Chapter 3

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(a week later)

Kai's POV

Life on the Bounty has gotten so much harder to cope with during the last week. Jay's fucking my sister almost every night, Cole and Zane started 'getting it on' as well and Lloyd has been banned from every candy shop in Ninjago, which means he won't stop begging us to buy him some. Luckily, today, I woke up before anyone else, so maybe I can eat my breakfast in peace. I made myself a bowl of Weetbix(without the sugar, because of Lloyd's obsession) and sat at the table. I ate a spoonful and grimanced. t tastes so strange without sugar. "Morning, Kai," a feminine voice yawned. I looked over to greet Nya, but instead, my jaw hit the floor. She was wearing a super-short, skimpy, red dress that was almost completely see through. She raised an eyebrow at me, then looked down and understanding crossed her face. "Oh...this..." she laughed nervously, trying-and failing-to make it look longer, "What do you think?" I opened my mouth to tell her exactly wht I thought of it, but Cole entered the room just then. "Woah ho ho, Sexy," he whistled, dragging Zane after him, "Where'd you get it? I just might have to buy Frosty one." "I thought it was decided that you were the female in our relationship," Zane said in a joking tone. "Oh, no, you are mistaken, my beloved nindroid, we decided it would be you who is the female." "Whatever you say, Twinkle Toes." "Oh, you did not just say that!"They started arguing about it and I growled under my breath. "Why don't you both be the female?" a voice suggested, "Then you can both wear the dress." Oh, great. Jay's up. "Morning, beautiful," he smiled sleepily, wrapping his arms around Nya's waist. "Well, look who's finally awake," Nya joked, turning in his arms so she could kiss him. "Give him a break, Nya. You gave him quite a beating last night. A lot of people are probably gonna start complaining about how loud you guys were," Cole snickered. Nya glared at him over her shoulder. "Oh, yeah? Well, you and Zane were louder than us," she argued. "I didn't even know nindroids could have orgasms," Jay murmured. Cole blushed. "Er, that wasn't Zane..." he said softly, looking down. Okay. I didn't really want to know that. Nya burst out laughing. "I'm sorry, Cole, but that is hilarious!" she giggled. He glared at her. Zane flung his arm over Cole shoulder. "Well, we now know who's the female in our relationship." Cole glared at Zane and pulled away from him, storming out of the room. "Oh, come on, baby, I didn't mean it!" Zane shouted, running after him, "Come on, sweetheart!" "SHUT UP, ZANE!" We were left sitting/standing in an awkward silence. Then Lloyd walked in. "Oh, man," he yawned, "I didn't get any sleep last night. Please, do us all a favor and go to zsome motel whenever you want to have se-" I shoved my self out of my seat and stormed out of the room. I was just so sick of them talking about my sister's sex life, I had to get out of there. Luckily, we were anchored in the Ninjago City park . I jumped off the Bounty and started walking through Ninjago City. It had snowed the night before and my shoes made a very loud sound as I turned down an ally. I sighed and leaned against a wall, realising I should have brought a coat. I closed my eyes and practced my breathing. "Oi, Spike," a rough, feminine voice growled. I kept my eyes closed, thinking she was talking to someone else. Suddenly, something smahed against the wall beside each side of my head. I opened my eyes to see a young girl glaring at me. It only took me a second to anylyse her. She wore an orange tube top and black jeans with black high-heeled boots. But it was her face that really intrueged-and attracted-me. She had short, blonde hair and blue eyes...well, except for the fact her left eye was orange and the left side of her face was charred. It stood out against her pale skin, like ashes in the snow. "I'm talkin' ta you, freakasaurus," she snapped, "You're on my turf an' I want you gone."

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