"Girl he's a boy, he's going to give you attitude regardless."


After a few classes I was heading to lunch and on my way there I saw Iman at his locker.

"Iman." I said walking up to him. He shut his locker and looked at me with low eyes.

"What's up."

"I texted you and called you. What were you doing this weekend?"

"Busy." He shrugged.

"Ok." I said a little confused. "Well can you text me after school. Can we hang out later?"


"Why not?"

"Hey baby you ready to go?" The girl Lisa walked up to him and wrapped her arm around him.

"What's this?" I asked. "Why she calling you baby?"

"I'm his girlfriend."


"We was never in a relationship Empress, you should've mad that clear."

"I did make that fucking clear. Iman don't play with me. I told you we wouldn't mess with other people."

"I don't remember."

"Iman can we just go."


"You not real and you not loyal so stop claiming yourself as such." I said as they started to walk away.

My heart was beating fast and my chest was rising up and down. Tears threatened to spill from my eyes but I didn't want to walk around with puffy eyes. I got myself together and walked into the cafeteria. I sat at the table not saying a word to anybody.

"So you can't speak." Stephon said looking at me. I just looked at him and down at my phone in my hands. "What's wrong lil bit?" He asked.

A lump formed in my throat and I knew if I said something I would cry so I just shook my head letting him know it was nothing. I laid my head down on the table into my arms as a  tear slipped.


"Yo Emp." I turned around and Stephon was jogging up to me.


"What's wrong with my best friend." He asked pinching my cheek. I moved his hand away not wanting to be bothered.

I just wanted to go home lay in bed and vent to one of my sisters, preferably Freedom.

"Foreal Empress, who did something to you? And don't say fucking nothing cause I'm getting mad."

"I don't want to talk about it here." I said.

"We going to my house then."

Once getting to his house we went into his room and I laid on his bed once I took my shoes off.

"It don't even seem like he would've did something like that. He told me he wouldn't do me like that." I cried on Stephon chest as I laid my head on him telling him what happened.

"What exactly happened?"

"He got a girl friend. He said he wouldn't hurt me Steph and he said all the right things to make me believe him."

"I told you he was a fucking clown, let me catch his ass tomorrow. So that's all to it."

"No." I mumbled shaking my head.

"What else he do?"

I stayed quiet. "What else he do?" He asked again.

"Nothing." I said wanting to forget about it.

Love with a PassionWhere stories live. Discover now