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(Jp picture above )
(Jp= Josh Parkway)

"What did I do?" He ran downstairs with blood all over his hands panicking.
"Ma there's blood and she's crying I need an ambulance. "He said pacing back and forth.
"Josh what did you do?" She got up from the table and grabbed the house phone. She ran to the upstairs bathroom and Josh followed closely behind with all the nosey and concerned people from the table even Yazmine.
"Oh my god! Josh what the did you do?"
In panic the ambulance arrived and took Sha to the hospital and on the  way to the truck she explained to Lisa that she was pregnant and that the baby was Josh's. Lisa rode in the ambulance truck and Mark and others from the dinner came after them in their own cars. Lisa called Chardonnay and told her that Sha was on her way to the hospital and that Sha would explain when she got there.
After they arrived at the hospital they did their work on Sha. Yazmine and Josh were in the hallway across from the waiting room.
"You tried to rape her?! Josh are you out of your mind?"
"Look Yazmime, all I'm thinking is how much of an idiot I've been and that the doctor doesn't walk out here and tell me that she is gone."
"Well you should be. Is that your baby?"
"I don't know."
"What do you mean you don't know? Josh did you- when was the last time you two had sex?"
"About a month."
"You son of a- you know what- I HATE YOU JOSH. You told me you were visiting your parents not your ex and certainly not in that way."
"I know and I'm sorry."
"No. Listen you call me and tell me how she is, then you lose my number." Yazmine pushed him in the arm and left. Chardonnay and the Lakota family got there.
"Lisa where is my baby?" Char cried.
"In the back they haven't been out yet."
"Oh my god! My baby girl!"
"Char, ShaMya is pregnant. "
"What?" The doctor walked out.
"Who is the mother of ShaMya Lakota? "
"I am." Char answered and the rest of the family sat in the waiting room crying.
"She will be fine but she was 5 weeks pregnant with twins and has lost one of them but the other is as healthy as could be."
"Thank god my baby girl is ok. "
"You can go see her now. She is awake."
Char went over to Josh who was crying and going crazy in a corner.
"Josh she is ok and you can go see her with me and Shymon."
"Thank you. "
They all went back to see her. She was eating.
"Baby girl." Char and Shy went to hug her.
"Big head. "Shy joked.
"Baby girl, your pregnant and you didn't tell me?"
"The doctor told me about the twins but I just didn't know how to tell you. U just wanted you to stay proud of me."
"Twins?" Josh asked walking to the edge of the bed.
"Yes but one if them died." Sha wiped her eyes to stop the forming tears. Josh dropped to the floor crying.
"I'm guessing Josh is the father but baby girl you were doing so well and I'm still going to be proud of you even when you're wrong." Chardonnay added.
"Sha how did this happen, I thought you we really set on going to college?" Shy asked
"The truth is...... the day I was supposed to get Shaun a haircut, I heard josh cheating with another girl and he invited me over talk and that's where I went and.... he- he raped me." Sha looked over to Josh and by the time her eyes landed on him, Shy had him against a wall punching him in the face and gut.
"Stop it!" Sha screamed but Shy continued.
"Hey! Shy stop it I did not raise you like that just Stop it!"
Shy paused from punching him in the face again and dropped him to the floor. Josh just quietly layed on the floor holding his stomach grunting. Shy screamed and started to run out of the room.
"Shy!" ShaMya said, "you said you would be there when I need you. My ride or die. It's still me. Im right here.I need you right now."
Shy just stood there facing the door.
"Josh you know you were wrong and we will be pressing charges. " char said to Josh who just sat on the floor with a black eye forming. He nodded.
"No! I grew up without my father and I don't want that for my baby."
"Well sweet pea. If that's what you want I'm proud of you."
"I still want to go to college. Just. On my time. "
The next day Josh called Yazmine and told her Sha was getting released. She just said ok and hung up in his ear.
Three months later. Sha was with kc, Char, and Jade in the house.
"Sha I'm telling you having a girl." Kc sat on the bed in Sha's room.
"I hope not I don't want to do they hair all the time."
"I was right about Jade having a girl right?"
"Yes chile but that's what I wanted Shy wanted a boy." Jade added laying on Sha bed.
"Good then you can do my baby hair, Jade." Sha laughed. Char walked in the room.
"Sha, you're going to be late for your ultrasound. Don't you want to know what you're having?" Char urged.
"Ma it's at 3 o'clock and right now it's 12."
"Ok, well excuse me. "
"Love you mama."
"Love you too baby."
"Love you too ma." Jade smiled.
"Love you too Jade."
"Love you too Ms. Lakota. "Kc added smiling.
"I love you too kc. I love all my girls." Then Char left the room.
"Ok. I'm going to drop kc off and stop pass Josh's house to see if he wants to go to the ultrasound. "Sha planned aloud.
"You still talk to him?" Kc asked
"No, but I still want him to make an effort and decide if he wants to be in his child's life." Sha and kc went downstairs while Jade went to the bathroom. Just as Sha and kc were leaving out Shy was coming in to get Jade.
"Hey Sha- hey kc- how is college going?"
"It's online not campus but good. Soon enough I will be on campus though hopefully. "
"Good keep up the work and your dumbass Will be outta here in no time."Shy joked.
