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l- um hey ash
a- who is this,
l- ashton it's me Luke
a- Michael are you fucking with me?
l- no ash it's me
a- I swear I'm going to kill you Michael Luke if it's actually you then prove it
l- ash your favorite color is baby pink and your favorite flavor of ice cream is strawberries&cream
a- do you know who I saw the other day.
l- calum?
a- yeah
l- ashton there's something really serious I have to tell you,
a- what
l- I met your dad, I saw your dad, your dad found me.
a- Luke are you kidding.
l- no I'm not
a- can you comeover
l- ashton we haven't talked in 6 years.
a- please Lukey
l- hey okay calm down ash I'll be there soon
a- here's my address 4892 eleventh road, Sydney
l- calm down ash your going to be okay

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