The next day

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(The pic is her tiger)

The next morning I woke up at 8:30. I packed a few things for cammy and ced and loaded all of our things into my car. I fed the rest of my babies and made sure my house was locked up. I loaded ced and cammy into the car as well before climbing in myself.


I got to the air strip 20 minutes later and saw some of the club already here and waiting. Clay, Jax, Chibs, Bobby, Happy, Juice and Gemma all stood around their bikes talking as I pulled up. I drove up next to them and rolled my window down "is this everyone?" I questioned and Jax nodded "ok follow me then, we're just going to drive onto the plane." I continued.

When they got on their bikes I continued down the air strip to the plane I bought about a year ago and drove onto it. I waited for everyone to park their bikes before I got out of my car and ordered Cammy out and up the steps to the main room. I grabbed Ced's cage out of the back seat and pushed the button on the intercom on the wall next to my car. A few seconds passed before a voice came through the speaker "what can I do for you ma'am?" the voice of mike, my part time body guard questioned.

I smiled and pushed the talk button "could you come down to the pit and have someone fasten our vehicles down please?" I questioned. "yes, go get your guests situated. I'll take care of it before take off" he replied and I sent a quick thank you before ushering everyone up the steps and into the main room.

My plane was pretty cool, it had several rooms on it. First would be the main room, it's fairly large. It has a kitchen area to one side and to the other is a mini bar and seating area that has a four seater couch and four comfy swivel chairs with a dark wood coffee table in the center of it. All along the walls are shelving and drawers, some of them had secret compartments. In the kitchen area there is a breakfast bar and a small dining table with booth seating.

In the hall next to the kitchen there are six doors, four on the left and two on the right. The ones on the right are smaller rooms, they have a twin bed a small flat screen tv and a two drawer night stand at the end of the bed. The first door on the right is my room, it's slightly larger than the other rooms. It has a queen bed, a regular sized flat screen and a medium sized dresser. The second door on the right is the bathroom, it's big enough to fit a toilet a sink and a bath/shower. At the end of the hall is a door that leads to my holding cells, I have two, and my medical room. One holding cell has a cot and the other I transformed into a room for my babies if they come with me, it has a queen sized bed a chest for their toys a perch for Ced and food bowls attached to the walls.

My room shares a wall with, what I like to call my conference room. It has glass walls facing the kitchen, and an advanced smart table in the center of the room along with several monitors on the wall.

Down where the cars are at there are two more rooms. The first is a lab where I develop several different things; weapons, poisons, tear gas and sleeping gas to name a few. At the back of the lab is a door that leads to my private office. It's fairly large, containing an antique mahogany desk, a comfy black swivel chair, three book cases, two oak chests, large wooden enclosed shelving along one wall, another mini bar and a fluffy couch with a pull out bed.

(think Marvel Agents of SHEILD plane but with a few minor differences)

I set Ced's cage on the coffee table and let him out and turned to my family. "mom you and clay can take the first room on the right, it's the only room with a full sized bed. Everyone else there are four rooms on the left side of the hall you guys decide who gets them. The person who doesn't get a room can crash on the couch. We won't land in Ireland until tomorrow morning so make yourselves comfortable. The kitchen is right there, I had it stocked last night. The bathroom is the second door on the right and if any of you get hurt there is a medical room through the door at the end of the hall. Only two rules; one, you can use the computer if you want but don't fuck around and delete something. Two, if you happen to go into my lab down stairs don't touch anything. You might end up melting the flesh off of your hands." I told them pointing to where everything was. "you have t.vs in your rooms but I also have cards and board games in those drawers. Any questions?" I asked as I sat on one of the swivel chairs.

"who was that guy you were talking to before?" my mom questioned with a smirk and I rolled my eyes. "that would be mike, he's my upart time body guard." I told them and Jax looked confused. "everyone sit down, we're about to take off. I'll explain." I told them and they all found a seat.

Jax sat across from me in one of the chairs, chibs sat next to him and happy sat next to me. Mom, Clay, juice and Bobby sat on the couch. I propped my feet up on the coffee table and sighed.

"I told you about the friends I made while I was traveling, well the Russian mob boss, Valentine, took a liking to me. He practically adopted me while I was living there, so when I left he found mike. Told him I was to be protected at all costs and to inform him on everything that went on with me. Well I found out and I was kinda ticked to I freaked on him and eventually we made a deal. Mike was to be my body guard, but he only had to be in the same city or town I was in. I was to call Mike if I were have any problems at all and I had to call him every two days to check in and call Valentine every Friday. Mike was also to call Valentine every time I called to check in so that he knew I was doing alright." I told them.

"why so much lass?" Chibs questioned and I smiled "to quote Valentine 'a father always worries about his children printsessa'" I quoted and he nodded.

"now I know I'm not a part of the club, but I figured I should inform you. When we get to SAMBEL's clubhouse I have a few things I need to do, so I'll escort you there but once you are all there I'm leaving. What I have to do should only take me about two hours so I'll be back before the welcome party." I told them and stood up "I have a few things to do before tonight so I'll be down stairs." I announced and made my way down to my office.


10 pm; 3rd person p.o.v

Clay, Gemma, Chibs and Bobby were in their rooms getting sleep for tomorrow. Jax was in the kitchen sitting at the bar drinking some jack daniels when Happy walked in. "do you know where your sister is?" he questioned and jax looked up at him questioningly "why?" he questioned.

"she gave us all a place to sleep, but never said where she was going to sleep. You take the last room and I was going to tell her she can take the couch and I would sleep on one of the floor or the other holding cell." He told Jax.

"I haven't seen her since she went down stairs. Do you have feelings for my sister?" Jax deadpanned staring Happy down. "look she's hot but I don't do that old lady shit." Happy replied "so if we do anything, I'll make sure she knows that." He finished and turned making his way downstairs to find Rebel.


Rebel P.O.V

I was sitting in my office drinking some bourbon and doing some paperwork when there was a knock on my door. Cammy looked up from her position laying on my feet and Ced cawed softly. "come in!" I shouted keeping my eyes on my work.

The door opened and I heard footsteps coming closer, when they stopped I looked up to see Happy standing on the other side of my desk looking down at me. I smiled stretching slightly and cracked my neck "whats up?" I questioned and took a swig of my drink.

"where you sleeping?" he asked and I raised an eyebrow and motioned to the couch along the wall. "on the pull out bed" I told him and he nodded "why?" I asked and he shrugged "you told everyone else to take all the places upstairs, didn't know if you had a place to crash for the night." He said and I nodded.

"well thanks but if I sleep tonight I'll be good." I told him "if?" he questioned raising an eyebrow in question. I nodded "yeah I have a shit ton of stuff to do. I always do when I'm on this plane, so I usually don't sleep much." I told him and he nodded and sat on the couch making himself comfortable.

"what kind of shit you do when you're on here?" he asked and I just stared at him for a minute before I started "uh, well some of it's classified, but uh I consult for this special organization they use my knowledge of psychology, mythology, engineering and computer science. Most of it I do off site, so a lot of paperwork. The rest of the work is personal though, I uh build and invent things." I told him.

He nodded but stayed silent so I watched him for a minute before turning my attention back to my work.

It was a few hours later I had finished most of my paperwork. I got up and filled my glass up again, I looked over at the couch and smiled. Happy had fallen asleep a little while ago and now he had cammy curled up next to him with her head on his lap. I yawned and stretched before finishing my drink. I made my way upstairs and grabbed a blanket before I curled up on the couch and fell asleep.

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