"Ha ha." Sha laughed then she and kc finally got Sha's car.
"Sha I don't know how I feel about you going to Josh's house alone. "Kc brought to Sha's attention.
"No I'm sure he won't do anything after the talk he had with my brother's fist."
"You sure. "
"Yea. Plus all the damage is done."
"Ok. But call me if you need me."
"Ok I will." Sha started her car and took Kc to her boyfriend's house where she had been staying to protect Sha. It was 1:43 when Sha got to Josh's house. He didn't open the door. She called his phone and he didn't answer. Sha drove over to his parent's home about 20 minutes away.
"Oh hello Sha. Mark it's Sha." Lisa screamed from the front door. Mark walked to the front door, he looked different-not like himself .
"Oh is it that bitch?" He asked stumbling around and taking more sips from a full flask.
"I'm sorry if I interrupted anything. I just wanted to know if Josh was here."
"Why you interrupted everything with your pregnancy. What so you want to kill him even more."
"Mark!" Lisa elbowed Mark.
"I uhh- actually have an ultrasound and we are going to find out what sex the baby is. I just thought that Josh would want to be a part of it." Sha wiped her tears that were starting to form.
"I'm sorry he's drunk but no Josh's not here did you try hos phone or his house?"
"Yea but no answer."
"Well you came right on time Sha. Right when he wanted to do better and the worst part is you say my son raped you? You're nothing but a lying, money-hungry whore." Mark practically gulped the alcohol in the flask now.
"Mark your lucky that she didn't press charges on him." Lisa argued
"I knew you two would have to pay so I said no charges."
"Mark she is carrying your grandchild. Show some damn respect." Lisa took up for Sha.
"Ok well thanks for your help." Sha wiped her eyes and got in a car.
He did have a life and a job so she figured he was just out. She didn't want to force him into their child's life but she thought she would try to make him involved a little at least.
At the appointment Sha sat on the bed with the doctor smearing the ointment all over Sha's belly that had taken on its circular shape. Sha decided not to tell Char about Mr. Parkway and his drunken thoughts.The room was silent but everyone's mind raced. The doctor put the little hand monitor on her belly and moved it around.
"Ok Ms. And Mrs. Lakota you will be having.... a BABY GIRL! And the other was a boy."
"Oh, my baby girl's baby girl." Char cried tears of joy.
"I told you Sha." Kc teased from over the phone.
"Ma," Sha laughed and cried tears of joy," I'm going to have a little girl."
"Baby girl I'm So proud of you."
"I just wish Josh was here to see it."
"Baby girl you have me so you're going to be fine. "
"And me."kc beeped into the conversation.
After the appointment and hearing the baby's heartbeat they went home. Char called as many people as possible as usual. Sha turned on the t.v. in the living room and it was on the news.
".....You heard it, the local police discovered a dead male body unidentified in a ditch by Fermago Dr." The reporter lady announced. That was about 10 minutes away from Josh's house. Sha was worried she cried just thinking that it could possibly be him.
".... the body has been determined to have set there for a little under a week."
"Ma!" Sha barely got out. She walked in and seen Sha pointing to the t.v.
".... we are asking that the family comes forth to identify the body found and if anyone has any facts or knows what happened we urge you to call the facts line." Char turned the tv off. Sha was crying her eyes out and Char hugged her tightly.
"Ma I've gotta go. "
"Baby girl I know you love him but you just can't. I know it's torture but you should just wait for the family call or see if he's visiting them."
"No mommy I can't do that."
"I know." Sha wiggled, screamed, and twisted to try to fought her way out of her mother's arms. They ended up sliding down to the couch.
"No!" Sha screamed wiping the tears off of her face.
"I know but if they are doing that to men what will they do to pregnant women?"
"But my baby comes first-"
"And so does mine."
Shy walked in the house and looked on the couch.
"What happened. "Char got up and explained it to him and Sha just sat there crying. Mind the fact that she was pregnant and she cried over everything but she honestly would've cried just the same without child.
"...and I will not allow her to go." Char finished up."
"I will take her." Shy offered and Sha looked up still crying.
"Please." Share begged.
"Ma if it were me and Jade I would want her to know." Shy defended.
"I suppose. "Sha jumped up and into Shy's car. When they arrived at the funeral home and signed in Shy pulled her to the side.
"Sha these things are never easy because either way it's just torture. You don't want to not know but are you prepared?"
"So you are honestly prepared for the possibility that you walk in and your boyfriend and baby's father be lying there dead?" Sha didn't answer she just started to cry.
"I'm not... I will never be. I love Josh, he is my world, my heart, and my love and I know I will never love anyone on the same level. He hurt me so much but I don't mind. I don't... because I know just as well as he that a departure makes for a way better reunion and he loves me regardless of anything, anyone, or what he says and I don't mind Shy." He hugged her and she just cried even more. They eventually got to go in. Sha walked up to the body covered in a white sheet. The room was silent except Sha's intense heartbeat. Shy watched closely behind Sha holding his arms out in case she fell. The attendant and monitor were silent and slowly watched with sympathetic eyes. Sha reached out and grabbed the sheet and ripped it off his face quickly not wanting to suffer anymore. She put her hands over her face and dropped down low and cried with Shy's arms around her he quickly glanced at the body and looked at Sha. The body was...................

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