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(Picture of Shymon)
(Shymon= Shy; Mon)

After Sha got cussed out she was on punishment.She took a shower to try and wash it all away. She sat in her room when Shy came in.
"Where were you honestly."
"Doesn't matter."
"Yes it does. You've never been easy to find."
"I was minding my business, nosey." Sha would never tell Shy about Josh raping her because she knew he would kill Josh." Why aren't you down stairs kissing up to Ma?"
"Because I actually thought you were more responsible than to leave Shaun home alone."
"I guess not. "
"Sha my first week of my job as a construction manager I worked my hardest to keep that title and to get paid. That night I got home... and I praised the ground Ma walked on. She goes through so much on her own. I wish you could understand. I love you and Ma and Shaun and I want to make it so Ma can come home and sleep for 10-12 hours in her own bed. Not worry about rent or bills and meals and most of all you two being found dead or in jail."
"All I want to do is get money and get out of hea. Forget everything and everyone else..."
"That's the attitude you need in college."
"I can't afford it. "
"You can now I put up a stash for you and Shaun to go."
"Shut up." Sha excited that she could get away. "You're serious?" 

She didn't do 'A honor roll good' but 'ABC ok' would have to work.

Shy asked," You wanna go?"

"I don't know Shy I was never serious about my education and my grades weren't that good but I will do anything to get out of here."
Sha thought about what could happen if she went to college. Back when she was 13, she used to want to be a counselor but she fell in with the wrong crowd and that dream was dead.
"Alright I'm going out of town tomorrow morning for my friends' graduation in Texas. I'll be home by next Friday so you can tell me then."
"Ok. I love you." He got up and walked downstairs.
"You too." Sha sat and thought, she was on punishment for the next two weeks so he gave her time to actually think. The next morning was Sunday and after church they all went home. Char had made Shaun go play upstairs.
"Sha I-uhh- I went to the doctor Monday. They say I'm not doing well."
"What, why didn't you tell me? What did they say."
"ShaMya I love you. You're my baby girl but you're so complex. I just want you to do better than me. I want to rest in peace knowing that you can take care of Shaun if need be or Shy can take care of the both of you."
"I know Mama I'm trying."
"No, I don't think you could possibly understand what a mother does. I just want you to succeed in life."
"I'm going to. I think I'm going back to school. I can get my degree."
"I'm proud that you are determining what you want to do and for once it's not something crazy."
"Shy said he put up some money for me and Shaun to go to college."
"Well if that is what your going to do you can get off punishment and get your car back."
"Yes, the keys are in my purse."
"Yay! Thank you Mama." Sha hugged Char and went to get the keys and came back.
"You're welcome. I just want you to do right.ok?"
"So since you got a car can you pick me up some baked beans for dinner tonight."
"Oh that's the real reason you gave me my car back."they laughed.
"No-maybe. Girl do you wanna eat?"Shaun came downstairs in the kitchen.
"Ma, can I buy me some candy?"
"I will take you to the store. I'm going anyway. "
"Are you gone leave me there too."
"Boy shut up. Do you wanna go or nah?"
"Yea." They walked to Sha's car and drove to the store booming all the music in the car and on Sha's phone. They walked in and got the beans and Shaun got some candy. The line wasn't long but it wasn't short either. In the line there was no one other than JOSH. He made his way over to them.
"So you just ignore my calls and texts?"JP asked.
"Look J. I ain't snitching if that is what you thought but I told you I'm done."
"Yea but that's just what you say. This not the first I heard it so what's different now? You talking to someone else?"
"And if I was who gone stop me?" Sha was next.
"Real funny. Who?"
"None of your business J." Sha payed for her and Shaun things and started to leave.
"Sha you know I love you."
"You do? I was convinced you loved that thot you were sleeping with."
"Well you wouldn't..."
Sha flicked him off.
"I wish you would." Sha left with Shaun and they went home and Sha bribed Shaun not to snitch with five dollars and a smack to the face. JP still called and harassed Sha but she didn't run into him for the rest of the week.
