A Trip To Remember

Start from the beginning

"Oh, yeah. I know you do! Tell me! Now!" 

She starts to back up and I start running after her. 

"I don't know what your talking about!" She says as we run past the rest of our group. 

"You shouldn't be running!" Rucker yells after his mate. 

"Come here!" I yell after her. 

"NO!" She screams running up the stairs, I follow her into her bedroom. She gets up on the bed. "DON'T COME UP HERE!" She says,   I smile and get on the bed. 

"Tell me what were doing here, and I won't tickle you!" I say, and she doesn't say anything just looks away. I walk towards her, and start tickling her. I get her laying on the bed, and we full out tickle fight. 

"Tell me!" 


After what seems like 15 minutes of a tickle fight she says the words I want to hear. 

"Fine, I will tell you! We're here to to convince you to move forward with your relationship." 

I stop what I'm doing and freeze. "What?" 

"I said we're-" 

"I know what you said!" I snap. She freezes. I look at her scared face. "I'm sorry. I just don't understand." 

"We feel that you guys should get married, or at least start trying for kids." 

"Is that why Axel is pushing the kids thing now?" I ask. She shrugs. 

"I don't know. We didn't tell anyone but our family." 

"Oh," I say, I get up. "Um, I need to go." I say, and run out of the room. She yells after me. 

I walk down stairs, and find everyone in the living room. 

"What's going on?" I ask. 

"Oh nothing dear. We're just waiting for the last of our guest to arrive." 

"There's more? Who else could possibly show up?" I ask, as the door bell rings. I walk to the door, wondering who was here. I open the door to see the faces of my parents. 

"What?! Mom? Dad! What are you doing here?" 

My mom laughs, as she wraps me in a hug. "We're here to spend time with you guys." 

I start to squeal and jump up and down. My dad laughs. 

"How about a hug?" he asks. 

I jump into his arms, but then I remember the real reason why they are here. I back away, and their eyes fill with concern. "What's wrong honey?" my mom asks. 

"Um, nothing. I just don't feel very well. Um, everyone is in the living room." I say point to the living room. "I think I'm going to lay down." 

"Okay, is there anything I could get you?" 

"No, I'm good." I say, slowly backing up. 

"Well let me know. I had many stomach aches when I was pregnant." She's and my dad give her a look. The thought of it makes me feel even more sick. We're they in on the plan as well? They must be, they all must be. I just don't understand what is everyone's urgency. When Axel and I both feel ready, we will have a family. 

I shake my head. "I'm not pregnant." I say. 

She just smiles. I excuse myself from them and hurry up the stairs to our bedroom. I was happy to have the room facing the ocean. It was so peaceful and relaxing. I smile as I look out my window at the sunny ocean. "Beautiful." I whisper. 

"Not as beautiful as you." A husky voice says behind me. I don't even look because I know its Axel. "What's wrong babe?" He ask, sliding up behind me. 

"Nothing." I say trying to get out of his arms. But he holds me tight. 

"Don't leave." Axel whispers. "I feel like I'm losing you." 

"You'll never lose me." I say back. 

"Prove it." He whispers, against my neck. I shiver. I wrap my head around his arm, and pull him towards the bathroom. I walk over to the bathtub and start filling it. I then start taking off my clothes, layer by layer. 

Axel watches me with lust in his eyes. 

When I'm fully naked in front of Axel, I stare back at him. "What? Are you just going to stand there with your mouth on the ground? Or are you going to get in?" I ask with a smirk. 

He just stares for a minute longer, watching as I slip into the warm water. Then he starts taking of this clothes, and joins me in the tub.

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