Long Lost Love

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(Yazmine above)
Aka Yaz.

"What happened? Where is Cherish?" Sha asked Shaun, Who was crying.
"She just wouldn't wake up, Cherish is sitting with me. She just went to sleep."
"Where is Shy? Does he know?"
Someone knocked on the door of Shymon's house. He went to answer it. It was Jade but at the same time it wasn't atleast not the Jade he knew.
"Hey Shy."
"Jade? What is this some kind of joke? Are you high?"
"No and no im not I just been a bit rough and i need your help."
"Can i come in?"
"Come on. What happened to you?" He lead her into the kitchen to get some food and water.
"I should've stayed here with you. Im sorry." She burst into tears.
"It's ok. What happened? Where were you? I looked everywhere i knew."
"There was a guy that gave me a place stay but he was a drug dealer and he wanted me to help him sell and be a prostitute but when i said no he forced me to and he beat me and he got me into a bunch of things i wish i could undo."
Hearing this made Shy's blood boil and his teeth clench.
"Where is he at?" Though this was a question Shy wasn't asking.
"He's on Burbondy Hall."
Burbondy Hall was ran by local pimps from all around. There was always a new owner.
Shy grabbed his gun and went back to the living room.
"What is his name?" He ordered.
"Joeny. But they call him Jazy."
With that he left started to leave
for Burbondy Hall.
Sha was arguing with the lady at the desk, a man from the waiting room, and a passing doctor.
"I need to see my mama." Sha screamed.
"But they aren't done operating on her." The lady at the desk screamed.
"We need to see her before they do." Sha screamed back
"But she won't be able to respond to you. We are putting her to sleep as we speak." Said the passing doctor. Sha started screaming, no words just screaming crazily.

"Just let her go see her mom," the man from the waiting room yelled.

