Arriving in Ireland

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Rebels P.O.V

I woke up early the next morning, no one was up yet so I made my way into the kitchen and started the coffee. I went to the fridge and got out eggs, bacon and sausage. I set those on the counter before I opened the cupboard and got the pancake mix out.

I plugged my headphones into my phone and turned on Pandora before putting the buds in my ears. I started making breakfast for everyone and dancing around. By the time I was done there was three plates full of pancakes; one full of blueberry, one full of chocolate chip, and one full of regular. A plate full of bacon, one full of sausage and two plates of eggs. One full of scrambled eggs and one full of sunny side up, and I had decided half way through cooking that I was going to make hash browns so there was also a plate full of those.

I grabbed the milk and orange juice out of the fridge and set them on the counter with all the food. I got myself a plate and piled it full of food and set it on the bar before getting myself a cup of coffee and a glass of milk.

I turned my music off and set my phone on the bar next to my plate and took a seat in the stool. "what's that smell?" I heard a Scottish voice from behind me. I spun around on the stool and smiled at him "I made breakfast, help yourself. I made coffee too." I told him and turned back to my food. He walked around the counter and gaped at all the food. "lass I might have to marry you." He told me and I smirked taking a bite of my bacon. "you'll have a hell of a fight if you want to marry me chibby." I told him and he chuckled.

He came around the counter and sat next to me "and whys that lass?" he questioned playfully and I chuckled "well I have two mob boss' that consider me their daughter, one of them has two sons who consider me their sister. The other has a wife who considers me her daughter and he has three sons who consider me their sister. Plus your VP is my big brother and when I tried to go on a date in school he put the fear of god into any boy who would come to the door. So all things considered, I don't date." I told him.

"have you ever gone on a date?" he questioned and I thought about it for a minute "well once, but he was a prick and tried to get fresh with me." I told him.

He turned in his seat slightly to face me "what happened?" he questioned and he seemed like he genuinely wanted to know.

I sighed "It was when I was in Russia and I hadn't moved in with the Putlovs yet so I was living in this apartment. We had gone to dinner and afterward he offered to walk me home, I had said yes. Well we got to my house and since he had walked me home I invited him inside for a drink. Well I had gotten us some wine and went to the bathroom to freshen up, since Valentines oldest son was coming over and would be there soon. I got back out there and we finished our wine and we were just talking. I started feeling a bit funny and then I couldn't move, no matter how hard I tried my body just wouldn't do what I told it to all I could do was blink. That's when the guy started to undress me, I kept trying to tell him to stop but nothing would come out. I tried to fight back but my body was just dead weight. That's when there was a knock on my door, then I heard my brothers voice yelling for me to open the door cuz he had to piss and I tried to scream again but all that came out was whimpers. I guess he figured something was wrong because the next thing I knew there was a crash and the guy was ripped off of me. Afterward I was told that Mikael had knocked my door down and saw him on top of me so he ripped him off and beat him bloody. He called his father and took care of me, they killed him." I told him as I finished eating.

I looked over at him and saw the look of shock on his face. I patted his cheek and got up "it's ok now, it was a long time ago and I'm over it." I told him with a small smile "you should get the others up when your done eating we'll be landing soon. I'm going to jump in the shower." I finished before going to grab my travel bag and heading for the bathroom.


30 minutes later.

I had gotten a shower and changed into a pair of black skinny jeans, a black long sleeved crop top and a pair of black heeled boots. I brushed my hair and put it into a messy bun. I had just finished feeding Cammy and Ced when I got a text from Mike saying we were landing in five, so I made my way out to the main room. Chibs had been nice and cleaned up breakfast for me so I didn't have to worry about that. "we're landing in 5! Everyone find a seat!" I yelled and plopped into the same chair I was in yesterday. Once everyone was sitting I cleared my throat "once we land we'll be just outside of Belfast, so it should only take us about ten minutes to get to the clubhouse. Just stick close to me and you'll be fine." I told them and saw Jax nod.

Once the plane landed I put Cammy and Ced into my car and climbed in myself. I backed out of the plane and once I saw all the bikes behind me I set off for the clubhouse. It's been so long since I was here so along the way I just admired the scenery as it whizzed by my window.

We made it to the clubhouse without incident and when chibs parked I beeped my horn and motioned for him to come over. Once he made it over to my car I rolled down the window "would you mind taking Ced for me? Either put him in your room until I get back or ask them where my room is. Or you could just let him out of his cage, he'll stay by you until I get back." I told him and he nodded "yeah lass, I'll take care of him for you." He told me with a smile and got Ceds cage out of the back seat. I beeped one more time and sped off.


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