but yea she is like totally obsessed with Dylan Sprayberry cause he is in her own words totally hot.

"Bella you ready to hit the road so we can catch our flight?" Mackenzie asked me while I was saying my goodbyes.

"Yep I'm ready!" I said with a tear running down my cheek "I will call you everyday I promise mom." I said

"Okay. Mackenzie take care of her for me please?" She said/asked Mackenzie.

"I promise I will she is in good hands." She said

"I don't know about that." My dad said while laughing after he gave me a hug and kissed my head.

"Love you guys!" I said crying

"Love you too!!" They said at the same time

"You ready for LA??" Mackenzie asked me. She had already went to look at the apartment while I was finishing school. So yea

"Yea. I'm excited and sad at the same time! You know?" I said

"Yes I do know. But it will get better I promise." She said starting the car and pulling out of my driveway

"I know it will. Now put your music on and let's have fun Bitch!" I cuss btw

"Okay okay!" She said laughing

-skip car to Denver-

"Hey we are here let's go inside" Mackenzie shook me awake

"Okay" I said stretching "what about your car?" I asked

"Oh this isn't my car. My car is in LA at the airport waiting for us. This is my cousins car." She said

"Is he or she going to pick it up?" I asked

"Yes they will." She said

We got in there and we heard our flight calling to bored but Luckily Mackenzie knows people and she can get us there on time. We got on the air plane (my first time riding a air plane EVER). And we were off

-skip air plane ride-

"Okay everyone we are landing in about 10 minutes so buckle up please and turn off all of your electronics thank you" the flight person said. Mackenzie must be tired she is still sleeping

"Hey Mackenzie wake up we are about to land!" I said waking her up

"Yay. I'm ready for this too be over but we still have too move everything into place btw." She said

"That's good. At least we have everything here." I said

"Yep" she said

We got off of the plane and went to Starbucks cause Mackenzie and I are common white girls seriously we have leggings on and Uggs and but the only difference is Mackenzie is wearing a long sleeve with a sweatshirt over the top of that. And I'm wearing a short sleeve with a sweatshirt over it so we get our Starbucks drink and then got my luggage and then we were off to find Mackenzie's car (oh fucking God help us). We found Mackenzie's car and we got in and she put her music on and Jack and Jack doing it right came on and me and her sang it all the way home.

-skip car ride- 

We get to the house and Mackenzie gets out and grabs my stuff and grabs the keys and walks in. I just stood there taking in the view. Then I looked the other way and saw a blue keep just like Stiles Jeep in teen wolf. Things were running through my mind like "could that really be him" and "what if it is him what am I going to do" those type of thoughts were running thro my mind.

"Hey you coming in?" Mackenzie asked

"Yea! Be there in a sec!" I said

"Okay well hurry please I at least want to get our beds moved into our rooms." Mackenzie said

"Okay I'm coming!" I said running to the door

-Dylan O'Brien POV-
"Hey Dylan! We have neighbors!!" I said looking out the window to this gorgeous girl

"Really about time I hope they are girls and our age!!" Dylan said

"I hope so too want to go over there and talk to them?" I asked

"Hell yea!!! Let's go!!!" Dylan said walking out the front door

"Hey wait up for me" I said running up too him
Dylan rang the door bell

-Bella's POV-
"Bella get the door!!" Mackenzie hollered from the kitchen.

"Okay okay I'm coming." I open the door and I see............

Okay you guys I deleted the other book cause I couldn't update with out watching it so yea I just started this one and the main characters are my best friend Bella, Me, Dylan Sprayberry,  and Dylan O'Brien so yea hope you guys liked it 😘😘😘😜😜😜.

-Mackenzie K.

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