Chapter 1 - Why?

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Madison is a twelve year old girl, though if you passed her on the street you may mistake her for a nine year old. She is short but sweet, shy but sassy. Her blue eyes capture the true spirit of innocence and playfulness. She has her own style but hates looking sloppy or boyish. She is a girly girl and enjoys pinks and purples. Her shiny dark brown hair is always done up nice, braided or in pigtails. She is starting a new school year, entering the seventh grade atRidgeviewMiddle School. She has a mother, father, and an adopted younger sister. She is part of a typical American, middle class family. Madison gets along better with her father and has always been a "Daddy's Girl" since the day she could talk. She doesn't mind her younger sister, but sometimes gets annoyed when her parents, her Mom especially, baby her way too much. She becomes jealous at times when it seems like her little sister Alyssa is more important. She also thinks it's somewhat silly that her four year old sister gets treated more like she is two. She is not potty trained and shows no interest in using the toilet. Madison often teases her younger sister and calls her a "spoiled brat baby." Her mother's excuse is that Alyssa came from a rough place and never really had a chance to be a baby when she was one. Some of the details are not known, but this is what Mrs. Ludke always says whenever anyone gets on her case for having a four year old "still in diapers." Deep down inside, Madison becomes jealous of her sister, because she too never had a decent childhood. It's not that her parents abused her, physically. She comes from a loving home. However, when Madison was growing up, her parents were always traveling and leaving Madison in the care of live-in Nanny's and babysitters. Things are different now. Mrs. Ludke now stays at home and Mr. Ludke owns a large company and is quite wealthy. But they try not to act like the typical yuppie, "stuck-up rich" family. They live in a middle-class neighborhood; not in a mansion.

It is September - Labor Day. Madison is lying in her bed, bummed that school starts the next day. She starts to think about her sister and how 'lucky' she is. Alyssa will be going to preschool. What fun, Maddie thinks, it would be to be in preschool: playing with blocks, play-doh, and reading stories. She tries to remember when she was four but her mind draws a blank. Suddenly, she slips into a half-coma state as she enters a dreamscape. She finds herself in a big room with brightly colored walls, toys, activity tables, cubbies, and other items you'd find in a preschool or daycare. She is sitting down amongst other three and four year olds and a teacher is in front of them reading a story from a book. She looks around at some of the other kids. Most of them appear to be potty trained, but the girl next to her obviously is not, as she notices a strong scent emitting from the girl's behind. She lifts up her pink sundress to find she herself is wearing a Pamper that feels to be dry. "What is happening?" she thinks. "Am I four years old? Did I switch places with Alyssa? Why am I wearing a diaper?" Some time passes and the teacher finishes the story. She announces it's time for a potty break. The kids that are potty trained line up to use the bathroom. The teachers come and do diaper checks on the un-potty trained children.

"Madison, are you wet?" A teacher asks. Madison looks a bit confused and is startled. She finally shakes her head and lisps softly, "nuh uh, I am dry." The teacher smiles and goes to the girl who pooped and takes her to get changed. Madison gets up and walks over to a play area. She joins some other little girls and participates in a pretend tea-party. She finds herself laughing and having fun with the other girls, until she feels a strong urge from her bladder. She's still a bit confused and is thinking "I should go potty," but then remembers she's wearing a diaper. She thinks to herself "I guess I just pee in my Pamper." She stands still and concentrates and feels as if she's about to pee.


All of a sudden, Madison comes out of her coma state and finds herself sitting up in her bed. She looks over her body and sees it's her twelve-year old self again. Now she feels the strong urge from her bladder and is seconds away from having an accident. She gasps and dashes out of bed and into the bathroom. She just barely makes it to the toilet. As she's relieving herself, she can't help but be confused about her little dream. "Why would I dream something like that? It seemed so real. It was so fun. Oh, to be four again. But why was I diapered? And why am I sitting here on the potty now, wishing I could have just wet my diaper?" Madison cleans herself up and pulls her pajama pants back up. All these thoughts keep racing in her head. She goes back into her room and lays in bed, hoping that dream comes back to her. She wants to continue where she left off, as a four year old about to wet her diaper. But, to her dismay, that dream doesn't come back. Instead, she has the usual "going back to school" nightmare. Now her alarm is going off. She gets ready for school and eats her breakfast, nervous for the first day of seventh grade.

All throughout the first day of seventh grade, all Madison can think about is her dream from the night before. She wants to be that little girl. She wants to wear that Pamper. And she wants to wet it. These thoughts are beginning to scare her. She tells herself over and over - "get out of my head! This is stupid. I'm twelve, not four. And I don't wear diapers. That's sick! I need to stop thinking about this. It's over! It's done!" For a while, she is able to think about other things and hang out with her friends at school. But when the 3:15 PM bell rings and she gets on the bus, the thoughts come back. The bus stops and it's her turn to get off. She walks in the house to see her Mom changing Alyssa's diaper. Oh, what timing. She grumbles and says "oh, I see I'm just in time to see the brat getting her baby diaper changed!" Mrs. Ludke gives Madison "the look" and tells her to be nice to her sister. "Yeah, yeah, sorry!" She runs up to her room and shuts the door. Madison wants so badly to daydream and get that dream back, but nothing happens. "Stupid Alyssa! Why the heck do I have this desire to go steal one of her diapers...oh, they won't fit anyway!" Just then her train of thought is interrupted by a phone call. It's one of her friends, Megan. This takes her mind off the regression and diaper desires, for now...

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