Chapter 28

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V - So , how we gone do this bestfriend? U want me to sit at the same table as yall? Or a table in front of or behind yall?

Alicia- I mean its not like he gone ask me out or anything. And anything he gotta say to me , he can say it to you to! So u sitting right there with me im kinda nervous about all this anyways.

V- Alright , does he know we here?

Alicia - Yeah, he said he's sitting at the 3rd table by the door

When we got out and started walking in I noticed Alicia getting big around her stomach area. Not like FAT but like she's pregnant type big , If my bestfriend is pregnant imma be soooo happy because I know she really loves Jayden & vice versa. Ill talk to her about that as soon as we leave here. Im praying in my head that all of this goes well because I know Alicia is scared.

Alicia POV

As we walked closer & closer towards the table I began feeling more & more scared and nervous. I felt this feeling in my stomach and I have a feeling to throw up. I held on to V because I started getting dizzy , I kept praying in my head to God that I wont faint.

We sat down face to face with Dre himself. It was an akward silence until He broke it.

Dre- Hey Alicia ,V

V & Alicia - Hey

Dre- So Alicia I called you here because I know we had our differences and I know that what I did to you was so unfair. I went to get mental help and everything , I felt bad and im giving u an official apology. Im not saying forgive me just yet because I know thats a hard thing to take in.

V - Not tryna be rude dre but did u really have to go get MENTAL HELP to know its NOT RIGHT to RAPE someone !?!?

Dre- Look V im tryna make shit right. Now calm down lil bit , Right now im talking to Alicia

V- Whatever Mane😴

Alicia- I.. I..
After that everything with black and my head hit the floor. All I remember is hearing V & Dre both yell "ALICIA" and I heard V yell "SOMEONE CALL 911"

Lord please keep me and my ...

- keep her and her what?
-End of chapter
- Big surprise in the next chapter
-It was kind of noticeable though
-Where's Jayden?
- Someone should call him
-Alicia in MM

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