Chapter 8

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Alicia POV
Morning ba--
I noticed he wasn't there but I saw a note. "Baby come downstairs I have to talk to you about something" Before I went downstairs I started off with my hygiene and changed into some grey sweat pants and a black crop top and went downstairs to Jayden.

Jayden: Hey ma, Good morning

Alicia: Good morning

Jayden: Come sit down

Alicia: Okay what's up ?

Jayden: Baby we gotta talk, the reason I didn't like Aubrey is because she's my ex... We fucked before but I dropped her because she cheated on me with some boy... I was afraid to tell you this because I thought you would have second thoughts about me and you might leave me and I need you...

Alicia: Baby you can talk to me about anything yes I am disappointed that my "Friend" Betrayed me and you didn't tell me earlier but I'll be okay.. Did you have kids with her?

Jayden: Of course not ma I'm not stupid I wrapped up

Alicia: Good. As long as you're bring honest with me and I'm the only person having your kids .. But I still need sometime to think so I'm going out with Tinyy today to the mall.

Jayden: I'm sorry , I love you mama

Alicia: Its okay, I love you too babes

Jayden: One more thing go check outside

-We both got up and walked to the door I waited for Jayden because he's still limping from when he got shot-

Jayden: You see that car, that's candy apple red convertible with black seats?

Alicia: Yes It's beautiful

Jayden: Here's the keys to it

Alicia: .. For me? But -- How?

Jayden: I told you I love you and always take care of you. So I went out and bought you this car.

Alicia: I appreciate this and you so nuch , Thank you.

Jayden: you're welcome babe. Now go have fun.

I ran back upstairs and put my hair in a messy bun and walked outside and got in my new car.
Jayden is the best ❤ but right now I'm confused why didn't Aubrey tell me this. I don't care I'm going to take my mind off this I turned on the radio and listened to K.Michelle's "Love Em All". I decided to text Tinyy to see if she's ready

-Text Convo-

Aliciaa❤ : Tinyy you ready??

Tinyy: Yasss

Aliciaa❤ : Jayden bought me a sexy ass car so be on the look out for a red convertible

Tinyy: Okay ❤ see you soon

-Text Convo Over-

-40 Minutes Later-

Tinyy: Hayyyy

Alicia: What's up?

Tinyy: Childdd I need to get my nails done and buy some clothes hurry up lets go to the mall first

Alicia: Lit , we out

We got to the mall in like 15 minutes cause I didn't notice how fast this car went. I parked and we got out.
The first store we went into was H&M

Alicia: Ayee, these shorts cute huh

Tinyy: Foreall I think you should buy it

Alicia: Okay let me take this to the cashier

L.O.V.E. (Pt 1)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin