The Hidden Power of Tenebrae

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Chapter 44

             The hooded man danced around and around as the dragon protected him by my attacks. It was as if every swing I gave had been deflected by the dragon's armor like skin. Kumar swatted me with his tail and sent me flying across the plains. I skipped a few times before coming to a complete stop. Colette ran to my side and helped me up. The hooded man laughed hysterically. He mocked me shouting,"How could Shane have trouble fighting a worthless piece of work like you!?" I charged at the man shouting,"SHUT UP YOU BASTARD!!!" Kumar tried slapping me with his claw, but I dodged it. I finally found an opening for the hooded man. But as I finally got close enough to touch him, he blasted me away with a dark aura. As I fell the floor, he laughed his heart out,"Almost had me there Key Warrior! Gotta be quicker than that!" My anger flowed like a waterfall! My anger grew and flowed through my blood red eyes! I heard my voice chuckle and laugh,"Playtimes over!" Ratatosk had come to the battle!

             I shouted to Ratatosk,"What the hell do you think you're doing!? This is my fight!" Ratatosk spoke back fiercely,"I'm buying you time! Hurry and form a pact with the centurions!" I understood what he meant and I called to them,"Lumen, Ignis, Tenebrae! Come forth!" The centurions floated around me swiftly at first, but then slow and steady as if a well oiled machine. I sat down in my head and meditated. Focusing on the centurions and their powers. I could feel Ratatosk getting beaten by the hooded man, and it was then I realized how to connect with the centurions! I took back control and shouted,"Tenebrae! Lend me your power!!" His core appeared out of thin air! I grabbed it and sank it into my chest as it phased into me. A dark aura circled around me and I could feel my strength coming back! The wounds I received had seemed like nothing more than mere scratches. I felt strong! Even my Keyblade changed shape! It was thin bladed and purplish-black. The keychain looked just like the symbol on Tenebrae's orb. I dashed at the dragon and dodged its paw once more. The hooded man laughed and tried to blast me again, but to no avail! I socked him so hard that he flew and hit a tree, almost knocking it off its roots! The hooded man didn't move an inch, I turned and faced the dragon. I could hear Tenebrae calling to me, giving me instructions on what to do and how to do it! I pointed my Keyblade at Kumar, and watched as Tenebrae's dark aura wrapped around my Keyblade. I lunged my blade into the dragon's chest and sliced. The darkness that had been inside the dragon had split from its heart and now was out in the open. Kumar fell to the floor, alive but tired. I faced the darkness that had been inside Kumar and I destroyed it in one full slice. The battle was over.

           I walked over to the hooded man, he was still unconscious. So many questions ran through my head. Who was he? How did he know my name? How did he know Shane? And the list went on and on. I finally got the courage to grab him by the hood and reveal his face. And the sight of the man's true face almost made me vomit. For the face I saw was too familiar for me to forget. It was DEREK!! One of my lost friends!!

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