Charlie's parents hired a round the clock nurse and chef to help her keep on track since she was busy most days, since Charlie refused to receive treatment. But of course, Charlie refused for the nurse to do stuff for her when she was perfectly capable herself to do it. But it did help Charlie finish her second semester at school when she was have awful days. 

     Charlie and Camron married right after their first year of schooling was done, as well as soccer season. It was a summer wedding, on the beach. Charlie was barefoot in the sand, a white flow dress on, flowers in her hair. Cameron was in a casual tux, stars in his eyes as he watched her walk down the isle. The whole family was in tears, especially the mothers. Rings were exchanged, vows were taken, and then Cameron kissed his bride, It couldn't have been a more perfect wedding. 

     During their first dance, Charlie and Cameron were swaying slowly to the music, her head resting on his chest. He loved the feeling of her in his arms, loved calling her his wife. He loved the angelic look as she grew tired against his chest as they swayed, and he loved how even through all this, she was still herself. Even feeling bad during half the semester, almost bed ridden, she was still silently smiling.

     Cameron's hand traveled down to Charlie's waist and he held her closer, bending his head an kissing her cheek. Her eyes fluttered closed and Cameron smiled softly before widening his eyes as Charlie went limp in his arms.

"Charlie!" He called to her, looking over her worriedly as he held up her weight. "Charlie, please... No..." tears started to pool in his eyes. She fainted. 


"What happened?"


     Panic had settled over the crowd of the room. People started to gather around, 9-1-1 was already being dialed, Cameron was a mess, her brothers were freaking out as well. Everyone knew this was coming, but they didn't expect anything to happen to her today, not on her wedding day.

"Charlie, please... Don't leave yet. Don't be gone just yet." Cameron whispered brokenly, looking down at his angel in his arms, his wife, his love. Tears finally spilled over and he held her closer. "Charlie..."

     Charlie was able to go home after a day, having fought the doctors in florida about receiving treatments. They told her nurse about what needs to be done during different situations, what care they said she should now receive. 

     Cameron sat on the edge of the bed, holding Charlie close as they doctors told them very specific directions. The whole time they listened, but Cameron couldn't keep his eyes off his wife. From the ways the doctors were talking, he didn't know how much longer he had to hold her. It could be this month, it could be next, it could be a year from now that she would give out. Cameron knew though that he would hold her for as long as he could, for whatever time was allotted to him.


     School started again and Charlie was back in school with everyone else. She had a specials doctors pass this time incase she ever needed to miss class for health reasons. On those days that she did, it was only because she couldn't walk from the pain. Cameron or Sarah, her nurse, would fetch her schoolwork and Charlie would stubbornly do it when she was sitting in her bed instead of resting. 

      During holidays, Charlie and Cameron would still travel back and spend their time with each of their family's. And when they could, their family's would come up to the school and see them. They all knew they needed the support right now, both Charlie and Cameron. 

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