Homecoming Party and Family

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1 week before the guys get out of prison:

3rd person P.O.V

Jax and Opie sat in the prison visit room; Jax on one side of the table and Opie on the other. "what's going on out there? Is everyone doing ok?" Jax questioned tapping his fingers on the table top. Opie sighed rubbing his hand down his face "Everyone's doing good but your sisters starting to worry a few people." He told Jax.

"What's wrong with my sister?" Jax questioned worry in his voice. "nothings wrong." Opie replied, "She's just been weird. Avoiding the clubhouse as much as she can, but that's probably because of Gemma. She got arrested at one point, won't tell us what happened but Kerri told us that her one teachers' was being an ass to her. Now he's backed off so we think Rebel had something to do with that. She's locks herself in her house for weeks at a time only coming out to take Kerri to school and drop her off at the clubhouse when Chibs can't pick her up." He told Jax.

Jax sighed "alright I'll talk to her when I get out, just keep an eye on her until then." He told him standing up when the guard came over to take him back.


The day the guys get released:

Rebel's P.O.V

Today was the day the guys got released from Stockton, I haven't spoken to anybody but Chibs and Kerri since they got taken in. I've been busy adding things onto my house and working out in my yard, I added an entire guest wing to the side of my house. The entrance is in the kitchen, the first floor has five bedrooms and a bathroom; the second floor has another bathroom and five more bedrooms. I put a fire pit in my backyard and a gazebo; I also built a fence around the pool so no little ones fall in and benches for around the fire pit.

I had a lot of free time and needed to keep myself busy; a month or two after the boys got taken away I was arrested. Kerri came home one day crying; she was angry because one of her teachers kept making comments about her being a 'biker whore' and making sexual comments to her. So I went up to the school and beat his ass, I was arrested but since it was only my first offence I got off with a year of house arrest so I started a few projects.

The only person I told was Chibs and Kerri knew since the next day she went to school her teacher was beat to hell and kept his distance from her. Right now I'm getting ready to go over to the clubhouse for the party, it's already 11 o'clock but I figured I would go and say hello to everyone.

I was dressed in a red and black corset top, a pair of dark wash skinny jeans and my combat boots. I hopped on my bike after I locked up the house and made my way to the clubhouse.


I pulled into the lot and parked my bike and looked around, most of the guys were over by the ring watching the prospects duke it out. I walked over and Chibs noticed me first, "hey look who showed up! It's lil Killer!" he yelled with a grin on his face. I scowled "don't start with that shit" I huffed and he laughed.

"Killer?" Jax questioned and I groaned. Chibs laughed "yeah! Some bitch teacher at the school was givin' Kerri a hard time, so killer over here went over and beat the shit out'a him! She got arrested for it and put on probation, you should see what she did to her house." He told them and I plopped onto the bench.

"what did he do?" Tig questioned and I sighed. "he told me I was nothing but a biker whore and that if I ever wanted to be shown how a real man fucks to call him." Kerri cut in before I could tell them and the guys all got quiet. "so Rebel went to see him; the day after when he walked into the classroom he had a broken nose, half of his face was black and blue, had a cast on one leg, a brace on one wrist and he couldn't breathe right. Apparently Rebel also told him to apologize, it went kinda like this 'Kerri-wheeze-anne, I-wheeze- apologize for-wheeze- what I-wheeze- said to you. –wheeze- it was –wheeze- rude and uncall-wheeze- uncalled for.' Had all the kids in my class laughing so hard they couldn't breathe either." She told them and I laughed with Chibs.

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