That Friday Shy got back home. Shy came over that Sunday night for dinner with his girlfriend Jade. Jade was a nice, girl who went to his college. She was pretty active in our family and I liked her she was way cooler than my brother.
"So you decide on it." He asked at the dinner table.
"I'm going to go."
"Oh! Congratulations! My baby girl is going to college! Shaun hand me that phone." Chardonnay called all the family in the middle of dinner.
"I'm proud of you Sha. What you gone major in?"
"Ok." Shy jokingly smiled." But you're not the only one with good news. Ma I'm getting married."
"Oh my- I'm gonna have a heart attack! " Char jokingly cried tears of joy.
"So Shaun what you do?" Sha asked. Everyone looked to his end of the table.
"I don't know why y'all looking down here. I been sleeping and eating. " everyone laughed. Char stayed downstairs talking to the newly engaged couple and all the people in her contactlist. Shaun was still eating and Sha had just gotten out the shower she still had her towel on as she walked in her room and she shut the door and locked behind her and sat on her bed. Something didn't feel right. Sha opened her drawer and put on some under clothes and some old blue basketball shorts that used to be Shy's. She found a grey tank top and threw it on. When she went to open her closet for an outfit for Monday to her surprise JP stood in her closet. Sha screamed.
"Josh what the hell? Get out before Shy gets here he will kill you."
"Can we talk please. "
"Are you going to keep your hands to yourself?"
"I promise. "
Shy came banging on the door with everyone else. Sha pushed Josh back in her closet and opened her door.
"Are you ok?"everyone asked in unity.
"Yea thought I seen a spider. I was just getting dressed."
"Oh girl you scared us all." Jade said and everyone agreed and went back downstairs.
"You can come out now. "Sha whispered shutting the door. Josh walked out and sat on her bed.
"How did you get in here?"
"Not important-"
"Ok, Shy..."Sha whispered.
"Fine, your window."
"What do you want."
"I want you. I love you."
"When you love someone you know when to stop. Love doesn't pressure or hurt each other."
"Well I love harder than others."
"Well you gonna have to love hard without me because I'm going to get my life together."
"And how you plan to do that."
"Well I will start by cutting you off and second I'm going back to school."
"You can't do that. First of all you need me. You could barely get through high school but cute dream."
"I can do whatever I want and the first thing I want is you gone and out of my life forever. Hope your happy with that other girl... now GET OUT."
"Fine do what you want but you can't say that you don't love can't say that you don't still feel guilty about the dudes you cheated with."
"Yea well think about them and calling them over are two different things Josh. You're right I could never ever in a lifetime stop loving you... but I can stop being your fool."
"Alright then... I'm sick of you you're boring anyway."
"Bye Josh." He got up and climbed out the window and she immediately locked it afterwards. That was the last she had seen of him for now.
Three weeks later Mya just got her hair straightened and she was getting ready for the Mid-july Concert coming on live on t.v. that night when her phone rung.
"Guess who is on town." Kc screamed.
"Girl where I ain't know you was leaving VA. "
"Yeah but I'm still a few hours away I won't be there until morning."
"Ok I'm gone pick you up from the train station. "
"Ok see you tomorrow. "
The next day, Friday, at the train station Sha ran into Mark and Lisa while getting kc.
"Hey ShaMya, I haven't seen you in forever."
"Mr. and Mrs. Parkway." Sha greeted them.
"How are things with you and my son?" Mark, Josh's father asked.
"Well Josh and I are taking a break. We just need some space but I still love him."
"ShaMya you're still young. You have time to love but if anything I know you love him even when you say you don't. "
"I'm going back to school. "
"Congratulations... how's your family?"
"Good my brother is getting married So my mom is busy."
"Oh, double congratulations!" They all laughed.
"Thanks again but I really have to go. " Lisa said grabbing her purse from Mark.
"Ok but it was nice seeing you. Bye." Then Mark walked off.
"Sha I know you have to leave but... there's a family dinner Tuesday and all of Josh's family will be there and I know he wouldn't want anyone else there. Here's my number it's only Friday but I would have to know if you're interested by Sunday."
