'Was that your question?' - Chapter Twenty Nine

Start from the beginning

'Yes,' Matthew responded, 'so she needs five votes to get in, not including herself. So all in favour?' My hand shot up, as did Matthew's, Rachel's and Jack's. Slowly Jonny and Anya raised theirs too. Felicity's hands stayed firmly crossed across her waist. There was an awkward silence as everyone turned to look at her, clearly perplexed as to why she was refusing to vote for a frankly flawless performance. 'Okay,' Matthew spoke slowly, 'well that's still a majority, so well done Jess! You're through!'

Jess squealed in excitement, clenching her fists as she did so. 'Thanks everyone, I won't let you down I promise!'

'So now that's over all that's left is a few last minute preparations for the Winter Fair.' Matthew continued, but it was taking all my energy to listen to him and not just stare at Jess's smiling face. I was so proud of her. 'As you all know, there's only two more weeks until the fair so it's getting very close! Seeing as we're in charge of entertainment we're lucky that with auditions over we can pretty much relax now until the big day. All that's really needed of us is to check that the bands all know what they are doing and are getting ready for their final performances. The stage and mics are already all set for us to use and Jonny knows all about all the technical stuff so the rest of you don't need to worry there. On another note I have been told by Mrs Clarke to remind you to invite all your friends and family that you can to come along. With all the stalls being set up it's a great way to make more money for the school so we want as many people there as possible. And I guess those of you performing won't want to be doing so to an empty crowd.' There were a few pity-laughs at Matthew's poor attempt of a joke. 'Okay so with all of that being said, I guess we just keep in touch over Facebook. If anyone has any urgent questions then please text me and yeah, I'll see you all at the fair.'

Everyone muttered words of thanks and farewell as we began to pack up our stuff and move towards the door. Jess went to put her guitar back in its case as the rest of the committee left. 'Did you like it?' She turned to me.

'Like it? I loved it. You were abosultely incredible.'

'Thanks,' she smiled. 'Felicity didn't seem to think so.'

'Don't take it to heart, I think she was just about surprised about us, you know, being together.'

'Surprised?' Jess raised her eyebrows, 'I don't really see how it's any of her business to be surprised at what's going on in our lives. I know she fancied you and stuff but it's not like you ever showed any intention of actually liking her back. She needs to understand that.'

Oh God. I could feel my palms getting clammy and my upper thighs beginning to wobble. I should have told Jess about the kiss. It didn't mean anything so there was no reason not to tell her. So why didn't I? I knew that she'd understand that Felicity kissed me, that I had no reason for kissing her back or anything. It was a one sided thing. But I'd left it too long to tell her now. If Jess knew that I'd kept it quiet for a week she'd begin to question why, she'd think that maybe I did have feelings for Felicity.

It made me feel awkward as hell to listen to Jess speculate as to why Felicity was so shocked at me and Jess going out. I know that I didn't actually lead her on in anyway but I did know that she liked me. And I didn't tell her I didn't like her back. Or tell her that I'd liked Jess. I just sort of ignored her for a while.

Crap, maybe I did lead her on. I guess the right thing to do would have been to tell her straight away that I wasn't interested and that I liked Jess. There was nothing I could do now though, the damage was done and I knew that it was going to come back to bite me in the arse.

Felicity and Jess hated each other, of that I was certain. And I knew that if Felicity realised that she had one over on Jess, a secret kiss with me, that she'd be all too happy to tell her. She'd relish the opportunity, I'm sure, she'd wait for the most damaging moment to reveal it and then would crush Jess in the process.

'Anyway, enough about Felicity,' I said. 'How about we go and celebrate you getting into the winter fair?'

'Yeah I'd like that,' she looked up at me.

'They just put 22 Jump Street on Netflix, we could watch that?' I suggested.

'I'd like nothing more.' She said, and I could tell that she really meant it. 


Sorry it's kind of short, there were two chapters merged together and I decided that acutally this half works best just on it's own. To make it up for having a short chapter, I will try and do my next upload tomorrow so you don't have to wait long!

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