" fine. She's in room 3B." The lady at the desk said annoyed and turning back to her desk.
Just then Deon came rushing in and went straight to Sha.
"Sha are you ok? I just got here as fast as I could. "
"Im ok but I need you to watch Cherry while Shaun and I go back."
Shy speeded around every corner possible to get to Burbondy Hall. He left Jade at home to eat and rest. His phone rang off the hook from his family but mostly Sha and Shaun but he wasn't in the mood right now.
Sha and Shaun walked back to the room and surprisingly she looked the same. She must've already been doing bad.
"Ma?" Sha walked over by the bed and sat down beside her mom and Shaun sat on the other side.
"My baby girl... What are you doing here?" Char smiled
"What is happening?" Shaun started to cry again.
"Im fine." Char smiled.
"Mama no you're not. We talked to the doctors. You didn't- you didn't tell me that it was this bad." Sha cried.
"Its not bad. Im not dying. Im getting ready to live an eternal life. One so grand with everyone that i know. That's not dying, that is rebirth. Where is Shy?" Char corrected.
"I don't know. He won't answer the phone. " Shaun said wiping his tears.
"My baby boy. Shaun, I love you with all my heart and i want you to always remember that. You're so smart and i want you to do good. I love you sooo much." Char said making him cry some more before leaning in and kissing her.
"I love you too mama." He said.
"Go get Cherish." Char asked. Shaun did exactly that walking out the room silently.
"And my baby girl, my only baby girl. I love you more than words can describe. I am so proud of you and I knew you could do it. I love you. You made me so angry at times but i love you. I love cherish and i love Deon and the small family that you've put together but Deon is not right for you." Char said.
"I love you too Mama but what do you mean?"
"I can't tell you. A mother just knows. Just like Jade and Shy."
"Are they supposed to be together? And who is supposed to be with me?"
"I cant tell you but you'll find out soon. You and Deon. Be careful because i know when i tell you something you have to experience it before you understand why. Keep something set aside for you and Cherish because you never know."
"Ok mama." Sha answered just as Shaun brought in Cherish and layed her beside Char.
"Hey grandma!" Cherish said in her innocent, squeaky voice.
"Hey my love. I love you with Everything in my hearts." Char said.
"I know. I love you with everything in my hearts too." Cherish answered. Then Char hugged and kissed them all before the doctor told them to leave. When the doctor said that... Sha almost cussed him out but Char gave her a look to change her mind.
But right before leaving Char stopped Sha.
"Sha, tell Shy that it's ok im not mad that he wasn't here."
"Well I am." Sha rilled her eyes.
"You know what he goes through so be easy on him. Tell him that i love him. He was my first born, my first true love. I know he will be ok. Tell him I am so thankful for every little thing he's done for me. Tell the family i love them too and that they made me who i am today." Char ended and the doctor urged Sha out. Sha cried her way back to the lobby where Shaun sat alone and Deon held a conversation with Cherish.
"Hey are you ok?" He sat Cherish down and ran to hold Sha.
"I've been better." Sha wiped her tears from her brown eyes. Her light skin turning red.
"I know. I don't know why I asked. What now?" Deon said.
"I don't know." Sha said trying to keep herself from falking out on the floor.
Just then the doctor from the room ran out after Sha. He stopped at the front desk asking the receptionist did she see Sha until he located her with his own eyes. He stared into Sha's eyes telling her that Char was gone without saying a word. He was out of breath from running and he took off his hat and looked down at the floor unable to see Sha crying anymore.
When Sha processed what that meant she fell. If it weren't for Deon holding her up. The family in the lobby cried. Shaun buried his face into Cherish's neck as she dozed back off.
Sha cried quietly in Deon's arms until Josh walked in. Shaun looked up at Josh.
"Josh?" Shaun said in shock.
Josh stared at the little girl asleep in his chest.
"Is that Cherish?" He asked frozen. Deon tensed up.
"Yes....Josh and Shaun go wait in the car." Sha said wiping her face of more tears. Shaun walked out but Josh stayed there. Deon looked at Sha like she was crazy.
"He came here with you?" Deon asked.
"Yes, he didn't have a place to stay. I let him stay in my guest's-" Sha didn't finish before Deon let her go and clenched his teeth.
"That's what 'errands' you were running?" Deon backed up and clenched his fists.
"No, really did run errands. I don't want to do this right now, Deon." Sha said. Josh just stood there ready to fight, if need be.
"Fine, we can do this later but before i leave. Did you sleep with him?" Deon walked a bit closer to Sha. Josh smiled. Josh was always happy when Sha's other relationships didn't work out and he was happy to ruin them.
"Oh my god," Sha looked at Josh and then back at Deon to see if he was serious, "You're serious?"
"How can i even trust you?" Deon asked. Sha laughed out of anger. Josh smiled because knew what that meant. Sha walked up to Deon and smacked him. Deon stood there for a moment.
