"Do you think he knows? Do you think father and mother know too?!"

"Your father and mother are too busy with other things to notice, but Larry? I don't know...have you even spoke to him about this?"

"No, I cannot do that. He'd never want to be near me. Plus, he's with the she devil out back."

"So. Just because he is with her doesn't mean he's in love with her."

"How do we even know if he is in love?"

"Ask him. It doesn't hurt to ask, Laurent. Talk about what it is in your heart. It's clear you're confused and being mute about it. You need to speak to him if you're going to get over this, or see where it could go."

I thought about it. Do I tell him? Do I speak to him about it? It's probably too late because of what happened earlier. He definitely wouldn't want to talk to me and for me to tell him that I am in love with him would make matters worse. I think I am just going to keep these feelings to myself.

"It's okay, Emmett. I just have to find someone...someone who can distract me."

"Suit yourself. I hope you feel better soon. As a matter of fact, I think I know where to take you to help you."

"Oh no, Emmett. We have completely different taste in company."

"It'll be fun. Just come with me to see how it is and if you wish to not stay I'll bring you back home."

Seeing that big smile of his I couldn't help but to think if this is a bad idea or good. To be honest, if he's the key to the door to help me get over what I feel inside for Larry then I'll do anything.

"Okay, but not for too long. We have to be back before father and mother get up."

"You can count on me. Go put on something more attractive."

I punched him before heading up to my room silently changing my attire. When I got back downstairs, Emmett had changed as well and he looked exceptionally spruce. He took my hand and brought me to his horse. He helped me on and then got in front of me and we rode into town. He stopped in front of what looked like a run down little home before he jumped down and helped me down. He took my hand once again before knocking on the door. A tall muscular man came and opened the door with the meanest expression apon his face. But once he saw Emmett the biggest smile replaced it, "Haven't seen you here in centuries."

"It hasn't been that long, José. Are you going to let us in?"

"Yeah, but..." he paused when he looked at me with his eyes wide, "You brought Prince Bourgeois here?!" He quickly got on one knee bowing his head. Looking up at me he said, "I'm sorry, Prince Bourgeois, but I can't let you in."

I touched his shoulder, "Get up," he stood up, but still had his head down.

"José, is it? I won't say anything if you don't."

"Are you sure you really want to come in. It just doesn't seem like you-"

Emmett cut him off and gave him a strange look, "He's sure. Now let us in before it rains."

José stood to the side and motioned us to enter. Being that Emmett still had a strong hold on my hand, he yanked me in and I saw nothing but a whole bunch of men. Men at what looks to be a bar, men sitting down, some even sitting on top of other men. Some were dancing while others watched. I couldn't help but to definitely think if this was a bad idea. I don't even know where I am. Emmett stopped to say hi to a few people, some looked at me, some whispered, some even bowed there heads and greeted me. When we finally came to a hault, Emmett was looking at me with a small smile, "Emmett, where am I?"

I'm What You Need (A Les Twins BoyxBoy Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now