When I unlock my locker, a couple notes come spilling out of my locker. I bend down and pick some of them up.

' Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!' One says.
' Dear, Hayley. Thanks for standing up for my sister, Emma. -Jamie, Emma's brother' I didn't know Emma has a brother. I zip my backpack open and stuff them all in. I snatch my textbook from my locker and head to class.

6 Hours Later...

The bell rings, sounding the end of school. I speed to my locker, opening it and grabbing my bag. I head to the bus and watch as people open the door for me as I exit the school.

" Thanks." I mutter. He nods and I hear someone call my name.

" Hayley! Wait up!" I turn and watch Cody run through the hallway with something in his hands. I see Mrs. Beach walk out of the office and I mouth to Cody; " Slow down!" He immediately reads my lips and slows to a fast walk.

" Hey, I am giving this to you. It's from Sara. She has to help out after school, which is now, so.... Here you go!" He holds out an envelope that has my name on the front.

" Thanks, Cody!" I say. He glances at his bus and I turn my head. The bus driver honks the horn and he turns to me.

" Oh! Bye!" He quickly says and hugs me. Cody pulls away and runs to his bus. I walk for my bus and find that is has left. Oh, crap! I turn and speed over to Cody's bus and hop on. The bus driver looks at me and I explain what happened.

" Okay, pick a seat." Cody looks up and when he lies his eyes on me, he pushes his friend out of the seat. I chuckle to myself then notice that everyone is staring at me, impatiently waiting for me to sit down. I quickly shuffle to my seat beside Cody.

" Well, hello again!" He energetically says.

" Hello. Long time no see." He laughs and we talk for the rest of the ride. I realize, how in the heck an I getting home? It's a completely different route and street. I nervously turn to Cody and fake smile.

" Ugh, Cody? Can I get off at your stop?" He nods and smiles at me. Nearby, there is a shriek from three seats away.

" Why is the freak here?!" Bianca. The bus driver looks back at us through his mirror and ignores us.

" Hey! Haven't you had enough?!" I yell. The bus pulls into a stop and he opens the door. Cody taps my shoulder and I let him in front of me. When I am at Bianca's seat, I shove my hand in her face and push her down into the leg space on your seat.

" Agh! I'm stuck!" She says, arms and legs flailing around. I laugh and step off the bus. He walks beside me, down the dirt driveway. The scent of fresh hay greets my nose and I spot a large barn. I smile at him and open my mouth but he beats me to it.

" Okay, we can go to the barn." I happily squeal, sarcastically, and skip to the barn. I throw my bag on the ground, right in front of the open doors. I look inside and spot many, multicoloured heads. A few nicker to us as I walk by each and every one. There is probably about 37 stalls and at least half of them are filled. One buckskin skewbald catches my eye as I walk down the aisle, which has many brightly coloured saddle pads and ribbons all handing alone the stalls.
Not ten minutes later, he has his grullo stallion and that dun skewbald mare bridled up and ready to ride. He lets me in front of him to the mounting block, but I politely decline. So, he steps up and jumps on to the 17 hand stallion and waits for me. I smirk and show him up by grabbing the mare's mane by her withers and swinging myself up. Luckily, she is like, 15.2 hands.

" How did you do that?!" He questions, mouth gaping open.

" Practice." Is all I say. I kick her barrel, lightly, and send her into a lope through the forest, on the trail home. When we arrive at my place, my mom bursts out the door, spooking Moose (Cody's stallion).

" Hayley! Where have you be-" She is stunned by either the horses or Cody. I turn to him and smile, handing Dancer's reins.

" Thanks for the horse, Cody. See ya tomorrow." He smiles back and I slide off Dancer.

" Thanks for letting me ride you, Dancer." I kiss her on her velvety muzzle. And turn to my mother.

" Oh, mom. This is Cody. Cody, this is my mom, Louise." She smiles at him.

" Hi Cody." He says hi and waves back time as he trots back home. I step into the barn with my mom.

" I thought... Well, I didn't even know where you were!" She exclaims.

" I texted and called you several times, but no reply." She continued. Crap! That's what I forgot. My backpack at Cody's barn.

" Ugh! I forgot my bag at Cody's place, just outside the barn!" She laughs, teasingly, and turns my shoulders back to the house.

" Oh, well. I think you've spent too much time around horses, you'll turn into one!" I laugh. We open the creaky door and I kick my boots off, sending them flying across the room. I speed up the stairs and get changed into my pyjamas.
After brushing my hair and teeth, I slump down on my cool bed. I leave my window open, so I crawl under my blankets and set my alarm. Goodnight.

That horse is Dancer, next chapter it will be Moose!

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