Certain Moments

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Chapter 2

I woke up to "Good old fashioned lover boy" by Queen blaring through the speakers in Lils room. She had a wide taste in musci, ranging from Queen to Rihanna.  I padded into the bathroom and looked in the mirror. My hair was a mess but I didn't care. I was just glad Lily hadn't drawn on me again. I went downstairs and into the kitchen. Jen was sitting at the table reading the paper.

"Morning Iz. Sleep well?" she asked, looking up from her paper.

I grunted, not one for talking much in the morning, and sat down in my usual seat. I came here so often I had a usual seat. How sad is that? I grabbed a slice of toast and listened to the usual bickering of  the Twins and Lil. I sometimes wished I had siblings but then I realised that the Medlars practically were family. Eventually Lily sighed and gave up. She turned to me and smiled.

"So what'ya feel like doing today?" she asked in a sickly sweet voice, scarily different to what she'd just been using with the Twins.

"I dunno how 'bout we see a film" I suggested.

She nodded and her mum smiled and handed us the listings. We flicked through it and finally decided on "The Last Song". It seemed kind of cheesy but it looked like the best thing there. When we were dressed and presentable we headed downstairs again. We headed down to the bus stop and waited. Lily sat on the wall and I leaned against it.

"Let's people watch" Lily decided, loving to do something while we were waiting.

"Ok!" I cried. I loved people watching. I loved guessing what people were like and making up stories about them. It's so fun.

We looked around at people. Lil spotted an old man who she decided was a war veteran, on his way to but a rose to put on his long lost loves grave.

"That's so sad" I said when she was finished.

"All is sad in love and war" she said, in a deep sorrowey voice.

I burst out laughing, earning a few stares and a hit on the shoulder from Lily.

"Shut up and pick someone" she muttered.

I bit my lip to stop myself laughing and looked around for someone interesting. I saw a young couple snogging, an old couple holding hands and carrying their shopping, and even two dogs wrapped up in eachothers leads. I groaned, was there anywhere without love.

The bus pulled up, saving me the trouble of making up a gooey sob story.We hopped on and payed our fares, picking seats at the back of the bus.

When we got off the bus we started walking through town. We got to the cinema and I suddenly realised I didn't know when the movie was.

"When does the movie start?" I asked Lily.

She checked her watch, "In an hour". I sighed.

"Did you bring money?" she tried again.

I nodded. She grabbed my hand and pulled me along the street,laughing like a maniac.

"Where are we going?" I yelled at her, though I was laughing too.

She just laughed and shook her head. Eventually we came to a stop outside a little shop called "Fairytale moments". Lily opened the door and as she went in a little bell rang over the door. I thought it was cute. A teenager came up to us and at first I hadn't realised she worked there. Then I saw her nametag.

"Hello can I help you find anything?" she asked in that scarily chirpy voice all sales assistants have.

"No thanks, we're just looking" I said, smiling sweetly. That's my automatic response when people like this come up to me.

We head into the back of the shop and look at all the dresses. Lily goes for the more bright dresses while I am enchanted by a single dress at the back. It's a soft greyish lilac colour, with a lace effect on the top and the skirt is ruffled with each layer lined with a different kind of ribbon. It was love at first sight. I picked it up and held it against me as I looked in the mirror. It was perfect. I loved it. Lily got bored and made me come to the front desk with her and look at jewellery. I picked up a bunch of bracelets tied together and put them on the counter to be payed for. The lady comes up and picks them up and scans them.

"That'll be three euro" she says.

I root around in my purse till I find what I need. I hand it to her and pick up the bracelets. I slip'em onto my left wrist which has no bracelets, whereas my right wrist has about fifteen bracelets.

"God, how many bracelets do you own?" Lily asks, examining my wrists.

I shrug, "Dunno. It's my turn to pick a shop" I say and pull Lily down the road to a giant shoe shop that only exists in big town centres.

We head inside and immediatley realise they're having a massive clearout sale. There is a pair of UGGS going for seventy euro. Lily heads straight to the UGGS and I head straight to the wellies. In winter wellies is mostly what I wear on my feet. The fact that I found out last week my wellies didn't fit anymore nearly brought me to tears. I looked at my top two wellies and picked up one of each. I went over to Lily and held up one of each. She looked at them both. One pair was black with pink flowers all over it and the other was bright red gingham. She pointed to the gingham one which somehow was higher and more in her face than the other one. Strange really. We payed for them and left heading to the other side of town where the cinema was. We were meant to be there in -one minute- we sped up when we noticed this. We got there and ran in in the middle of an ad for red-bull. When it got to the part where it says Red Bull gives you wings, we pretended to fly up the steps into our seats.

When the movie ended we came out crying and singing at the top of our lungs, She wil be loved, by Maroon5. Most people were staring at us but we didn't care. We stared back and managed to scare a little girl. Ah well.

Be My FairytaleTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon