Holding hands

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I slip into the dress and look at myself in the mirror. I've just had a shower and my hair is straightened. I've been waiting for this since Monday. I pull on a pair of tights and sigh when I see the giant ladder. I pull them off again and find another pair. Three pairs of tights later I give up and put on leggings. I look at myself again and go over to my bathroom. I take out my make-up and fish around until I find it. My purple eyeliner. I put it on and apply a little clear lip gloss. I look at myself in the full length mirror. All that's missing is shoes. I head over to my wardrobe and take out all my shoes. I look at my little boots and try them on. I shake my head and kick them off. I try on a pair of ballet pumps, Converse, Ugg's and a pair of Keds but nothing looked right. Finally I see them. My Rocket Dogs. They're black with a little spotty black and white bow at the top. I slip them on and look in the mirror. Finally. I look like a princess. The bell rings and I run to the mirror. I watch him walk up the steps and disappear on our porch. I grab my purse and run downstairs. My dad is standing at the door talking with him.

"And what exactly are your intentions towards my daughter?" he asks. I blush.

"I intend to bring her to the cinema and sit two seats apart so no hand holding could be tempted. And then I intend to " he leans in and whispers in my dads ear. My dad chuckles and says

"Oh you're a keeper".

I walk out the door and my dad smiles at me. We turn around and my dad closes the door. When I hear it shut I grab his hand. He looks at me and winks.

We walk in awkward silence for the first few minutes and then I ask

"What did you whisper to my dad? Where are we going afterwards?".

He just puts a finger to his lips.

"Fine don't tell me. What are we going to see?".

"Erm, The Last Song. Is that ok?"

"Oh, eh ... yeah" I smile.

His shoulders sag, "You've seen it already, haven't you?".

"How did you know?".

He just shrugs and sighs.

"Have you seen it?" I ask him.

He just raises one eyebrow in "Do I look like I've seen it".

I smile, "Well you have to see it".

He sighs and I grin. We walk into the cinema and take our seats at the back.

The movie starts and I squish up against him. He puts an arm around my shoulder and the butterflies in my stomach start doing back flips.

The movie finishes and I look up at him.

"That. Was. Terrible"he says.

I grin, "Aww you didn't like it".

He stands up and takes my hand. We walk down the steps and out onto the road. I shiver involuntarily. He looks at me and takes off his jacket. He slings it over my shoulders and I smile a thank you at him. Only now do I realise what he's wearing. A plain white shirt and jeans, with the jacket I'm slipping my arms into. Altogether very cute.

"Where are we going?" I ask him.

He just smiles and leads me around town. Eventually we're on the other side of town and staring at the ice-skating rink.

"Are. You. Serious?" I ask him.

He grins and leads me inside. I look at the big rink and the few people that are on it. A couple and three teenage girls I recognise from sixth year, but don't know their names. We're at the front desk and Matt's getting our shoes.

"Izzie, what size shoe are you?".

"What?" I ask terrified.

"What size shoe?".

"No" I shake my head furiously, "I'm gonna fall over".

"I'll catch you".

I just shake my head again. I scream as he picks me up bridal style and slips my shoe off. He looks at the size on the inside and tells the lady that I have a size four.

She goes back to look for our shoes and Matt sets me down.

"You've got small feet, you know?"

I glare at him.

We slide on to the ice and I shriek. He laughs and takes my hand. We slide around for a bit and eventually we get the hang of it. There's music playing in the background and we're singing along with it. After a few songs a slow one comes on.

"May I have this dance, m'lady?" he asks holding out his hand.

I blush, "Of course kind sir".

He pulls me closer to him and we start dancing around on the ice. It's sweet and cheesy at the same time. Perfect.









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