
Dean nervously played with his hands as he took a seat in the visitation area. He had really regretted wiping that officer's smug grin off his smug little face by flashing his FBI badge. Now, instead of placing him behind glass with a telephone as communication, Dean is now facing you in person, face to face, where he could touch you and you could touch him. If only he hadn't flashed the badge. If only.

"Ah, Agent." Dean's heart began thumping twice as fast at the sound of your voice greeting him. Your voice was much more soothing than when he was listening to it over a phone that was barely against his ear. "Long time no see. How's the brother?" You sat across from him, handcuffs making it awkward as you moved your hands forward, holding one out.

He accepted it, his hand engulfing yours. He melted into it, your skin warm and soft against his. He found himself wishing to touch the rest of you. He bit his lip briefly as he removed his hand from yours. "Brother's fine. Thanks for asking."

You smiled at him, a warming smile, and Dean had to look away to hide his blush. "That's nice. Really. I hope the two of you are living the life you had always dream of."

He looked back up to you, anger clearly written on his face. He clenched his jaw and crossed his hands on the table, getting down to business.  "Yeah. We are. Now, I'm here to go over this case." He slid a folder labeled 'confidential' towards you, refolding his hands. "Whoever's behind this is pretty damn good at hiding themselves. They'll kill someone behind locked doors, locked windows, steal their heart, and disappear as if they were never there. No sulfur, no ectoplasm. No evidence."

You squinted his eyes at him.

"Your fa-" He cleared his throat and pulled at his tie. "Bobby told us you had dealt with a case like this before. Said you could help us out, give us the answers we're looking for. That you know more about this specific creature than any other hunter out there."

"Yeah," you said, looking down at the pictures. They were perfect replicas of what you had encountered, but that was the thing. "I know exactly what you're looking for."

"Then what is it?" Dean pushed.

You looked back up at him, your eyes holding something that softened Dean's features. His hands unfolded themselves as he patiently waited for you to open your mouth, to say something. He could see that this was personal, that whoever it was had connected with you on a level he wouldn't understand. "It's... uh..." You cleared your throat as you looked back down at the pictures. You had planned to come in here and play the badass who had no care, not the broken little girl you remembered.

"Take your time, Y/N," Dean said softly, resting his hands gently over yours.

A small smile crawled onto your lips at his touch. "It's a..." You shook your head. "It's a umbra venator." You looked back up. "It's latin for Shadow Hunter. That's what he called himself. They use their shadows against people. They'll pose as someone's shadow and get them when they're behind locked doors and windows alone. They'll take what's most valuable to someone, no matter who they are."

"Their heart."

You nodded as tears pooled at the bottom of your eyes. "There's only one in existence. It didn't have enough to breed and make more. So I don't know how it formed, but it lived on making people miserable by taking their most valuable possession."

"Who is it, Y/N?" Dean asked softly. "Who are we looking for?"

"Visitation hours are now over," an officer called out. "I repeat, visitation hours are now over."

"Y/N?" Dean urged gently. "C'mon. You can tell me."

You sighed a shaky breath. "My ex fiance."


Dean had left, and you were being brought back to your cell. You could still feel the warmth Dean's hands had left behind, and you refused to let it go. Even as they called out for count. Even as they shut the lights off and shouted bed time. And, when you closed your eyes, Dean Winchester was the man behind them.

He made you powerless. And you loved it.


"That's impossible," Bobby muttered over the phone. "He...He can't be alive. I watched him die. I watched the man die in Y/N's arms."

"What can I say, Bobby?" Dean said. "It's what Y/N said."

Sam sighed as Bobby remained silent. "We'll have to go through Y/N's file.  Figure out what the guy's name is if Bobby's not going to help. We'll need to go back to the prison tomorrow and see if Y/N's willing to give up any more information. I'll go to the prison and-"

"I got it," Dean said, jumping to the gun. "Y/N's more familiar with me, now. After all, she did help out on this even though it hurt her."

Sam squinted his eyes at his older brother. "Okay..." He turned back to the phone. "Bobby, you still there? Are you going to give us a name or not?"

Bobby released a sigh. "His name... His name is Ace King."

"Thanks, Bobby." Sam then hung up, allowing Bobby to wrap his mind about what's happening. "I'll look into this Ace King, see what his pattern is. You can go back to the prison in the morning if you really want to and see if she's willing to give you more information one Ace."

Dean nodded as Sam walked away, a small smile forming on his face in victory. His heart quickened at the thought of seeing you again as his hands heated up from when he touched you.

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