A Broken Man and His Broken World.

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" What are you doing here " I asked, tying to sound like a nice normal human being... it was the least I could do for Tylah... or try to do.
" Came to see my children" He replied noncelently.
" They are not your children"
" They have my genetics from when I saved your precious Tylahs life, therefore they're mine"
" Your not going anywhere near them, why come for them now? and where is Tylah, I thought she was with you?"
Just then I heard footsteps outside.
A moment later Hunter burst into the room a child in each arm.
" Somethings happening... they wont stop shaking!" He cried.
" You-you did this" I yelled pointing at Caspian. I had no idea what he had done but I knew it was him.
" Calm down," Caspian said motioning with his hands, " Its called the Changing, after they both turn dark then they will be mine" He smiled.
" They will never be yours" I spat. I couldn't let this monster take away Tylah's children.
Then I remenbered something Tylah had said.
"That man, Irwin who saved me, doesnt he control all the dark Sirens?" I asked.
" Not me.. no one controls me" He grinned.
Eyre began to scream, Caspian just stood there and smiled at her.
" For gods sake you idiot" I muttered picking Eyre up and rocking her gently.
" Put her down " Caspian said slowly.
" No" I said and then I began to sing.
Eyre stopped crying and lay her head on my shoulder , her cheek pressed against my shirt.
" H-how?" Hunter exclaimed while Caspian just stood there seething silently.
I kept singing softly to her, rocking gently from side to side.
Suddenly Eyre jumped as if hit by an electric shock.
I almost dropped her but I hung on.
" and now they're mine" Caspian said reaching out for Eyre.
But Eyre began to laugh.
"No no no, she can't be" Caspian whisper yelled.
" Hah, she's light Caspian, you have no power over her.... now leave" I grinned, I could not have been more happy right now.
" But he didn't " Caspian said pointing at Cal who had sat up and was reaching out to Caspian.
" No, you can't take my child away" Hunter said standing in between Caspian and Cal.
" Cal stays here" I said slowly.
" His name is Laetes.. remember when light, Cal when dark , Laetes.
" well Laetes stays here, now get out before I make you" I snarled.
" Fine, " Caspian said " But you should know that you are never going to have Laetes back or Tylah"
What did he mean? I was confused..I had just said Laetes was staying here and Tyalah.. maybe she had decided to live with him forever but it sounded more like he owned her. Anger boiled up inside me like a storm.
" WHAT DID YOU DO?, " I shouted running at Caspian. " WHERE IS SHE?"
" Somewhere at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean. " He smiled calmly.

I had never felt so numb, like someone had sucked the life out of me, sucked out all the happiness and hope I had left after a life of being beaten down.
I wanted to believe he was lying, to see it in his eyes that he wasn't telling the truth. But they held no indicatiom of a lie.
He had to be lying... he wouldn't hurt her, she had believed him when he told her that.... even I hadn't thought he wasn't capable of this.
I collapsed to my knees, the grass blurred by growing tears behind my eyes.
That wasn't true, it couldn't be... but somewhere deep inside I knew that it was.
I didn't say a word I simply got up walked slowly up to him so that I was inches from his face.
" I'm going to kill you" I said softly.
Then I walked up the garden, expecting an attack at any moment... in fact I would have welcomed it. But nothing, and somehoe that made it even worse... that somehow I wasn't worthy of a fight. I didnt look back. Just walked up to the wall and scaled the water pipe again up to my window.
Once inside I lay on my bed and let the tears wash over my face, sobs erupting from my body... I knew Hunter wouldn't bother me, he would have taken Eyre and Laetes back to his house.
It hadn't quite sunk in yet but suddenly it hit me... My best friend was dead, murdered by the man she had loved and who had claimed to love her back.
I buried my face in my hands and screamed. I screamed at the unjustness of what had happened, she hadn't deserved this, she had never done anything to deserve this.
I screamed at Caspian, at the monster he was and always had been.
Now she was gone, she wouldn't remmeber me, she wouldn't even know I had existed. She would have forgotten all the times she had helped me when I felt like saying goodbye, all the times we had laughed as little children, all the times we had gotten into trouble and broke the rules. That girl didn't exist anymore.
I emptied my lungs as I screamed into the cold night air... not caring if the staff heard me, not caring if the world heard me.
I screamed like nothing mattered because nothing did... I had just lost my world and when the world burns I burn with it.
She would never be here to hold my hand and tell me everything would be okay. She would never be here to laugh at my jokes or slap me for being stupid. I would never see her smile, never see her cry and never be able to tell her it would be all work out... because now I knew that it wouldn't.
I had lost myself... what was there to stop me now?
I grabbed a bottle of alcohol out of a secret stash I had made in my darkest hours and never touched because Tylah had always found a way to make me see the light.
It was a bottle of vodka.
I opened the lid and began to chug it... barely feeling the burn as it rocketed down my throat.
A few minutes later and the world was starting to turn fuzzy at the edges.
I knew I was going to do something stupid and this time nobody would be here to stop me.

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