"What kind of- you actually- I can't." Sha walked out of the hospital. Deon turned to Josh who stood there.
"Did you?" Deon asked.
"What?" Josh asked.
"Don't play dumb. Did you sleep with her?"
"I don't kiss and tell." Josh smiled and walked to the car leaving Deon there wondering.
Sha drove to Shy's house.
Shy pulled up to Burbondy Hall, not thinking he grabbed his gun. He seen Joeny and two of his followers at the corner selling.
Joeny was wearing some jeans, a black shirt with graffiti all over it, and the newest jordans in black.
Shy got out put the gun on his waist hidden from sight. He walked up to Joeny.
"Shy? What you doing over here?" Joeny sounding friendly and suprised.
"What did you do to Jade?" Shy pulled the gun out and pointed it towards Jazy. All three of the men stood there snatching out guns pointing it back at Shy.
Sha pulled to Shy house and told Josh to come with her just in case she got too heated. Wiping her tears she walked up to his door and knocked. Jade froze. Sha assumed Shy was ignoring the door.
"Shy come out, please, I don't feel like fighting with you tonight." Sha said sounding drained. It remained quiet as Jade inched closer to the door.
"Shy, this is important and if you don't come out im going to come in." Sha said locating the spare key hidden under a rock beside the door.
"You told me where your spare key was Shy, so just open the door." Sha walking closer to the door. Jade thought Sha was bluffing. Sha unlocked the door and opened the door, scaring Jade.
"Jade?" Sha asked angrily.
"Aye, Shy, I don't know who you talking about." Joeny spat.
"Jade, already told me. I already know." Shy boldly stood tall.
"Shy, you of all people know, im not a liar. I keep my word. You my bro but imma have to shoot you if you don't straighten up ASAP." Joeny said.
Jade stood there quietly while Sha argued.
"What did you do? Why are you here?" Sha said and the fact that Jade didn't answer any questions just agitated Sha even more.
"You left us here, confused. And worst of all you left Shy hurt. Answer me!"
Sha finally snapped running up to Jade and punching her in the face. Jade punched back defending herself. Sha uppercut Jade making jade fall back and Sha jumped over her holding Jade's arms down under her knees and punching Jade several times. Josh jumped into action trying to pull Sha off but this was built up anger so Sha just kept going not minding Jade's screaming, the blood on her knuckles, or Josh's pulling. Eventually Josh held Sha's arms and pulled her off of Jade.
"Where is Shy?" Sha screamed.
"Burbondy hall." Jade got out in between painful breathes.
Sha stormed out slaming the door dragging Josh with her. She got in the car. Shaun noticed her mood change and the blood on her.
"What happened?" Shaun asked but Sha stayed silent and drove recklessly to Burbondy Hall.
"Sha, was he there?" Shaun asked in a more serious tone. Josh cleared his throat.
"No. He's at Burbondy." Josh said looking back at Shaun from the passenger seat.
"Who's blood?"
"Jade and Sha Fought." Josh said.
Sha pulled up to the scene at Burbondy Hall. She quickly ran to Shy.
"Shy, stop. What are you thinking? Stop!" Sha screamed jumping in front of his gun. Holding it to her heart. The three guys kept their guns aimed. Josh seen what was happening.
"Shaun get on the floor put Cherish under you. Stay there until I say get up, okay?" Josh said getting out of the car.
"Ok." Shaun cooperated.
Josh walked over with his hands up.
"Joeny, Treyvon, and Derek put the guns down."
"Control your mans first." Joeny spat keeping his eyes closely on Shy.
"Shy, why are you doing this?" Sha slowly letting tears fall down her face. Her head was pounding from all the crying she had done today.
"He knows why. This is for what he did to Jade." Shy said starting to cry.
"Shy, I dont know what or who you talking about. I don't know a Jade." Joeny screamed.
"Shy, i need you right now. We all need you." Sha cried even more holding the tip of his gun to her heart.
"If you do this you are going to jail and Im going to be without you, that is like a shot to the heart."
"No, Sha you don't understand? You'll never understand." He looked her in the eyes.
"Shy, you always do this. You're so selfish. You don't think about me or Shaun or Cherish or- or Ma. You don't answer. You shut us out and it's always over Jade. Like she is more important than us. Mamais dead, Shy. Was Jade worth it?" Sha turned her sadness into anger.
"You're lying." Shy's eyes watered even more.
"That is why we were calling you. She spent her last minutes with us at tge hospital. She said to 'Tell him that i love him. He was my first born, my first true love. I know he will be ok. Tell him I am so thankful for every little thing he's done for me.' She said she's not mad that you didn't come to the hospital. She forgives you. Let's go home, Shy. Aren't you tired of this?"
"I'm here because he hurt someone i loved," He moved the gun from Sha. "I can't-"
Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! The gunshots cut Shy off. Josh ran and tackled Sha out of the way. Shaun cringed, squeezing Cherish even tighter.

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