Chapter 8

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Hours later...

(Kai's POV)

Soon after Lloyd and Jay left, Zane and Cole got sick of me kicking their asses and went home. I decided to stay behind to help Darreth clean up the dojo and chat for a bit, but before I knew it, morning turned into afternoon and afternoon turned into evening and Darreth was locking up the dojo for the night. We bid farewell and I started walking towards the Bounty. Suddenly, my phone rang. "Hello?" "Hi, Kai!" Nya's voice practically screamed in my ear, "Guess what?" I shook my head to clear out the ringing. "Geez, Nya, you don't have to shout. I'm not deaf!" I growled. I heard her huff. "I said 'guess what," she said stubbornly. I sighed in annoyance. "I don't know. What?" I asked, not really caring at all. I heard her take a deep breath and pause dramatically. I wanted to scream. She knew I hated suspence, which was probably why she was doing this. After a few seconds, I snapped. "Just spit it out already!" I shouted. I heard her giggle at my frustration and I growled under my breath. "Okay, okay," she paused again and I groaned. "You're enjoying this, aren't you?" "Yup," she said, "Anyway, what I want to tell you is that I hooked Lloyd and Ollie up!" I froze. "Wha...what?" I squeaked. "Yep. I'm so happy because now I know Ollie isn't gonna steal Jay from me. Y'know, I think..." she continued talking, but I didn't pay attention. All I could think about was Ollie. I didn't want to admit it, but I liked her. Hell, I loved her. And now she was with another man. I felt my heart shatter. I've never liked a girl this way before and I doubt I ever would again. I felt a warm tear roll down my face, followed by another and then another. I couldn't control it. "I've got to go," I said hoarsly. I heard Nya . "Kai, what's..." I hung up before she could finish. I wiped away the tears and started walking towards the Bounty again. I didn't want to go home, but Nya would kick my ass if I didn't. I walked slowly, not wanting to get there quickly. But, alas, it only took me half an hour. I jumped onto the deck and walked over to the door. I wiped my eyes again, trying to remove any evidence of me crying. "Why are you crying, Kai?" a voice asked behind me. I turned around. There was no one there. I shook my head in confusion. I could have sworn there was someone talking. I shrugged to myself and turned around, then almost screamed in terror. A teenage girl was hanging upside down from the doorway. She jumped down to stand in front of me. She had hip lenth brown hair, brown eyes and wore a sky blue half-top and an ocean blue mini skirt. She giggled. "Your funny, Kai," she grinned. I was about to ask how she knew my name, but then I noticed she was holding something. It was a fluffy, red cat teddy-my fluffy, red cat teddy. I jumped at her. She giggled and danced out of my reach. "Give Mr Fluffykins back!" I shouted before I could stop myself. The girl giggled and I blushed. I ran at her again, this time attacking with my elemental tornado. She dodged and managed to trip me at the same time. I fell in my face. I groaned and rolled over. The girl sat on my chest and smiled down at me. Damn, she was cute. Her smile dissapeared and she blushed slightly. Then she leaned down and pressed her lips to mine. I froze in shock and she pulled away, blushing even more. She stood up and jumped over the side of the Bounty. I stood up and ran to lean over the railings. "Wait!" I shouted after her. She looked back for a second, then continued running. I jumped over the railing and followed her. She looked over her shoulder and gasped, before speeding up. Man, she was fast. But all my training as a ninja made me faster. Finally, I cornered her in an alley. She gasped and looked around, before diving through a hole in the wall. I followed, but she wasvgone by the time I finally squeezed myself through. I looked around. I was in a big room that had about 18 rooms joined to it. She could've gone into any one of them. Suddenly, I heard a scream come from the room closest to my left and ran in to see the girl pinned down on a grubby mattress by a scrawny boy with a blue mowhawk. "Leave her alone," I growled, stepping forward threateningly. The boy looked up at me and he smirked. "Who's your freind, Naomi?" he asked, before standing up and walking over to me. His blue eyes were bloodshot and his breath smelt of alchohol. "You. Me. Fight. Right here, right now," he pointed at the girl, "The prize: her." The poor thing looked at me, begging me to save her from the boy. I nodded and the boy smirked again. "Do your worst." I knocked him down after three seconds of using my elemental tornado. He stood up, terror covering his face. "And never come near her again," I snarled. The boy squeaked and ran from the room. I turned and walked over to the girl. "Are you okay?" I asked, sitting down beside her. She nodded. "Thank you, Kai, for saving me from Johnathan," she said softly. "How do you know my name?" I asked. She blushed. "I minds..." she confessed. "Why did you kiss me?" She blushed even more and looked away, but didn't answer. I forced her to look at me. "Why did you kiss me?" I asked again. "I...I didn't think I'd get another chance..." she whispered. I stared at her, and then, before I could stop myself, I leaned forward and pressed my lips against hers. She froze, then returned the kiss. After a second, I pulled away, my face blazing. "Sorry," I muttered. She smiled gently, wrapping her arms around my neck. I immidiately knew what she wanted and kissed her again, pushing her down onto the mattress. My hands trailed up to the seam of her shirt, before she pushed me away. I looked down at he, confusion and hurt covering my face. Naomi looked away, blushing. She looked...scared. I immediately realised why. I brushed a stray lock of her long brown hair behind her ear and she looked up at me shyly. "I won't hurt you," I said gently. She smiled. "Okay." and then I leaned down to kiss her again.

Crazy, Messed-Up Life-A Ninjago FanficWhere stories live. Discover now