Chapter 6

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Walking into the school, Charlie let her head hang. She didn't want to come again, but of course, she didn't voice her thoughts to her brothers... Or anyone for that matter. if it mattered at all that she didn't want to come though, she doubted. She heard her therapist, just like she usually does. No matter who thinks she's spaced out or not paying attention, she can hear every single word. It's just a matter of her caring. And with the ache in her chest, she didn't care too much about anything else.

She trudged up the steps, Carson in tow this time rather than Austin. Being her second day back, she had to actually come to her first couple classes and couldn't miss this time. She could probably skip out... But then mentally shook her head at the thought and went into the building.

They stared again.

It was like she was the main attraction at a carnival.

She didn't care though, she was used to her family's eyes always on her. But when she heard more whispers, she let her head hand and tried to tune them out.



'Charlie survived, her poor sister though...'

She stopped in her tracks, her head pounding with grief. "dead"... That's what she wanted to be... At least dead to this world, to her thoughts, to her pain. She wanted it all to go away. She had to push them down. She had to push out the pain... The emotions.

It wasn't simple... But maybe she could. She would have to try.

'Wait, he's in this class too?' Was the first thing that popped into her head when she entered the room. Her eyes had zoomed in on Cameron, the boy whom she met yesterday that keeps talking to her. She sighed and hung her head, preparing herself to be talked to non stop by this boy again, though she just wanted peace and quiet. Though school is the last place anyone would find that, so she knew her wish was impossible.

She ducked her head and went to the very last seat in the back, which surprisingly had a few open seats around it. She would at least get some room for her thoughts.

She looked up from her desk and found a pair of green eyes staring back at her. Her eyes darted back down and she pulled out a notebook, her hand itching to take notes already. But then her mind flashed to this morning and she opened it to the very last page and started doodling.

"Free... Pain... Suffocating..." Her head screamed this at her as her hand moved. "Free... to be free."

Cameron looked around and back at the blue haired girl, Charlotte, again. But she was already looking back down. Her face gave away nothing, but he saw something in her eyes... Something that screamed at him.

Making a last second decision, he grabbed up his bag and moved from his usual seat and joined the one next to her. She didn't look up. He wasn't even sure if she noticed. Her arm was leaning down on the table, her other hand furiously scribbling over her notebook. He wondered what she was doing. He leaned forwards and got a peak.

He caught the edge of some letters... and saw what looked like chains and jail bars... A scary looking face behind the bars, teeth bared... but tears running down the cheeks. Then suddenly, the notebook was flipped shut and the bell was ringing. He sat back quickly to not be caught looking at her stuff, but then noticed that she didn't see him there yet.

He was even more curious now.


Cameron saw her again, this time he noticed her from across the lunchroom though. She was sitting I the corner of the room by herself. Just sitting there. No food or water in from of her. As he moved and sat down with his friends who were all laughing and joking about something, he couldn't help but feel the need to move over to her table. But as that proved to do nothing in the morning class with her, he let it go and tried to turn his attention to his friends.

Charlie noticed, just for a brief second, the pair of green eyes that watched her from across the room. She didn't know why she noticed. In fact, she was annoyed to have notice it. Then she turned her head down, but not before she realized where he was... who he was with.

He was associated with the soccer team, the ones that had the most arrogant people at that table. She didn't know why she even noticed that, or why it made a small does of disappointment shoot through her. Maybe it was because of the stories her brother used to tell about, and why even he didn't associate with them if he didn't have to. The stories her you to tell them all the time to keep them away from the bad crowd. The stories to her and-

She shut down.

Numb... She had to be numb.

Carson quickly found his sister in the same spot, her table empty of food again. This time her brought double the lunch money with him, prepared for this, and shoved the tray of food in front of her that he got while in line.

She didn't react. She didn't even look up at him.

"Charlie?" He called out softly. Still nothing. He sighed. "Please eat... You missed breakfast this morning." He tried.

He stared at her unmoving face. Then slowly, she moved her head up slightly, looking off into the distance. Nothing. Nothing was showing through her eyes. It was like her eyes were dead. Where there was a small amount of life in her eyes yesterday... There was none now. It was like nothing changed since last month. Like she didn't cut and dye her hair or escape her room. She was slipping.

He couldn't have that.

"Charlie please," He spoke up again, very faint note of panic in his voice. "Just eat, please."

It was like he hadn't even spoken.

"Charlie-" He whispered, his voice breaking ever so slowly. "-I can't lose you too... not again."

She didn't look at him, nor did her eyes give away anything. They were still dead. She looked as if she lost all energy, like she wasn't even in her body. Maybe she was gone... Maybe mentally, she was gone. But then ever so slowly, her hand went down and grabbed the spoon, and she started to eat her banana pudding.

Carson smiled in relief. His eyes tightening to hold everything he was thinking in.

"Thank you." He titled his head told and covered his hands over his head. "Thank God..." he whispered to himself.


Yessss.... Another chapter. And it was up fast! Let me know what you think :)

Please comment!


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