Baby Girl

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(Picture of baby above)

The night of April 25 Sha sat up in her room watching t.v. with kc.
"Girl she won't stop kicking me." Sha laughed.
"Well at least you can feel her."
"True but-uhh!" Sha grunted standing up to take her bowl downstairs. Kc stood up rushing to her side. Sha's water broke and she painfully walked to her mother's room.
"Ma my water broke. " she shook Char until she awoke. Kc got Shaun in the car and called Deon. Shy had turned his phone off and became a workaholic since Jade started avoiding him. Deon met them at the hospital and Sha was calm but she was scared to death on the inside. After hours of labour the baby boy came first and Sha begged to let him stay in her arms for a bit longer but they needed the baby girl. She cried when they took him to the back not breathing.
Shortly after a baby girl was born on April 25 at 11:37 p.m. in the hospital but it wasn't ShaMya's because she didn't have her baby girl until April 26 at 3:35 am.The doctors let in Deon and other family members that sat in the waiting room.
"What is her name?" The doctors asked.
"Her name is Cherish Trinity Lakota and my son, Deontae Shymon Lakota."
She smiled crying tears of joy.

Three days later ShaMya and Cherish was back at home happily and frequently getting visits from the family. Everyone came except Shy, Sha told Marcus not to even try coming to see the baby.ShaMya finally put Cherish to sleep and went downstairs to the kitchen. Char was sitting at the table hanging up the phone.
"I was waiting for you to come down." Char pushed a plate of pizza over the table towards Sha. Sha sat down and grabbed the plate.
"Have you talked to Shy?"
"No. He's just going through something."
"Yea, but regardless he is supposed to be here."
"Just remember how you felt about you and Josh baby girl. "
"But I didn't cut him off!"
"But you would've had it not been for me."
"So you allow him to do this?"
"Baby girl, he-"
"Mama I need him."
"I will talk to him. "
"Thank you mommy."
"Deon called to ask if he can take Cherish and you on a date?"
Sha smiled at the thought of his name.
"He called?"
"Yes you left your phone downstairs. "
"Well I'll call him later. What time are you going to work?"
"You just had a baby!" Char squeaked.
"Three days ago Ma." Sha corrected.
"Same thing- so things with you and Deon are getting serious. What now, I mean you've been dating a while now."
"I don't know but I know if I was forced I wouldn't mind spending the rest of my life with him. "
"Ok, so when are you getting out of my house?"
"My presence is a present. "
"If you were visiting." Char joked.
"I did find a nice apartment I like and its- like acquaintances with my budget. It is about 2 hundred dollars above."
"That's good. My babies are growing up."
The next day Sha got up and dressed Cherish and herself and drove to Shy's house. She had Cherish in her car seat covered in a blanket and the visor to block the sun. Shy answered the door in his underwear, depressed.
"Can I come in?" Sha asked.
"Why?" Shy not seeing the car seat until Sha lifted it to acknowledge that it was the reason and he opened the door. Sha walked in and sat in the same couch she sat on with Jade to find out ShaMya was pregnant. Shy stood up across from her in front of the t.v. Sha took Cherish out of her car seat. Shy was stiff he realized he missed his nieces birth and fell in love with her instantly but still tried to be upset.
"So?" He forced out.
"So you deserve the Shitty Brother's Award. "
"You expect me to be happy for you when I lost my fiance and baby?"
"You forgetting something. "
"So did I and that Jade ain't your damn sister. She don't need you, I do. My son's name," Shy forgot about Sha's son,"is Deontae Shymon Lakota and his father is carelessly in jail after cheating on me for the thousandth time."
"Sorry but-"
"You need to get your ass together and be there for your niece that wouldn't be fair to her, she didn't ask for that. It's just like she's both of ours- in fact she's can be all yours tonight because I need some time off." Sha joked and they both laughed.
"What's her name?" He sat next to Sha.
"Cherish Trinity Lakota."
"Like Ma?"
"Chardonnay Cherish Lakota."
"I know she had a heart attack. "
"Yea. We all missed you."
"Can I hold her?"
"Yea. I have to make a call anyways."Sha handed Cherish to Shy and walked on the porch to call Deon and he answered.
"Hello Mr.Wyatt I've been told you owe me and Ms.Cherish a date."
"Yes but I can make it even better for half the bundle."
"Well you can take Cherish, I'm busy." She joked.
"Ok well I will pick her up for The park."
"She's only four days old she is gonna sfay home so looks like you're stuck with me."
"Horrible. I will pick you up at 8. "
"Ok but I'm not looking forward to it."Sha joshed and they both laughed.

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