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I pulled my legs too my chest and wrapped my arms around them. I let out a small sigh as i tried too prod his mind but he was closed off too me.

"Never mind." I whispered mostly too myself. I pulled my back from his chest making him drop his hands from my thighs. I swiveled around and sat oppeside off him. His eyes were on the wall behind me as he was deep in thought.

I wondered what he was thinking. Was he thinking about my question. I saw a glimpse off his thoughts yesterday, we're they just the tip off the iceberg? From what he let slip his mind however so briefly. There wasn't something I wouldn't mind doing.

I could feel from him he wanted me with a type off desperation. Yet he kept his mind closed off too me. It was pissing me off a bit. I closed my eyes for a moment and closed myself off to him. If he wasn't going too let me in why would I let him.

-'j.j. are you up?'- Marcia asked through the link. I let out a small groan in annoyance. I wanted too relax but by her tone something was up. -'yep. What's up?'- i asked her back keeping my voice level.

-'Euhm. One off the women who weren't there yesterday wants too talk too you. She was hoping too have a talk with you. It's Serena. She has duties too attend and was hoping you had time before breakfast.'- Marcia explained in a rush.

I pinched the bridge off my nose. There goes my day off. I can't tell her no. -'what time is it?'- i asked.

-'about half an hour till breakfast.'- she tolled me. I nodded too myself.

-'Give me 15 too take a shower and take Serena into the library. Could you ask the kitchen too bring us some breakfast there?'- i asked.

I could see her mock salute me and clicking her heels. -'Yes ma'am. Mike and Ben are on there way up I'll keep Serena company.'- She tolled me.

I smiled with a giggle at her antics. I focused back on Than who was watching me with his eyebrow raised i stood up from the tub and flicked on the shower. "Where are you..." he started too ask but trailed off as his eyes traveled down my bare body.

I tore my eyes from he heated gaze and stepped under the shower for a quick rinse off and a quick was off my hair. "I have some buisness too attend." I awnsered his unfinished quiestion as i worked the shampoo in my hair and washed it out not letting it sit.

The shower door opened and he stepped inside behind me. "What buisness?" He asked. Like everything the shower was quit spacious and we had room to spare so it wasn't like he was back too chest with me. Even when a small voice inside me i wanted just that. I ignored it wanting too get on with my day.
I continued washing out the soap and shrugged. "Just helping out some women with women stuff." I tolled him not wanting too go into to much detail.

"Like those women from yesterday?" He asked as i turned looking up at him. I just nodded and side stepped him walking out off the shower leaving him too do his own rinse off.

I grabbed a towel flicking it in my hair and a larger one around me. I padded too the closet getting dressed quickly because Serena was waiting.

I pulled on a long scarf like maxi dress desideing too go commando today sins i was still sore. I could walk just fine but don't expect me too run or something like that. I stood in front off the vanity brushing my hair when Than walked out off the bathroom in a pair jeans and a shirt in hand.

When he turned too the closet i got another look at his back though the mirror. There was no blood and the cuts were healing, only some faint scars that would dissapear in a hour or maybe less.

I let my hair hang loose and headed out making a quick stop in the gym for my neckles. I added the ring on the cored and was met with Mike and Ben by the door.

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