I explained what happened and they all said they understand why I was under stress. Dre walked out the room , so I asked everyone to please excuse themselves while I talk to Dre.

He came back in and sat on the edge of my bed. I didnt want it to be akward so  I started a convo.

Alicia- Dre why did u walk out?

Dre- Because of me you almost lost your baby .. I feel bad

Alicia- No Dre dont feel bad I was just scared thats all and I let myself get a little bit too scared. But im okay & so is my baby , so there's nothing to worry about everything is fine. I forgive you and we can be friends.

He looked at me with tears in his eyes and thats something ive NEVER seen before. Ive never seen Dre cry. I gave him a meaningful hug and told him stop crying because everything is okay. He wiped his face and said he would go home to get some rest. I told him to text me when he got home safe and he nodded and walked out.

Everyone came back in and we chilled and laughed until visiting hours were over. Everyone left except for Jayden and I was happy I had company for the night. I told everyone to text me when they got home and I kissed Kamari goodbye. Once everyone left , Jayden cut off the lights and turned on the tv.

Since the hospital bed was kind of big and I didnt have an IV in my hand I asked Jayden to come lay down with me. He agreed and took off his pants , hoodie , shirt, and shoes since he had a tshirt and basketball shorts underneath. I moved over and he laid down. It was a comfortable silence , until the nurse walked in breaking it giving me & jayden stuff for our hygenie in the morning. We thanked her with a warm smile and she left.

It was a comfortable silence again until Jayden broke it by putting his hand on my tummy and saying

Jayden- So imma be a dad huh?

Alicia- Yes you are. I said while smiling big.

Jayden- Why did you hide this from me for a mont though?

Alicia- Because , I didnt know how'd you take it. I know we ALWAYS talked about kids , since high school days. But I didnt know if you were ready now or not. Like , what if you werent? Now I have to take care of thi k--

Jayden- Babygirl , stop right there and relax before you stay in here longer then needed. First , im always gonna be here for you regardless of what it is. I asked you out and promised you I'd be here no matter what. So why would I let a baby break that? This is OUR child and imma be a man about and take care of it.

Alicia- That means so much baby , I love you.

Jayden- I love you too mama. And dont ne scared to talk to me about anything , that's why im here.

After the talk me and Jayden had I fell back asleep cause I really was tired. Eventually Jayden fell asleep too.

I finally have a little family..👪❤️

*The Next Morning*

Jayden's POV

Today Alicia gets released and im so happy. I gotta make sure she doesn't get too stressed or worried. I also have to go pick up her perscription for her headache.

Bạn đã đọc hết các phần đã được đăng tải.

⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Dec 03, 2015 ⏰

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L.O.V.E. (Pt 1)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