"Ok, I will call." Then Lisa left. After a long catching up with Kc she took kc to her hotel room. Kc and Sha just sat in the hot tub and talked.
"God Sha, your booty is huge if you can fit my new bathing suit but good thing I was so indecisive and brought both."
"Me? Your butt was always big anyway."
"Sure... but Sha what you gonna do about the dinner?"
"I honestly don't know. I don't want to let them down especially since their like family. "
"I don't know what to say about that. Just go if you want to."
"I have to."
"Well do what you gotta do. " Sha got a feeling in her stomach. She jumped out of the hot tub and ran to the bathroom to throw up.
"You aight Sha?"
"Yea," Sha continued to vomit and knocked down her purse spilling a few receipts and Lisa's number into the toilet,"I'm fine." Sha finished and walked out.
"Probably just something you ate. "
"Yea I did have some leftover chicken before I left the house. "
"Cause your fat." Kc joked.
"Yea but I got it on Lisa's number. "
"Ok well let me know if you need anything. "
"Ok, kc I gotta go but I will call you later. "
"Ok. Drive safely. "
Sha got all her things got dressed and left for her car. She sat her car and called Josh to tell him that he was coming to dinner. He didn't answer. She put head on the steering wheel and started to cry because she knew that he was probably with a girl. Her phone rung and it was her mother, she answered.
"Hey Mama." Clearing her throat and wiping tears.
"Baby girl.... you're gonna be an aunt! Jade is pregnant. "
"That's great."
"Baby where are you? We are all going out for ice cream. "
"I'm on my way but I think I will skip the ice cream. I don't feel to well."
"Well ok but just get home so I know you're safe before I leave for work."
"Ok ma I'm on my way. See you in a bit."
"Ok love you baby girl."
"Love you too mama." Sha hung up and layed her head down again. Eventually she started the car and drove home. When she walked in the house everyone was still there.
"....and I took a test the night of the dinner but I made a doctor appointment just to be sure and the test was positive. "Jade explained to someone on the phone. Her belly was noticeable.
"Hey Sha." Shy said.
"Hey, so I'm guessing you're not going to spoil me anymore? "
"So you found where you wanna go yet?"
"No still college hunting. "
"Ok well let me know."
"How much is it."
"I won't tell you but its a pretty wealthy amount."
"Ok, well I'm going to sleep."
"You're not coming to get ice cream? "
"No I don't feel too well."
"Oh ok. Go rest then Sha."
The next day Sha woke up and threw up again she thought it was a stomach bug. She had planned a girl's day with Jade. They met at Shy's house he was gone to work so they planned to. Binge watch PRETTY LITTLE LIARS but not even 20 minutes in Jade was hungry and went to the kitchen sitting on the floor to reach in the cabinet for the pickles.
"You want something to eat? I'm getting a popsicle and pickles."
"I really just want peanut butter. "
"Plain?" Jade looked at Sha like she was crazy but still brought it to the living room.
"Yes, you are in no position to judge my taste in food."
"Sha are you pregnant? "
"No... I doubt. I can't be.."
"Only one way to find out," she said getting up and walking to the bathroom and back with a box of pregnancy tests, "take one."
"No way."
"You wanna know just as much as I do right?" Sha got up and grabbed the box.
Tuesday night Sha was getting ready for the dinner.
"Girl you nervous?" Kc asked sitting on Sha's bed
"Yea." Sha walked around her bed to show kc the purple dress she was wearing for the dinner.
At the dinner Josh was late, Sha had sat and mingled with his family. Introducing herself as Josh's girlfriend. He walked in with a Dominican girl wearing a long black dress over her feet. Tension stirred and room fell silent. She gave Sha a cold look, she must have found the picture in JP's wallet. Sha got up and ran to the bathroom upstairs.
"Yazmine this is my family. Y'all continue your meal I'm sure she's fine I'm going to go make sure." Josh ran upstairs. He walked in to see Sha bent over crying in the mirror he walked up to her and forced himself against her. Then after she fought him off for a little while still choked up with tears. he kept going but instead of moaning she was screaming and fighting and crying she grabbed the toothbrush holder and broke it over his head and he stopped. He had bleeding bruise on his head from the impact.
"Josh..." she cried out, "I'm pregnant. " they looked down and he seen the blood...

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