The Man of My Dreams (Literally)

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Slowly, I opened my eyes to the silence and darkness surrounding me.  I knew I had been swallowed into the deep depth of my dreams.  The emptiness before me was lonely and never ending.  Closing my eyes once more, I waited to be wrapped in the blanket of darkness.  Within seconds I’d move on to another scene, one with him. 

                I let out a shaky breath, scared to open my eyes and see him.  “Halley, I’m back.  Did you miss me?”  A shiver went up my spine as he whispered in my ear, his lips brushing it slightly.  “Open your eyes.” 

I fought the pressure forcing my eyes open.  After struggling a few minutes, my eyes opened unwillingly.  The boy wore a grin that made my stomach sick.  Something about him wasn’t right, especially his smile.  “This is just a dream,” I whispered to myself. 

The grin on the boy’s face grew.  “Oh dear, I really am starting to scare you.  Aren’t I?  You have to tell yourself this is just a dream for comfort.  If only it really were that simple.  If only this really was a dream.”

“What do you want?”  My voice shook as I spoke, and I tried hard not to look into his eyes.  His eyes were as empty and lonely as the blackness I encountered before every dream, before every meeting with him.  One look at his eyes and my knees would fall out from under me, leaving me helpless to him.  They had a controlling power over me and made me do whatever he wished.  It wasn’t because of love or lust, it was something more powerful, supernatural.  “I’m not afraid of you,” I whispered with even less control of my voice.  He was too strong, too powerful. 

Closing the distance between us, he reached his hand up to my face.  One hand caressed my cheek, as the other grabbed one of mine.  “What do I want?  Halley, all I want is you.  Look at me.”  No matter how hard I fought, my eyes began to drift up to his face and to his eyes.  Our eye met and I felt the world begin to spin, I felt myself lose all my strength.  I fell into him and he smiled harshly, “Don’t fight it love.” 

Instantly I felt everything; his breath on my face, his hands embracing me, his heart racing against my chest, and his lips grazing my forehead.  All I wanted now was to kiss him.  My thoughts of fighting him were replaced with a hunger for him so strong I could feel it eating at me.  “Kiss me,” my lips whispered quietly.  The boy’s lips trailed from my forehead and down to my mouth, nibbling slightly on my lower lip.  He seemed to be teasing me, kissing around my mouth but never directly.  “Please, please kiss me,” my lips pleaded once more.  With a chuckle, his lips smashed into mine.  My hunger for him drove my hands under his shirt and over his chest.  I didn’t want him to stop or ever let go.  Only in the very back of my mind did logic try to reason with me.  The truth was I knew this was wrong, but I couldn’t stop. 

The boy pulled away slowly, “Goodnight and sweet dreams.  I’ll see you tomorrow night my love.” 

             I shot up straight in bed, covered in sweat and breathing heavily.  Looking around me, I made sure this wasn’t just another dream.  Sunlight poured in through my window and birds chirped happily.  The remnants of my dream were fading and becoming fuzzy. 

I yawned as I got out of bed and walked into the bathroom.  I glanced at my reflection and saw the normal me; wavy black hair and light blue eyes.  Now staring at myself in the mirror, I tried to make sense of my dream.  What had happened exactly?  What did he say exactly?  What did he look like?  Frustrated, I buried my face in my hands.  For two weeks straight I’d had the same boy show up in my dreams.  Yet every morning when I woke up, I could hardly remember it. 

Wanting a distraction, I reached for my face wash.  With every scrub to my face, the frustration grew.  Why was I dreaming about this guy?  When I mentioned it to my mom, she just wrote it off as a coincidence.  She blamed it on all the TV and movies I watch.  This was different though.  After the third night of dreaming about him, I told myself I wouldn’t worry about it unless it went on for more than a week.  Here I was now after two weeks and I still was too scared to brace the reality. 

Sighing, I knew what I had to do.  I needed to go back to sleep and get answers out of him.  If I didn’t get answers soon, I’d end up going insane.  This time I had to be stronger than him and not afraid.  My fear was what gave him power over me.  Knowing I was right, I lied back down on my bed and groaned.  Don’t be afraid.  You can’t be afraid.  I allowed my eyes to close and breathing to slow as I drifted back off to sleep.

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