I hear a pounding on my door. I shoot up and look at the time, 11:46. It's probably Kari! She escaped and wants to leave. I run to the door and rip it open. What I see is not Kari at all. It's the man from earlier, the one who attacked me in the hall.

"Well someone sure looks glad to see me." He smiles evilly then struts toward me. I back up as he enters my room.

"Get out of here." I say sternly to him. He shuts the door behind him and locks it. My heart freezes for a moment as flash backs of all the other times this has happened pours into my head. They all start just like this.

No I will fight him. I won't let him take advantage of me. "Oh Ashley. Froam asked me to come take care of you." He smirks. "And I plan to do just that." My eyes widen and he walks up to me. "If you just let it happen things will go smoother for you." I frown at him and he laughs. He grabs my frail body and throws it onto the small bed.

I whimper from the slight pain, because my bed has little to no padding on it, and from the contact with him. He jumps over me and tries to take off my clothes. I knee him in his sweet spot and push him off of me. My heart beats fast, my body tries to get me to hide instead of fight back. I don't give in to my body's wishes and I run for the door.

I'm about to reach the handle when he grabs my hips and pulls me back. "Those little tricks won't work too well on me." He whispers in my ear. His closeness makes me feel sick. He starts to drag me back to the bed.

"No let go of me!" I cry out. But he doesn't listen. I tug really hard and manage to slip out of his grip again. I start to run but before I get far the guy kicks me real hard and I hit the ground and slide. I slam against the wall with a loud thud. I try to get up but my body can't take much more.

"If you want to play this way, I will just beat the shit out of you first. How about that?" I frown and look at him angrily. "Take that look off of your face right now before you regret it." He pulls out a knife from his pocket.

I look at him wide eyed but he just smirks. Then I get my courage back. "Do whatever you have to but I will never willingly do anything you say." He laughs and looks at me.

"You're going to regret that." He holds the knife up high and I shut my eyes. The next thing happens so fast. I scream and blood pours down my body. I hear the clattering of the knife hit the ground. And suddenly his body is off of me.

That's when I realize I feel no pain. Wow I died really fast huh... No, that's not right either.

Just then, the sounds from around me kicks in and I hear dragging. I slowly open my eyes and look at myself.

I'm covered in blood. I look for a wound yet I have none. When I find the knife on the ground I see that it has no blood on it either. I look up expecting to see the man standing there but instead I see a beautiful blond wolf. His mouth has blood all over it and he's standing in front of a path of blood that leads to my closet. My eyes widen. He just killed that man.

The wolf inches forward and I try to back away from him but the wall is behind me. He sees my movement and gives me a confused look. After a few moments he runs out of the room. I sit there and think about what happened.

That man who was attacking me earlier was just killed. But who was the wolf that killed him and why did he kill him? No ones ever been punished for treating me like that and no one in our pack has a golden coat or normal colored eyes when in wolf form.

After thinking for a couple of minutes I look down and see my hands are still trembling along with the rest of my body. That hit to the wall seriously tired out my whole body. I sigh. Why am I so weak? Kari would be disappointed in me.

Alpha or Beta? (Being edited)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora