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Two updates at once at once, and they're relatively long. You're welcome.
Reminder: Comments make me happy :)
Taylor's POV.

Never really felt bad about it
As we drank deep from a lie
'Cause I felt melting magnets, babe
The second I saw you through half-shut eyes

Lights. Cameras. Smile. Tilt your head just the slightest. Turn sideways and stand a little taller. Throw your shoulders back. Reposition your body a little. All of it is like a second nature to you. The slight and subtle changes you're trained to make so that no two pictures come out looking the same. You barely even acknowledge it all anymore, the deafening loud screams that fill the air. Operating on muscle memory, a few final poses are struck. The crowd of fans behind the barriers go wild as you blow them a kiss before walking off the red carpet, and while a smile is plastered on your face like you're deeply pleased with your surroundings, everything going on around you is the last thing on your mind.
Four days. You haven't seen or heard from Karlie in four days, and especially considering your boyfriend was out of town this week, that was too much time wasted that could have been spent with her. You'd been too ashamed to reach out, too embarrassed. You had figured that she'd take a day or two to come around, and then a cute "please come over" text would be sent to your phone, and you could get around to showing her how sorry you felt instead of telling her.
But that hadn't happened, and now it's been four days. The thought leaves a sour taste in your mouth. But, you push it away upon reaching your publicist, who had been awaiting your arrival at the end of the red carpet, just outside the doors to the dinner hall.
Tree barely looks up from her blackberry.
"This place is lame." You tell her straight up.
"Is it?" Her brow is furrowed as she types away, still not looking up at you, and you can only wonder which poor intern in your publicity team screwed what up, that she was having to fix so urgently.
"It's like the Met Gala, expect smaller." Tree purses her lips. "I'm so sorry it's not up to par with the princess' standards." Her voice dripped with fake, sarcastic sympathy. "But her highness must mingle with the commoners every now and then if she wishes to paint a good image of herself in the public eye."
You roll your eyes. Typical Tree.
"Honey." She continues, in her normal authoritative tone, finally looking at you. "Go inside, find yourself a nice table, make yourself some nice friends. Donate a big wad of cash and take some pictures. Do what Taylor Swift is expected to do at a socialite event."
And just like that, she's back on her blackberry, walking briskly away from you before you can even protest to the fact that mainly the only people here are grey-haired old folk trying to kill time by coming to events such as these.
You sigh, and begin your walk into the dining hall. On one side, right next to the door, is the stall where all the donations are to be made, while the rest of the hall is filled up by two long tables, fit to host about fifty people each.

As you look around at the room taking it in, the first person to approach you all night shows up in front of you, and it's some snotty rich heiress you have to struggle to be polite with. As she launches into complaining and talking down the event, you realize, this is going to be a long night; especially with your mind stuck elsewhere, on someone you haven't heard from in days.

Smoke and sunset, off Mulholland
He was talking, I was wondering 'bout
You and that girl, she your girlfriend?
Face from heaven, bet the world she don't know...
Pretty girls don't know the things that I know

Two hours later you've talked to at least a hundred different people, and have come to conclude that you might be the most notable guest present at the occasion, since not very many people of your, well, status had come to this thing. It was more of a grand socialist gathering rather than a place for international pop-stars, and you could feel every eye in the room flitting onto you from time to time, and the noticeable whispers and stares. So far, you'd been introduced to many tuxedo-clad businessmen, along with fashion designers, and elite brand owners; film producers and the occasional supermodel. But, it was clear no one from the music industry would be making an appearance. Sighing, you're about to go and find a place at one of the tables, when a hand is placed on your shoulder.
"Excuse me."
Turning around, you come face to face with an incredibly pretty girl. She's about as tall as you are, which is something, and her blonde hair is a few shades lighter than yours. Her blue eyes and her smile are beautiful, you must admit, and your eyes involuntarily almost trail down her body. You catch yourself before you come off as blatantly checking her out.
"Um, hi." You say, your voice sounding small, as you hadn't been expecting to suddenly be facing such an attractive person. She smiles at you.
"Hi. I'm Toni. Really big fan of your music."
There's an air of confidence about her, not faltering in her words for a second, and maintaining eye contact with you the whole time- something that you don't commonly see. Most people become a stuttering mess when first meeting you.
"Thanks." You tell her. "I love what you're wearing." It's obviously Versace, you can tell that much, and from there, you both launch into conversation.
She works in fashion, you discover, and is an aspiring model. Her last name is Garrn and her dad is a German entrepreneur, who sent her to the event on his behalf.
By the time your conversation is dwindling to a close, you feel much happier to be here than you had before, glad you managed to at least meet someone you could potentially call a friend.
"It was really nice meeting you, Taylor."
She says, in conclusion.
"Honestly, you too. I wasn't expecting to make a friend here but I think you and I could-"
"Oh my God." She cuts you off mid-sentence, looking not at you, but at something over your shoulder. You're perplexed momentarily, before turning around to see what she was looking at, and when you do, your breath hitches in your throat. You hadn't been expecting to see this.
She's here.
Karlie's here.
Your head spins just a little, not only because you were completely caught off guard and hadn't been expecting to see her here, for the first time in days, but also because she looks absolutely amazing.
Having just walked in through the doors, she immediately catches the attention of every man in the room. Her hair falls freely over her shoulders, black dress is criminally short, showing off those legs that look perfect to the touch, and her makeup team has really outdone itself. Her already perfect cheekbones have been accentuated, going perfectly symmetrically with that long, delicate neck meeting an inhumanly chiseled jawline. Your heart should not be hammering this hard in your chest.
"Okay, wow." Toni suddenly says from right besides you, and you'd forgotten she was even there.
"She's really hot." She says in disbelief, and this gets your attention. You eye her curiously, as she gawks in Karlie's direction, doing nothing to even be discreet about it. Toni was straight, right?
"She's coming over here!" Toni proclaims suddenly, and looking up you see Karlie has indeed spotted and began to approach you. Any thoughts of Toni or her sexuality or just about anything else in the world are wiped clean from your mind the second she's close enough for you to see the color of her eyes.
"What the hell, do you know her?" Toni whispers to you, sounding surprised.
Karlie's hips sway beautifully when she walks.
"She's my best friend." You tell her in a small voice, still fixated, drinking in the beauty of the girl walking towards you.
"Oh my god, you have to introduce us!" Toni sounds almost unraveled as she whispers this, but quickly composes herself as Karlie reaches the two of you.

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