Party: Welcome to SAMBEL

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this chapter is going to be REALLY different from the show, but i hope you like it!


The party was in full swing by the time Kerri and I finished getting ready and talking. She still had some clothes in my room from the last time I was here, so she changed into a pair of dark wash skinny jeans, a dark red long sleeved shirt and a pair of black combat boots. I kept my black skinny jeans on but changed my shirt into a dark purple tee shirt that showed a good portion of my cleavage and changed my shoes to a pair of black combat boots that had chains hanging from them. For makeup I just put eyeliner and mascara on for us both. I pulled a Taser out of my suitcase and handed it to her "you remember how to use that?" I questioned as I pulled out my .9 mm and tucked it in the waistband of my pants. She nodded and turned it on to show me that she did remember.

I smiled at her "now remember, Cammy stays with you the whole time and if you need anything at all scream as loud as you can. But if someone is trying to make you do something or is trying to hurt you use that on them and scream for me. Later on in the night if you do well I'll let you have a drink or two as long as you stay with me." I told her and she nodded "I'm going to a party, not a war zone mom" she giggled to show she was teasing and I stuck my tongue out at her.

We walked out of my apartment, I had my arm around her shoulders and she had her arm around my middle. "now go my little butterfly! Socialize!" I exclaimed over dramatically with a smile on my face. She pushed me slightly "shut up!" she laughed as she walked away with Cammy. I walked over to the bar and grabbed myself a beer before walking over to the makeshift ring that held my brother and O'Neill.

Jax was beating O'Neill's ass and I couldn't help but to smile slightly as I drank my beer. I crossed my arms as I caught sight of Father Ashby on the other side of the ring watching Jax. When he saw that I was watching him he motioned me over so I walked around the edge of the ring to meet him in the small ally he was standing in front of. "I got your message" he stated when I reached him. "Don't try to play me Ashby, I know that you were Cameron's first call when he got here." I interrupted him and he sighed.

"Fine but that's not why I wanted to talk to you. I know your mother won't tell you, and Maureen is slightly afraid to tell you. Not that I blame her with your short temper, I don't even want to be the one to tell you this. But it must be done." He rambled and I sighed "spit it out man, I don't have all night to be talking to you." I ground out and he pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Your father when he came to Ireland had an affair. It was near the end of your parents' marriage and he came over here to get away and have some time to think. He and Maureen connected; the short version of the story, Trinity is your half-sister. That's why John spent so much time over here." He told me and I froze. "i-I'm sorry, WHAT!" I shrieked "you're telling me that my father had another child and that BITCH DIDN'T TELL US!!" I screamed shaking in rage.

I clenched my hands into fists and spun on my heel, marching over to the bar. I grabbed two bottles from under the bar, a bottle of bourbon and a bottle of vodka, and uncapped them both. "where's Maureen?" I questioned the men standing on the other side of the bar. Chibs looked at me questioningly before pointing over by the apartments. I looked over and saw her standing watching the party, I nodded and made my way over there taking a swig of the bourbon.

Once I reached her I just stared at her for a minute, "I'm not mad at you, or Trinity. I may not have known it but you are family." I told her finally "I want contact with her." I continued "I'll buy you both a phone and pay the bill. Call me if you need anything. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a scene to make." I told her smiling sadly at her. She nodded and I spun around and marched back to the party. I spotted all the people I needed to talk to and shrugged "what the hell" I muttered and made my way over to where the music was playing. I grabbed the mic and cut the music off before hopping up on the bar and taking another swig of bourbon.

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