Chapter 19

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"So here's my idea." Cameron said as he entered the house. Not with even a 'hi'. "You said you want to figure yourself out, figure out who you are. How bout, for the rest of this break, I take you places and we do different things you've never done before?" He asked, excitement dancing in his eyes.

"like what?" She quirked an eyebrow at him, wondering what exactly was running through his head.

"Well... Have you ever been Paint-balling?" He asked and Charlie nodded her head. Of course her brothers had her do paint-balling, both her and Charity. They couldn't exactly live with five older brothers and not go paint-balling. "Okay then... how bout bungee jumping?" He asked and her eyes widened.

"What?" Her voiced rose a few pitches.

"it's settled then, we'll go bungee jumping. And... I'm betting you've never taken a swim in ice cold water either, am I right?" He wiggled his eyebrows.

"You're crazy." She shook her head at him.

"But you love it." He shrugged his shoulders, making her roll her eyes. "Anyway, we can do those, we can try cooking foods from different cultures, and we can even try to beat some world records." He was practically bouncing on his toes. "What do you say?" He wiggled his eyebrows at her again, making her chuckled.

"Okay."  She nodded her head and shrugged after a few moments of thought. "Why not?"


     Charlie was starting to regret the decision. The first thing that Cameron found for them to do that day, was the bungee jumping. It was freezing out, and the first day of the year so there was practically no line. Charlie was bouncing on her toes with nerves, she couldn't believe she actually was going through with it. Alone at that. Cameron made it clear that he wasn't doing it with her, unless she begged of course. He wanted her to do it alone so she could find herself. And in finding herself, she couldn't do it with someone else, not completely anyway. He was going to be there till the end.

     She was next.

"How many jumpers?" The lady asked from behind a computer.

"Just one." Cameron offered.

"okay, fill out this form really quick," she handed him a clip board. "Sign here, here, here and here, initial here, and your height and weight description, as well as your emergency contact information go on the back." She pointed out several different spots with a wide smile, as if Charlie wasn't literally signing her life away.

"Okay... you wanna sign?" Cameron nudged her with his hip, a bright smile on his face as well.

     Charlie blew out a breath and reached for the pen, looking over the paper carefully. She gulped. She quickly filled out the form, placed her credit card on the clip and gave it to the lady, then turned away, her heart trying to beat out of her chest.

     She couldn't believe she agreed to this.

     Closing her eyes and blowing out yet another nervous breath, Charlie turned back and signed the receipt and then stiffly walked over to the bench where they told her they would get her ready. Cameron hurried to catch up to her pace and put an arm around her shoulder, pulling her around and into a hug, his lips in her hair.

"Hey, if you don't want to do this, just say the word and we're out of here."

     Charlie looked up at Cameron and gave a week smile but shook her head. She was going to do this. Taking another big breath, she pulled away, staying connected to his hand by an almost death grip, and sat down on the bench. Cameron was giving her a proud smile and said nothing more but squeezed her hand back gently in reassurance.

Charlie's Hero (#nanowrimo2015)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