Chapter 12

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Later that evening, much later, Merlin was lying against Arthur spent and exhausted. His magic had kicked in and he was healing but not too fast because he didn't want to alert the king. They would later attribute it to Gaius' knowledge of herbs and such but he knew he was getting stronger by the day. And tomorrow the man who made him suffer would die and he could close that part of his life. He leant up on his elbow and gazed at the sleeping Prince next to him.

Arthur had been amazing throughout the entire ordeal. He'd been understanding and supportive. He'd done everything humanly possible and it had taken a toll on him as well. Merlin gently stroked his hair. Without that love he'd never have pulled through. It was Arthur who he hung on for. Now that he was safe in his Prince's arms it was almost surreal but he wasn't satisfied. Arthur was almost too gentle with him. Too careful and he wanted something more but he was afraid of asking for it. "Mmmm." Arthur murmured, roused from sleep. "What is it?" His eyes fluttered open.

He smiled when he saw Merlin, bathed in the light of the moon that slipped through his curtains. His beautiful face free of the mask still bore scars and bruises from it but he could see them and kiss each one if he wanted to.

"I want something." Merlin ventured softly as he bit his lower lip.

"The last two times weren't enough? Really Merlin, I'm young but even I have limits to my endurance." Arthur grinned at him and lifted up one his hands. He stared at it gently and kissed his knuckles. Being able to see them made him shiver with anticipation of when they would be at full strength again.

"I appreciate everything you've done Arthur." Merlin smiled. "I want..." He swallows, unsure of how to ask. "He was rough, brutal." He looked away. "And..."

Arthur's expression changed then as he listened. He looked angry but not at Merlin. None of what happened was Merlin's fault.

"I was very glad I had the mask because I know he would have had done worse things." Merlin drew up his knees. "So I have that, at least. You're the only one who has touched my face. The rest of me..." he shrugged. "The rest of me endured more than you can imagine."

Arthur rubbed Merlin's fingers gently. "What do you need from me?"

"Your strength, Arthur, I need it."

Arthur looked confused, "you have it."

"I mean..." Merlin hesitated. "I want you to erase him from me, Arthur."

"But you're not fully recovered!" Arthur stared at him, "I could really hurt you." He couldn't deny he was eager to purge the memory of that man from Merlin's body and that gentle wasn't really his style.

"I don't care." Merlin shook his head. "You've been gentle and loving and wonderful and I love you for it. But I know you're holding back. I want to pretend." He reached up and trailed his thumb over Arthur's lips. "That this is you and me before all this happened. And I want you to do exactly what you would have done if you found me naked in your bed. I don't want you to hold back. I want to feel you, Arthur. I want to feel you as deep as you can possibly go."

"Merlin..." Arthur finally began to understand just what he was asking for. He smiled and his eyes went deep blue with passion. "What are you doing in my bed?"

"I suspect I should be asking you how you got me into your bed, sire." Merlin drawled, delighted that he was willing to play this out.

"We could play that game all night, but the fact remains that *You* are in my bed and everything in my bed is mine to do with as I please. So.." Arthur flipped him over onto his back.

The move surprised Merlin and he tried not to wince at the pain that rushed through him. It was something he could associate with Arthur now though.

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