Chapter 4 - Episode 3 - Day Off

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I woke up to the sound of fighting. I opened the door and saw Zeb chasing Ezra down the hall. I followed them into the hanger and watched as they fell onto the floor. I chuckled at seeing the two of them on the floor like that, with one on top of the other. Then Hera came in and I tried to suppress my laughter as she cleared her throat. Then what the boys did next made me loose it. They stared at her then blamed each other. I just burst out laughing, because it was just too funny. Hera and Kanan looked at me weirdly.

"I'm sorry, it's just *laugh* too *laugh* funny *laugh*," I said in between giggles.

We landed and Hera sent them to get the supplies, and a meiloorun which will be impossible to find on Lothal. So I got out my lightsaber from mine and Sabine's room and went outside to practice my techniques.

I turned it on and got in my favourite fighting stance, then started to pretend that an enemy, with a lightsaber of their own, was in front of me. I pretend fought over to a large rock and used my favourite technique that Master Yoda taught me. I jumped over the rock and spun in mid-air so I landed looking at my target. I was about to slash the rock in half when a voice from behind startled me.

"You know your technique was sloppy and you were favouring your right arm (AN Iluna holds her lightsaber in her right hand btw) plus you did that flip a little too slow, so your enemy would have turned around by the time you landed," They said and I turned around to find Kanan standing there with his arms crossed.

"Yeah, well I'm a little outta practise," I say and get in my fight stance again, and say "so do you wanna help me get back up to scratch or what," and with that we spared with each other until Kanan told me it was time to go in.

Ten minutes later Kanan was in a holo-chess match with Chopper and I was leaning up against the wall, watching. Hera walked in just as Kanan won the match. Suddenly Hera's com beeped and it was Zeb saying they had run into a bit of a problem. Hera started to explain to them that they didn't need to worry about the meiloorun when Ezra butted in saying that they had one then lost it then had one and went back and forth until we heard a weird noise and Kanan asked what it was.

"Yeah about that, we um, we stole a TIE fighter," Ezra said and I just stood there thinking about how they could be so stupid as to steal a TIE. Kanan told them to get rid of it they asked if they had to and I could just imagine there pleading faces.

"Okay at least tell me you disabled the locating beacon," Kanan says and they go on about which wire to cut and I decide to but in.

"You cut the red and the blue wire boys," I say and Ezra of course says that they did it a long time ago, when it's obvious that they only just did it.

"Okay, rendezvous at shadow site 2, fly straight there and do not stop, and don't do anything," Kanan says and they shut off the com link.

"I literally can't believe they stole a TIE," I say as soon as the link is off.

"Well I can," Hera says and I agree with them, then go to tell Sabine that the boys stole a TIE. I go to our room and see the door to the boy's room open and ours closed. I curiously look into the boy's room and see Sabine in there painting.

"Watch-ya doing," I say and lean against the door frame.

"Well, urgh, I guess I can tell you. Come take a look, and also it was Ezra's idea," she says as I walk into the room. I see the painting and burst out laughing.

"This was Ezra's idea, doesn't look like Ezra would approve of this," I say while trying, and nearly failing, to hold in my giggles.

"Well he said that if I ever needed inspiration, to look to him and so I did," She said and I just giggled.

"Well the real reason I came in here is to tell you that the boy's stole a TIE," I said and we talked some more until I told her I wanted to be there when the boy's turned up. So I walked to the hanger and down the ramp just as the boy's explained that they crashed the TIE.

When Kanan and Hera had gone I prevented them from boarding the Ghost and asked, "You didn't crash the TIE, did you?"

"Of course we did," Ezra says and I just gave him that look that says, tell the truth now or get punched in the face later. "Fine we didn't crash the TIE we just hid it," Ezra said with a sigh.

"That's what I wanted to hear," I said with a smile, then walked up the ramp and into my room to meditate.

Just as I was entering my meditative state I heard the boy's yell "CHOPPER" before I slipped into the peaceful stat of meditation and then sleep.

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