Chapter Eleven: Distance

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It's been two days since I last talked to Kazuto. It was painful but I had to accept the truth.

"I-I have to go. Onii~chan told me . . . I could only talk to you one last time," I struggled to say those hatred words.

"I'm sorry. I'll go. . ." he turned his back towards me.

He never turned away from me. Never. Why now? Tears were running down my face both in virtual and in real life.


"Yuna. I'll always love you and you know that," his words were quieter than a droplet falling on the waters surface. 

The he turned around and hugged me. I wanted to endure the pain that it was only a virtual hug. This may be the last time I'll ever be in his arms.

"I love you too. Good bye," I gently pushed him away and deleted our chat.

I couldn't handle it. By that time, I threw myself to other different guys whom I already chatted before meeting Kazuto. It was no use. I couldn't forget him. His love for me was with me, every step for the way. 

I met up with Emma the next day. My dad was confused when I asked him the drop me off at Emma's. 

My eye's were burning up with tears as I walked over to the kitchen table, "D-dad, I have a request,"

He looked up from his newspaper, hurt to see my current condition, "Sure sweetheart, what is it?"

I looked down at the floor then back up to be met with a sadden eyes. 

"D-dad," I shuddered when tears started to form in his eyes.

"Sorry, what's your request?" he sniffed, enduring the pain to cry. 

"Please drop me at Emma's. . ."

"Sure," he replied with a faint smiled.

I watch him get up and get the car keys on the key holder. I was quite happy that my sisters was with my mom today, but saddened when I realize that the whole family will never make another gleeful memory.   

There was only silence in the car. 

Once Emma's house came to view, I bid my dad later. He patted my head and whispered, "I wish there was more I can do to make my little girl happy,"

I stood there unable to hold back any tears, as I hugged my dad. Just how fast it started, I let go, and ran towards Emma's doorstep. I looked back to find the car already driving down the street. I looked at the wooden door in front of me, and gave three quick knocks. 

Sleepy Emma answered the door. "Yuna?" she said with a yawn.

The moment I saw her, I opened the door, blocking us, and hugged her. She was the only person I can truly trust and the best big sister which I never got to have. 

With arms wrapped around me, she asked, "You did it didn't you? You broke up with Jackson?" her words were so soft.

I nodded, endless tears running down my cheek. No one was home when Emma let me in. 

"Hot chocolate milk?" she suggested, once the door were closed. 

"And don't forget the tissues," I gave a halfhearted smiled. We both gave weak laugh, knowing we have much to catch up on. 

Once the hot chocolate was brewed, I told her everything at the kitchen table. Every detail from the simple "Hello" to the unforgetful "Good Bye" forever. 

"This may be for your own good," she whispered.

"I-I . . ." I sighed, "I don't know,"

"One question. Are you feeling real for Jackson?"

My eye's widened, "I. . .really don't know," surprised that my answers are all uncertain. 

"Maybe you just fell in love with the idea of having that special person," she shrugged.

I knew it was from her own personal experience. 

"Yuna, I don't want you to get hurt farther," she held my hand. Only then I noticed she was shaking.

"Emma. . ."

"Spend more time with me kay? Actually keep yourself busy. I don't want the same thing happening to you like it happened to me,"

She was now crying. 

"Sure." I lied. 

She didn't want me talking online anymore, which was my mistake. I lied knowing tonight, I will find another person to spend my time on, like I did to Jackson. 

I walked home, knowing my dad had night shift today. Emma's last words kept repeating in my head, "I know when your talking online and when your not." Now I was in deep thought if she had a google+, and she was one of my followers or friends. But right now, I didn't put much effort in knowing whether my prediction was true. 

I logged onto my account on google, to find someone worthy of my time. 

Surprisingly, in a short time period, I met another boy. He was four years older than me. It was surprising at first but as time passed, he slowly filled the hole my bleeding heart. I could finally smile again for real. His user was DarkBanan.We met when one friend we both had in common was struggling. We talked to our friend and soon we both got caught in an endless conversation. There were times where he reminded me of Jackson/Kazuto. Because he always called me "cute" and stuff. I still distanced myself from my RP siblings. I wasn't ready to face them yet, not until I'm fully healed and I'm sure I won't have another breakdown.

As days past I got to know him better. My mood brightened more at school and it seems that everyone noticed. Everyone knew about my break up since everyone in school had a google account. Even Rem, the school's biggest bad boy, which I call jerk face, didn't tease me about the break up. I started smiling brighter then before, since now, more people were pursuing me. I started wearing new clothes and started talking in classes more. 

On Thursday night, the night DarkBanan and I didn't have any after school activities, I ran to my room and quickly logged into my account. By this time I already knew he liked me. We talked for an estimate of thirty minutes when he asked me a question, that caught me off guard.

"So can you give me a chance...?" he shyly asked me.

"A chance to what?" I asked, slightly curious.

"To be your boyfriend, in the future. . ." he blushed.

I blushed harder. Thats when I remembered Kazuto. I blinked hard, enduring the pain but smiled, knowing everything happens for a reason. 

"Umm. S-sure," I nervously replied. 

Suddenly the heated aura was gone which was replaced by an cherry and excited aura. 

"Lets meet in real life soon! " he smiled brightly at me.

I nodded. Thats when I realize that he wanted to date me in real life. I can't believe I accepted! That moment I had an urge to talk to the people I kept away from.

I wanted my RP family back. I kept my distance from them long enough.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2016 ⏰

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